Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 598 Meeting Luo Quan

Chapter 598 Meeting Luo Quan
Yue Qingfeng escorted Zhang Kun out of Lin's house with Wei Xibu who was in a coma. Along the way, many masters in the Lin's courtyard watched him covetously, but none of them dared to make a move.

They were angry and startled, Zhang Kun followed the head of the Lin family into the dungeon, but now he came out unharmed, just now Yue Qingfeng rushed into the dungeon to show off his might, they all saw it!

Several foundation builders just watched Zhang Kun walk out of the Lin family with Wei Xibu behind his back, and they didn't forget to step on the plaque of the Lin family before leaving!

"This is undoubtedly a declaration of war!" The elders of the Lin family surrounded Lin Linfeng and said angrily.

"Patriarch, our Lin family can't bear this tone!" Several veterans were furious, but the Lin family is the top family in the city of Raging Waves, a thousand-year-old family that has been rewarded by His Majesty the emperor. bit!
Such a top-notch family was brutally broken into, and after being robbed, could it still walk away?

The Patriarch of the Lin family groaned in his heart, that was the Golden Dragon Clan, anyone would have to succumb in front of such a creature, all he could think of at the time was surrender!
But the elders don't think so, they will put the face and glory of the Lin family first, if the head of the Lin family can't solve this matter perfectly, he doesn't have to be the head of the family anymore!

"Don't worry seniors, I just took over the banner of the Lin family from the old Patriarch, and I will definitely not let it be ashamed of me!"

"Hehe, I hope so, this is a great shame for our Lin family, to be humiliated to this point by a mere qi training junior!" The elders were extremely angry, heartbroken, and told people to put away the fragments of the plaque, they didn't want to see it again, It hurts to see it once!
"What to do, Zhang Kun is the guest minister of Rong Hao League, and he is protected by a strong Jindan around him, so he can't be touched at all!" Everyone in the Lin family said viciously with their fists clenched.

"That Yue Qingfeng, I know his background. At the auction, it was Zhang Kun who took out the Jiuyang Pill and took away our lot!" Lin Nuozhen said.

"He is a hidden master. He didn't show any strength at that time, but after getting Jiuyang Pill, his strength has been restored, and he has become a strong Jindan!" Lin Nuozhen said.

"Damn Zhang Kun, that person should belong to my Lin family, but he was robbed halfway!" The elders were heartbroken again. If Lin Nuo could really buy the dark spar sold by Yue Qingfeng at that time, they would The Lin family will then be able to get in touch with Yue Qingfeng!
"Since this Yue Qingfeng joined Zhang Kun because of the elixir, why don't we use the same method to poach him here?" The elders of the Lin family started another emergency meeting in the dungeon.

"That being said, who of you can take out Jiuyang Pills to restore Yue Qingfeng's strength?" Lin Linfeng sneered.

At this time, a well-informed Lin family elder said: "Jiuyang Pill is an ancient prescription that has been lost for many years. It is difficult to find its prescription in the whole continent, but I know where to find it!"

"Where?" Everyone was full of curiosity, especially the two daughters Lin Nuozhen and Lin Nuochun. At the auction, they were really impressed by Zhang Kun's miracle of concocting Jiuyang Pills within a quarter of an hour, but they didn't know the truth. Who else can provide such a miraculous elixir.

"It's that great existence, 50 years ago, I saw him give this kind of elixir to an old man." The elder said mysteriously.

When Lin Linfeng heard it, he was immediately in awe, he understood that the person he was referring to was Luo Quan, the great Gu master of Xilan Kingdom.

"If it was him, this matter should be easy to handle. The Great Gu Master once owed us favors. If we go to him to get the medicine, he will help." Lin Linfeng nodded and said.

"It's just that the whereabouts of the great Gu master are always erratic. Patriarch, do you know where he is?" Everyone asked, even if they knew that Luo Quan had Jiuyang Pill in his hand, Luo Quan himself would be difficult to find. Show less, no one knows his tracks.

Lin Linfeng raised the corners of his mouth, "As far as I know, he has been staying in the city of Raging Waves, at the highest level of the Tower of Raging Waves!"

The Nutao City's Nutao Tower is Luo Quan's lair, and he never expected that the great Gu Master, whose whereabouts are uncertain, would stay in his lair all the time.

"I went into the Raging Wave Pagoda overnight to ask for the elixir. You stabilize the situation here. First, send someone to contact Yue Qingfeng and tell him that our Lin family can hire him at twice the price of Zhang Kun!" Lin Linfeng ordered.

The foundation builders who were originally in the dungeon interjected, "Patriarch, what about the golden dragon?"

"Hmph, no matter how strong the golden dragon clan is, they will be suppressed at the peak of the golden core. Without Yue Qingfeng's guard, the golden dragon, which has not been able to fully reveal its strength, can't protect Zhang Kun. Attacking Zhang Kun's body with all his might, I don't believe what kind of waves he can create with a small Qi training environment!"

