Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 582 Golden Dragon Soul

Chapter 582 Golden Dragon Soul
A clear and clear cry came from the sky, and the trembling people felt their bodies lighten, and the enveloping Longwei was broken by this bird song.

"This, what is this?" Qin Ziheng felt the temperature rising continuously, and a burning sensation came from above. When he raised his head, red eyes reflected.

The original blue sky has been replaced by crimson at this time, and the whole sky seems to be burning. The crimson clouds form a flame vortex. At the end of the vortex, there is a lava field vaguely visible. Countless flames condense into lotus flowers in the sea of ​​flames. swaying among.

Blooming karmic red lotus floated out of the vortex, and an elegant and beautiful figure slowly descended surrounded by the red lotus.

As the red lotus turned into pieces of flaming petals and scattered, this divine beast was truly revealed to everyone.

It was a flame divine bird. The blue feathers seemed to be burning with blue flames. The red flames on the bird's crown were like the crown of flames that crowned it. There were five wings and tails growing on the back, lightly flying in the flames. Swaying, the blood-colored pupils were burning with the inextinguishable flame of Bi Fang.

"Is this Bi Fang?" Bai Xiuxiu was obsessed with it, only the perfect creation independent of heaven and earth existed in her beautiful eyes.

After Bi Fang appeared, before the beast of the same level, the solemn golden dragon seemed a little uneasy, looking at Bi Fang fearfully with his cold vertical pupils.

"Go back to the Locking Dragon Pillar." Mr. Bi Fang said coldly, without any scruples at all because the opposite is the Dragon Clan.

Seeing this tiny human being, the golden dragon had anger and cruelty hidden deep in its pupils. It took a step forward, and the whole small world was filled with aura of golden sharpness. Sharp, spears made of pure gold slowly emerged, and the spears all over the sky pointed directly at Mr. Bi Fang, making people feel like there is an illusion of soul extinction at a glance. The spears are tightly wrapped around the world. The chain of order, as if this world does not allow the existence of such a killer,

It uttered a long dragon chant, this is the most ancient and pure dragon language, with the taste from the ancient wilderness, a terrifying hurricane blew up in everyone's soul sea, with the power to directly hit the soul.

A cold look flashed in Bi Fang's bird's eyes, and it waved its pure white wings lightly, and the red spots on the wings flickered. It was the blood inheritance engraved on this family by the laws of heaven and earth. The God Beast of Fire is the darling of heaven and earth, and has inherited the strongest Taoism of this family since birth. Bi Fang's Flame is the legendary fire that purifies the world.

There is a little light between the sky and the earth, and a lifelike red lotus of fire emerges in mid-air. After the red lotus blooms, it disappears. The petals of the deep and transparent red lotus fall with the wind. The manifestation of Taoism uses fire to evolve birth and death. In the funeral of Tianyan, each fire petal is the essence of fire. The layer of fire petals on the ground is enough to burn this small world.

For the first time, the golden dragon showed fear in its eyes, and it hesitated to move forward. It didn't mind fighting with Bi Fang, but it was limited to this small world. If Bi Fang accelerated its destruction, it would be considered a It also has to suffer a lot in the turbulent flow of space, and it is not because of it that it is revealed this time. The vertical pupil of the golden dragon reflects the figure of a young man. After hesitating for a long time, it turns into countless golden streamers and returns. Arriving at the Dragon Locking Pillar, the dragon spears all over the sky also slowly drew back and disappeared.

Bi Fang withdrew his gaze, and walked to Mr. Bi Fang with flames all over the sky, the coldness in his eyes disappeared, replaced by gentleness.Mr. Bi Fang stroked Bi Fang's feathers and said softly, "Go."

Bi Fang let out a crisp cry, and dissipated into pieces of fire feathers, and the flame vortex in the sky gradually disappeared.

"It turns out that Mr. Bi Fang can really summon the divine bird Bi Fang," Qin Ziheng murmured, looking at the middle-aged man on the mast with fiery eyes, with yearning in his expression, if he can have this kind of strength, this Who else in the world can stop his pace.

Although these teenagers knew that Mr. Bi Fang had a very high status, even the leader would treat him with courtesy, but no one had seen him make a real move, and even the elders had only vaguely guessed his strength, and did not expect him to make a move. It was Shi Potian's surprise, and beyond everyone's expectations, he summoned a divine bird to force back a golden dragon.

"Cough cough." Although Xun Qingshan was also shocked in his heart, he quickly reacted, thought clearly about the stakes, and said with a serious expression: "What happened just now, you must never mention it to others. People will be dealt with as treason!"

