Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 568 Princess Qi Yelin

Chapter 568 Princess Qi Yelin

"Can you add it to the auction list for me?" Zhang Kun couldn't help feeling Qi Zhengyan's great power. In such a high-level auction, the items should have very strict inspection and review procedures, let alone adding items temporarily. Zhengyan can do this, which shows how powerful he is!

Zhang Kun thought for a moment, then took out a brocade box, handed it to Qi Zhengyan, and said, "Then please Qi Zhengyan, please add this elixir of mine."

"Oh?" Qi Zhengyan smiled slightly. Originally, he was just saying something politely. He didn't expect that Zhang Kun really had something to sell.

Just as Qi Zhengyan was about to open the brocade box, there was a knock on the door: "Qi Zhengyan, the Great Elder is looking for you. There is an emergency meeting in the business alliance, and Mr. Bi Fang has also arrived!"

"Okay, I'll come right away!" Qi Zhengyan's face changed slightly when he heard the words, it seemed that the matter was really urgent, so he stopped opening the brocade box, smiled apologetically at Zhang Kun and said, "Since it is Zhang Keqing's work , I’ll just hand it over to the auctioneer, there’s no need to check it, by the way, tomorrow’s auction will be held in the palace, and the royal family will participate, so don’t be too casual, kid.”

"Thank you, Qi Zhengyan." Zhang Kun cupped his hands in thanks, and Qi Zhengyan nodded and left in a hurry.

"Qi Zhengyan turned out to be the vice-chairman of the alchemist's guild, I didn't expect that," Zhang Kun murmured to himself, "Then the chairman who has never seen the end is probably the old man Luo Quan, right? "

Luo Quan's status in Xilan Kingdom is supernatural. He is like a ghost. No one knows where he is, but he is everywhere. The elixir that Zhang Kun gave Qi Zhengyan was his relationship with Luo Quan in the Mirror Realm. The Void Pellet that was refined during the competition.

Although the effect of entering the void pill is miraculous, it can ignore the attacks below the foundation, but Zhang Kun's level has increased too fast, and now he no longer needs the assistance of this kind of pill, so why not sell it while taking this opportunity, other Not to mention, a trace of the snake spirit summoned by Luo Quan attached to it is enough to drive the dignitaries of Xilan Kingdom crazy!
Zhang Kun left the headquarters of the Ronghao League, returned home, checked Fu'er's condition, and found that her condition was relatively stable, so he went back to the house and continued to practice. The melting time can also have a very good cultivation effect.

"Huh!" Zhang Kun put down a workpiece in his hand. Recently, his training center has been placed on the way of refining weapons. He doesn't want to be scorned and ridiculed by Fei Zhu anymore. As for Fei Zhu himself, he has been staying in Jianqiu for several days. Li did not come out.

Looking at a piece of semi-finished armor in his hand, Zhang Kun sweated profusely, cleaned up the casting table, and after finishing all this, Zhang Kun lay on the bed tiredly, and seemed to have no intention of participating in tomorrow's auction, his mind was full of refining things, Soon Zhang Kun fell asleep with sleepiness.

Zhang Kun slept well and woke up early in the morning. He opened his eyes, washed his face casually, picked out some decent clothes, put them on, and went out. Although Qi Zhengyan reminded him not to It's too casual, but Zhang Kun has always been a person who is too lazy to dress up, unlike those rich and noble men who wear gold and silver, gold crowns and sachets.

"Squeak!" Zhang Kun was still wearing clothes, but the door of his room was opened, and Fu'er was standing in the doorway wearing only a white gauze dress, her fair skin was almost transparent, and her beautiful eyes were blurred. Leaving, people can't help but feel affection, but there is a trace of resentment in that eyes.

"Fu'er, why did you come here? You should go and have a good rest." Zhang Kun was a little surprised. Today's Fu'er seems to be a little different. She has always been well-behaved and sensible. Today she opened Zhang Kun's room door aggressively. What's the matter.

"Master Zhang Kun took Sister Jia'er out yesterday, right?" Fu'er unconsciously clenched the corner of her clothes, her pretty face as tender as if she could squeeze out water.

Zhang Kun was slightly taken aback, then nodded honestly and said, "Well, I took her to the alchemist guild."

"Bring her alone, right?" Fu'er's eyes turned red as soon as she rolled her eyes.

Zhang Kun was at a loss for a while, touched his nose and said, "I want you to rest at home more."

"Fu'er is ready, it's all right!" Fu'er looked at Zhang Kun stubbornly, with an expression of reluctance, and said quietly: "Master Zhang Kun thinks Fu'er is a burden?"

Zhang Kun quickly shook his head and said seriously: "No, I never thought about it that way."

"Are you going out again today?" Fu'er raised her head, her sakura-colored hair fell on her warm and jade-like shoulders, she looked particularly beautiful, but what she said made Zhang Kun feel a little chill down his spine, although they It's a master-servant relationship, but Fu'er's ninth-level Qi training is several times stronger than Zhang Kun's sixth-level, and the aura she released faintly overwhelmed Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun replied honestly: "Well, I'm going to participate in an auction, in the palace."

