Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 581 Mr. Bi Fang

Chapter 581 Mr. Bi Fang
A strange silver-white light shone in the hall, and the light quickly sketched twists and turns on the ground under their feet, forming a complicated and obscure array.

The array rotated slowly, and a burst of silver mist rose up, and soon the entire hall was engulfed in this silver mist.Zhang Kun tried to contact with his spiritual sense, and was surprised to find that the mist could actually isolate his spiritual sense.

Although Zhang Kun was very puzzled, he knew that the Shangmeng would never choose such a time to attack him. He stood quietly and waited, and the mist gradually dispersed as a cool wind blew.

A ray of strong sunlight shot down directly, but Zhang Kun was stunned. He was already on the deck of the ship above the sky, surrounded by the vast blue sky, and the scorching sun above his head scorched the earth.

Zhang Kun felt a little shuddering in his heart. He also knew a thing or two about the teleportation formation, but this time it was too weird. He didn't notice the fluctuations in space at all, and he didn't even know when he was on the deck. And looking at other people's expressions, it seems that this is a very common thing.

"Mr. Bi Fang's formation is really unpredictable." An elder with white beard and hair couldn't help sighing, with a somewhat lonely look on his face. Zhang Kun recognized that this was Xuan, who majored in formation. Elder Ming, the protective formation outside the business alliance was made by him, and he could show such an expression, so what level has this so-called Mr. Bi Fang's formation reached?

"Elder Xun, can you tell me what unexpected situation happened in the secret realm, so that we had to leave early?" Zhang Kun asked the doubts in his heart.

Elder Xun still had a somewhat tangled look on his face, as if hesitating whether to tell Zhang Kun about this matter, but a soft voice sounded from the side: "Actually, it doesn't matter to tell Zhang Keqing, in fact, we found that this small world is Crash and collapse."

"Then going in at this time is no doubt about death?" Zhang Kun frowned, the collapse of the small world caused the collapse of countless laws, and even the strong Jindan couldn't resist it. In an instant, it will be torn into pieces by the turbulent flow of space.

Bai Xiuxiu knew at a glance that Zhang Kun had misunderstood, and explained with a smile: "The collapse of the small world this time does not seem to be due to the collapse of the law, but is determined by the will of the small world itself. It is moving at a fixed speed. It disappeared slowly, and the disorder of the law was only limited to the collapsed area, and did not affect other areas, but even so, this small world will disappear completely in less than a month, so we are in such a hurry this time, and This is our last chance."

"I see." Zhang Kun nodded and said gratefully, "Thank you, Ms. Bai Xiuxiu, for your guidance."

"Zhang Keqing is polite." Bai Xiuxiu smiled and shook her head, the spaceship suddenly shook slightly, Bai Xiuxiu looked serious: "We have arrived at the entrance of this small world, Zhang Keqing, I suggest that you should act with us after entering. Although we haven't found any danger in several explorations, it's better to be careful."

"I appreciate Miss Bai Xiuxiu's kindness, but I still hope to see more of this secret place." Zhang Kun said lightly.

Seeing this, Bai Xiuxiu knew that Zhang Kun had a plan, so she didn't find it boring, smiled and left.

And then the Hulk seemed to have reached a singular juncture.This node is as insignificant as a speck of dust, and it is hidden high above the sky. If it weren't for the exploration of the divine sense, no one would have thought that it would be a bridge connecting a small world.

"Get ready, we're going in!"

Following the low shout of an elder, the giant ship seemed to have hit an invisible barrier, and the entire hull began to shake violently, threatening to disintegrate at any time.

The shaking of the hull became more and more violent, the powerful defensive magic circle engraved on the hull was activated, and the whole ship was surrounded by colorful rainbow lights, protecting the hull from being torn apart by the transformation force of this space.


With a light sound like piercing the film, Zhang Kun found that he was already in another world, and the sky above his head was so clear and intoxicating, like a piece of deep and pure sapphire.

Everyone was also attracted by the clear sky, but Zhang Kun noticed something strange. When his consciousness touched this small world, his face was full of disbelief.

"You found out?" Xun Qingshan's voice came from behind Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun nodded. In the feedback of his spiritual sense, the vitality of this world was so strong that it was terrifying.

The vitality of Zhang Kun’s world is in the shape of silk threads, thinly distributed in the air, but here the vitality forms an air mass, and even ordinary exhalation can inhale a small amount of vitality. Practicing here is equivalent to carrying a gathering spirit with you. Great array.