The other elders also nodded in agreement, warning these teenagers not to reveal the matter, but despite this, the hearts of these elders were also active, guessing the relationship between Mr. Bi Fang and the divine bird Bi Fang, could it be that Mr. Bi Fang really Is it a reincarnation of Bi Fang?
Many people also thought of this, and looked at Mr. Bi Fang with curiosity, feeling that this lazy middle-aged man was covered with a layer of mystery.

"This golden dragon is not weaker than Bi Fang. I'm afraid he retreated for another reason. I'm afraid it will change if it's too late. Let's go in quickly." Mr. Bi Fang obviously didn't want to reassure them, but his expression was a little worried. However, he also believed that the reason why the golden dragon appeared this time should be because he sensed his aura.

Everyone responded, and after Bi Fang dispelled the pressure of the golden dragon, they also recovered their ability to move. They gathered together in twos and threes and walked forward, looking very satisfied, as if they really regarded this trip to the secret realm as a After an outing, after seeing Mr. Bi Fang's strength, they didn't think there was anything else that could threaten them.

The elders Xun Qingshan and the others looked at each other, seeing the helplessness in their eyes. They did not expect that this trial of the secret realm turned out to be a meaningless outing. It was really because Mr. Bi Fang’s methods were too shocking. Few people in this world can match him.

"What's wrong? Are you scared by the golden dragon just now?" Bai Xiuxiu saw that Zhang Kun was still standing there stupidly, thinking that he was scared by Bi Fang and the golden dragon, and leaned closer to Zhang Kun and looked at him with her head tilted.

Zhang Kun smelled the lavender-like elegant fragrance of the girl, and after realizing it, he looked at the girl who was close at hand. He was also a little embarrassed, and he distanced the distance calmly, shaking his head and said: "It's okay, let's go."

Zhang Kun turned his head and glanced at the Suolongzhu next to him. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He felt that the golden dragon had just glanced at him before retreating.

"Here we are." The crowd moved forward along the lock dragon pillar, and finally stopped in front of an ancient bronze temple. The outside of the ancient temple was stained with mottled copper rust, carrying a desolate atmosphere.


An elder pushed open the door of the bronze hall, making a teeth-stinging rubbing sound, and the scene inside the ancient temple was displayed in front of everyone, revealing a deep passage.

Everyone groped along the passage, which was winding and narrow, seemingly without end, and they did not see the exit after walking for a long time. On both sides of the passage, murals were faintly engraved. Zhang Kun observed the murals along the road, It seems to record the events of the ancient years, but because of the serious damage, it is already blurred.

"Zhang Keqing, are you interested in these murals?" Bai Xiuxiu's voice came from the front, and the purple in her beautiful eyes could be vaguely seen in the darkness.

"Just take a look at it casually. The mural is so badly damaged that nothing can be seen." Zhang Kun looked back and smiled lightly.

"Yes, we have also sent people to study. This mural should record the scene of ancient ancestors offering sacrifices. There should be several complete murals behind." Bai Xiuxiu slowed down and walked side by side with Zhang Kun. There is a light in the long and narrow eyes, which flashes away in the darkness, like a shooting star flashing across the night sky.

The two walked while talking and laughing, not noticing that not far ahead, Youdao was quietly watching them with cold eyes.

"It's here, and the exit is in front of it, so the murals here are relatively intact." Bai Xiuxiu's jade finger lightly pointed to a little light that appeared in front of her, that was the exit.

Zhang Kun nodded. Although the murals here are a bit damaged, it can be clearly seen that this is a sacrifice. On the first mural, countless ancestors surrounded a high platform like a colony of ants, and on the high platform was a man with a blurred face. An unclear old man holds an open ancient book in both hands.

The old man in the second mural looked up excitedly at the sky, and the countless ancestors below worshiped him. The sky split like a mirror, breaking into a dark rift, as if creatures were about to descend here.

When Zhang Kun subconsciously looked at the third mural, his whole body froze, as if a pair of eyes were watching him in the dark. The scene in the third mural was an ancient mirror falling from the crack , everything in the world was reflected on the mirror, including the panic and despair on the old man's face.

Zhang Kun couldn't be more familiar with this ancient mirror, and even his ability to come to the present is largely due to the fragments of the bronze mirror. Now, he seems to be able to finally unveil the mystery of the bronze mirror.

Zhang Kun hurriedly looked at the last two murals, but these two murals were blurred, and the entire murals were erased by some force

"What's the matter?" Sensing Zhang Kun's emotional fluctuations, Bai Xiuxiu asked curiously.

"It's nothing, let's go, we're at the exit." Zhang Kun smiled, suppressing the doubts in his heart.

"This ancient temple is the entrance to the ruins. Everything in the ruins is restricted. We guess that time has been distorted by people using the supreme method, so in fact, the things we see now actually exist in the From ancient times." The voice of a female elder came from the bright light ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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