Fu'er wrung her hands together, secretly raised her head to glance at Zhang Kun, and said with the courageous momentum just now: "Take me with you."

Zhang Kun really did not expect that commanding tone. He narrowed his eyes slightly. At this time, there was a ray of morning sunlight through the gap in the window. Fuer was wearing loose clothes. He turned his head. At a glance, you can see her slender and sexy clavicle exposed from her neckline, and her creamy skin is completely exposed to Zhang Kun's sight.

Zhang Kun unconsciously made a swallowing movement, and Fu'er showed a puzzled expression, and she was half a beat behind, clutching her chest in fright.

Zhang Kun hurriedly followed the swallowing movement and nodded, covering up the past.

"Where is Master Zhang Kun looking? So, Master Zhang Kun agreed?" Fu'er said coquettishly, but she couldn't hide the joy in her words, and a blush crept up on her face.

"Fu'er, I went to the auction this time because of you." Zhang Kun took a deep breath and said with piercing eyes: "In order to help you take out that magic weapon, I need some materials. I hope I can find them at the auction."

"Then I have to take Fu'er with me!" Fu'er became petulant, as if she was entangled with Zhang Kun.

Now that Zhang Kun has no choice, he nodded seriously and said, "Well, I will take you to the auction, but it's my first time going to the Xilan Kingdom Palace, so you must follow me."

Fu'er agreed in surprise, and ran back to her room excitedly to change clothes.

Zhang Kun sighed, he was not afraid of heaven and earth, he beheaded the Lord of the Black Moon with his sword, and beat the old emperor, but he couldn't pass the beauty test!

Soon the two set off together, the palace was heavily guarded, and the Qianlong guards were not allowed to enter, but this time the auction was of high standard, and Zhang Kun was a distinguished guest of Ronghao League, so naturally there was no need to worry about safety issues .

Although the construction of Raging Waves City is strange, the palace is still as magnificent as in the world, with long corridors and high eaves. Many alchemists who have been invited have already gathered outside the palace gates to wait for the edict from the palace.

Although the auction this time was held jointly by the three parties, apart from them, there were also invited alchemists, weapon refiners, array masters and so on.

Zhang Kun walked over slowly with Fu'er, and stood in the corner of the crowd without making a sound. Both he and Fu'er wore hoods to cover their faces.

Surrounded by some unknown alchemists, of course they did not know Zhang Kun, but here he met his "old acquaintance" Rong Hong, and saw a proud young man in the crowd facing him. The alchemists around pointed to Jiang Shan and scolded Fang Qiu. Suddenly he saw Zhang Kun, and his expression changed slightly.

As soon as Rong Hong saw that the muscles of Zhang Kun's entire face seemed to be twisted together, he would twitch from time to time.The companions in the same group seemed to have noticed something strange, and immediately stepped forward to ask with concern.

"Rong Hong, what's the matter with you? You have such an ugly face, could it be that you have eaten your stomach?" His companion was also an alchemist in a Chinese robe.

"Cough cough cough, it's nothing." Rong Hong purposely looked away while answering. Zhang Kun looked at the alchemist whose face was trampled by him, and smiled slightly. point.

"I didn't expect that Zhang Kun would show up too. What a coincidence, heh heh, look at how I humiliated you today. Do you really think I'm special? It's just because of the power of the vice president. I competed for financial resources at the auction. It is impossible to lose to him!" Rong Hong turned around unwillingly and walked forward.

Today, elites from all walks of life from all walks of life gathered in front of this magnificent palace, and there was a lot of voices in front of the gate of the palace.

Standing in the crowd, Zhang Kun looked around. Almost all the alchemists were of the younger generation, and their clothes were even more mixed. It must be that the territory of Xilan Kingdom is very wide, with the sea in the east, quicksand in the west, ice fields in the north, and And the jungle, the customs are different from place to place.

"Hey, have any of you heard of the explosive news!" Someone in the crowd said mysteriously.

"Tch, we already knew that the eldest princess of the empire will show up at this auction!" A well-informed person has already received the news that the eldest princess of Xilan Kingdom's most respected princess, Qi Yelin, is Xilan. One of the few beauties in Languo,

Xilan Princess Qi Yelin loves the profession of alchemy, which has long been known to everyone, and she especially loves those young and promising talents.Every time the princess shows up, she will carefully observe the young alchemist. If she meets someone she likes, she will bestow the emperor's grace on her own. If she doesn't get rich overnight and become famous, or marry other princesses of the royal family, her status will directly rise to the top.

But so far, I haven't seen Princess Qi Yelin have a special liking for that young alchemist and personally make friends with him.

But even so, people who pursue the princess line up every year, waiting for her favor, and Zhang Kun is almost suffocated by the alchemists around him.

(End of this chapter)

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