"When we first discovered this small world, we thought about developing it into a cultivation secret realm, but now it's impossible." Xun Qingshan looked into the distance, his expression full of regret. Using it, the overall strength of the business alliance can have a leap forward, and the effect of this kind of cultivation treasure land on a big force is immeasurable.

Zhang Kun followed his gaze and saw a black line on the far horizon. One side of the black line is the picturesque scenery of this small world, while the other side is a scene of doomsday. Fragments float in the chaos, and the countless vortexes formed by the collapse of the space are slowly rotating, sucking in everything around them, even the light cannot escape, thousands of red lightnings rage in the dark space, this is a forbidden land for the living.

"Is this the collapse of the world?" Someone also noticed this scene and murmured subconsciously.

"This world has some powerful restrictions that are delaying the collapse of this world, so we spend half a month exploring, and after half a month we have to leave no matter what, otherwise we can only be crushed into powder by the power of space." Elder Xun said solemnly, after hearing this, the relaxed look on the faces of those Tianjiao youths no longer existed, and each of them looked dignified, and they all shuddered when they glanced at the doomsday scene in the distance.

"Don't scare them." A female elder came over and said to the group of Tianjiao with a light smile: "You don't have to be so nervous. Although Elder Xun is right, according to our many investigations, this ascendant seems to be He is not a bloodthirsty person. There are no powerful wild beasts in this world, and most of the prohibition formations in the palace left behind by him are phantom formations and trap formations. So in fact, this exploration is dangerous. The coefficient is not large."

The teenagers were obviously relieved, and the atmosphere on the boat had obviously eased up a lot, and there was chatter and laughter again.

"Here we are, ready to enter the ruins." Mr. Bi Fang's indifferent voice lingered in everyone's ears.

As soon as Mr. Bi Fang finished speaking, the huge ship began to descend slowly, and the huge palace complex built around the mountains was displayed in front of everyone.

Before everyone could be amazed, the huge ship had already landed on a huge square. On both sides of the square stood countless pillars carved with dragons. The golden dragon was winding upwards. Contains some kind of coercion, the coercion of countless dragon carvings is superimposed, as if everyone is facing a real Nine Heavens Dragon.

These cheerful youngsters were immediately dismounted. In front of the majestic Longwei, these Tianjiao felt that they were as small as ants, and even every tiny movement would consume a lot of vitality. As time went by, Their heads were already covered with sweat, their bodies were trembling, their knees were slightly bent, trembling, and they were about to fall to their knees at any time.

Except for those elders, there were only three people in the audience who could stand safely. Bai Xiuxiu's body was surrounded by a hazy layer of clear light, which should be the effect of some kind of protective magic weapon, but it actually kept her from being affected in the slightest.

Qin Ziheng, as the strongest person of the younger generation of the business alliance, is indeed different from ordinary people. At this time, he clenches his fists tightly. Although his body is dripping with sweat, he is also the only one who is walking forward with Longwei .

As for Zhang Kun standing silently among the crowd, watching their ugliness coldly, after experiencing the oppression of the whole world, this false prestige is nothing to him at all.

Although he didn't want to be too obvious, he didn't bother to pretend to be like the others. He just stood upright in the crowd. However, at this time, those Tianjiao and elders were all focused on resisting the coercion, so they didn't notice Zhang Kun. exception.

On the contrary, Bai Xiuxiu, who was protected by a magic weapon, turned her head and smiled at him, a strange color flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"Mr. Bi Fang, please." Bai Xiuxiu saluted Lou Chuan respectfully.

A figure appeared at the mast of the building. Mr. Bi Fang stared at the endless pillar of dragon energy, and his lazy expression disappeared, replaced by endless fighting spirit, which was not aimed at the pillar of dragon energy , as if provoking an invitation to fight the real dragon.

The Long Qi Pillar sensed Mr. Bi Fang's provocation, countless pillars vibrated together, strands of golden air flow were stripped from them.Condensed into a five-clawed dragon made of gold.

The bright dragon scales shone brightly in the sun, and the indifferent and ruthless golden vertical pupils overlooked the crowd. The coercion swept over like a tsunami. Ass sat on the ground.

"Dragon...Dragon..." A young man murmured unconsciously, his pupils were already covered in fear, and anyone who saw this kind of divine beast that only existed in legends would lose his composure like this.

"No, this is not a real dragon." Bai Xiuxiu said suddenly, Zhang Kun's expression flickered for a moment, and he also discovered that although this golden dragon does look like a real dragon descending into the world, if you look closely enough, you will find its body Although it is very cohesive, it still has a sense of illusion, as if it is a counterfeit that was forcibly assembled.

(End of this chapter)

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