"Hmph, that's right. The Patriarch is right. Zhang Kun's strength cannot hold the Golden Dragon. As long as we kill him, there must be a way to bring the Golden Dragon under our Lin family's command!"

As the top family in the city of Raging Waves, the Lin family has a disgraceful fortune. To put it simply, it is a one-word grab. What is the benefit, what is the treasure, they will grab it. It is precisely because of this style of behavior that the Lin family has gradually become stronger. , until it became the top family in Sealand.

"Speak out, Zhang Kun insulted my Lin family. My Lin family and Zhang Kun are at odds with each other. Put him on the list of must-kill enemies to test Rong Haomeng's attitude."

In their eyes, Zhang Kun was a more troublesome plunder. As for how he humiliated the Lin family, the Lin family threatened to take revenge on Zhang Kun. That was just an excuse. The real purpose of the Lin family was to kill people and seize treasures!
At night, Lin Linfeng brought a priceless magic weapon and disappeared into the night alone.

The city center of Raging Waves City is not a palace of the royal family, but a tall tower piercing into the sky, even the eyesight of Qi practitioners can't see its top!
Lin Linfeng took a deep breath. He felt very nervous about meeting that person next time. This person was moody and could kill as he pleased. He would kill anything that dissatisfied him at all, whether it was the royal family or not. Or the top power, he doesn't care.

The most mysterious existence among the four major forces in Raging Waves City is the Dark Vein. The Dark Vein has no headquarters, no organization, or even fixed personnel, but it is everywhere, infiltrating Raging Waves City, and even the entire Sealand Kingdom!

Only the well-informed will know a secret, the master of the dark vein is Luo Quan.

There is a hidden entrance guarded by the phantom formation in the woods. If you don't reach the golden core, you will get lost in the phantom formation. Lin Linfeng also spent a lot of effort to find this entrance.

I saw that the entrance door was open, like a deep and bottomless black hole, which seemed to be able to swallow people's hearts. The deep darkness made Lin Linfeng extremely afraid.

"I hope Mr. Luo Quan is in a good mood today." Lin Linfeng stepped into the entrance, followed by a deep and long corridor. Rows of candlesticks made of skeletons stood on both sides of the road, burning faintly The strange blue flame seemed to never go out!
In the extremely deep passage, you can't see your fingers. Some kind of restriction has been set up around here, so that Lin Linfeng, who is a middle-stage Jindan, can't see the surrounding situation.

"Are you here?" From the deepest part of the tunnel, a misty and old voice sounded leisurely, as if it came from the dark.

Lin Linfeng hurriedly saluted and said, "The great Lord Luo Quan, Lin Linfeng, the No. 40 third-generation patriarch of Xialin Family."

"The Lin family, it has been passed down to 43 generations. It's really not as good as one generation! Forget it, let's talk about it." Luo Quan hid in the darkness and didn't show up, but gave people an indescribable sense of oppression, which made Lin Linfeng break out in cold sweat.

"I want to ask you for a kind of elixir, Jiuyang Pill." Lin Linfeng said hastily.

Luo Quan said in a low voice: "Yes, but there is a price."

Lin Linfeng was overjoyed when he heard that, Luo Quan really had Jiuyang Pill in his hand, and of course the price he asked for was absolutely high.

But in order to deal with Zhang Kun, Lin Linfeng was willing to pay no matter the price. He was already prepared and held the magic weapon in his hand above his head.Facing Luo Quan, he only felt as if he was facing Zhang Kun's ancient dragon. It was the fear and trembling from the depths of his soul. He was also a strong Golden Core, but the great existence in front of him lived longer than a few generations ago. The emperor of Xilan Kingdom will last a long time, he has already reached the peak of alchemy, and he is only a step away from the realm of great alchemist.

The endless years allowed him to hold supreme power, and the mere Lin family was not looked down upon by Luo Quan at all.

The magic weapon in Lin Linfeng's hand disappeared in an instant, and there were chilling whistling sounds in the darkness. Lin Linfeng didn't know what happened in the place he couldn't see. A figure slowly appeared.

Luo Quan looked at him indifferently, holding a small bottle in Lin Linfeng's hand.


Luo Quan said expressionlessly, and then disappeared without a trace.

After Luo Quan left, Lin Linfeng turned tremblingly and left the Raging Wave Tower.

His eyes were already full of joy, the entire Rage City was under the control of Luo Quan's dark veins, since Luo Quan was willing to give medicine to prove his attitude, his attitude towards Zhang Kun was the same as that of the Lin family.

Apparently, this young man who has made his mark in Raging Waves City has already attracted Luo Quan's attention. If he continues to develop like this, the disaster will be endless. Luo Quan will use Lin Linfeng's hand to destroy Zhang Kun.

Of course, this is the only possible judgment made by Luo Quan in this world, and the soul of Luo Quan in the realm world has not yet returned!

Once Luo Quan's soul returns, he will immediately stand by Zhang Kun's side, which is absolutely impossible for the Lin family to think of!

(End of this chapter)

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