Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 599 Mr. Bi Fang's Request

Chapter 599 Mr. Bi Fang's Request

Let's say that after Zhang Kun brought Wei Xibu back to his mansion in Yiyang District, he immediately picked up the talisman given to him by Elder Xun.

"Elder Xun, I need to have a direct dialogue with the top management of the business alliance!" After Zhang Kun finished speaking, he immediately cut off the contact. called to his room.

"Master Zhang Kun, what happened?"

Zhang Kun nodded quickly and said, "We are about to officially start a war with the Lin family!"

Everyone's expressions changed when they heard this. The Lin family is the most top existence in Xilan Kingdom, and there is a front-line force with Jindan powerhouses in charge. When the Lin family is angry, Rong Haomeng may not be able to keep Zhang Kun!
"Master Zhang Kun, what should we do?" Fu'er's pretty face turned pale, and she tightly grasped Zhang Kun's arm but asked again.

Zhang Kun looked calm, and he smiled lightly: "It's okay, I will take you to a safe place!"

What Zhang Kun was referring to was the secret realm of the small world left by Immortal Jiu Jian. After Zhang Kun took control of the secret realm, the collapse of that world began to slow down. The birth and death of such a huge world is a very long process. After there is a controller, the speed of collapse is greatly slowed down.

Zhang Kun estimates that, at this rate of development, it will take a thousand years for the small world to completely collapse and disintegrate.

Moreover, his current strength is not enough to repair and maintain the small world, but in the future, Zhang Kun may not be able to improve the small world, prevent its collapse, and even make it advanced and wider.

Everyone was puzzled when they heard it, and they didn't know where the safe words Zhang Kun was referring to were.

Elder Xun here immediately realized the seriousness of the matter after receiving the message from Zhang Kun. He had never seen such an anxious tone from Zhang Kun, so he immediately put down what he was doing and contacted the great elder.

After a stick of incense, the Great Elder had arrived in Zhang Kun's courtyard.

"Great Elder!" Zhang Kun was about to step forward to salute, but was held up by the Great Elder.

"You don't have to be polite Zhang Keqing. We already know the whole story. The Lin family issued a killing order after you left!"

Zhang Kun was a little surprised. He didn't expect the Lin family to move so fast. He was guarded by Yue Qingfeng and the golden dragon. Why was the Lin family so confident that they immediately changed their face and wanted to kill him as soon as he left?

Zhang Kun nodded and said: "Well, I have something to ask you, please open the teleportation formation again, the elder, I want to send my subordinates to the Ascended Realm."

"The Ascended Realm?" The Great Elder was obviously stunned. Didn't the Ascended Secret Realm be completely destroyed after Zhang Kun and the others left? Zhang Kun sent people here at this time, wouldn't he let them die?

Zhang Kun took a deep breath. In his original idea, he would let his power enter the secret realm of the small world sooner or later, but his original intention was to hope that this matter would be done in secret and not be discovered by the business alliance. Kun's identity as the controller of the secret realm will definitely be exposed.

But at this moment, the situation is urgent and only by catching the teleportation array of the business alliance can he send his forces to the secret realm of the ascendant in a short time.

The small world of the Ascendant is far away from Raging Waves City. Without the help of the teleportation array, Zhang Kun would have to fly with them for several days and nights to get there. With time, the Lin family had already cleaned up Zhang Kun's forces.

"Elder, it's like this. Although the secret realm is about to be shattered, it can still last for a few days." Zhang Kun explained.

The Great Elder frowned slightly and said, "The matter of the Lin family cannot be resolved in a few days!"

Zhang Kun shook his head with a faint smile and said, "No, the matter of the Lin family can be resolved in a few days!"

As soon as this remark came out, even a person with excellent concentration like the Great Elder was shocked, thinking that Zhang Kun was just talking nonsense.

What a powerful family the Lin family is, even if the old patriarch had just passed away, their family's power and strength had not been weakened in the slightest, and they still firmly controlled Raging Waves City, ranking among the four top forces in Raging Waves City.

And now Zhang Kun actually said that he would destroy the Lin family within a few days?How is this possible?
"Zhang Keqing, your previous proposal to send troops to the Xiaoshuo Empire to deal with the Wangwen Empire, although this proposal has been approved by the Merchant Alliance, it will also consume a lot of resources of the Merchant Alliance, so this time the Lin family's In a crisis, the Merchant Alliance can take action to protect you, but the matter of dispatching troops to the Xiaoshuo Empire will be postponed." The Great Elder expressed his intentions tactfully.

In other words, Zhang Kun can only choose between the two, and the business alliance will only help Zhang Kun once!
This can't be blamed on Rong Haomeng's stinginess. After all, whether it is facing the terrifying Lin family or launching a war against the Wangwen Empire is not a trivial matter, even Rong Haomeng has to use all its strength to deal with it.

The Great Elder hoped that Zhang Kun would choose to deal with the Lin family. After all, the Lin family is also an old opponent of the Ronghao League. They don't mind providing Zhang Kun with some protection, but it is different when using troops against the Wangwen Empire. There are many things involved. Yes, many businesses of the Shangmeng in the Wangwen Empire have to be moved back in advance.

"No need, I can deal with the Lin family by myself, all you need is to help me open the teleportation array to the Ascended Realm." Zhang Kun shook his head and said confidently.

The Great Elder couldn't help being slightly taken aback, but after seeing that Zhang Kun's serious expression didn't seem like he was joking, he still nodded.

"The teleportation array to the secret realm is in the hands of Mr. Bi Fang." The elder said, and he quickly called Mr. Bi Fang.

Mr. Bi Fang took a deep look at Zhang Kun and showed an intriguing smile.

"Okay, since Zhang Keqing is so persistent, I will open the teleportation array for you!" Mr. Bi Fang nodded, stretched out a hand, and waved it in the air a few times, silvery white light flashed, and the light followed As his fingers quickly formed a mysterious formation in the air, the formation slowly rotated, and a burst of silver mist rose up.

Zhang Kun took Fu'er and Jia'er's hands and walked into the formation, and the members of Qianlongwei and Ge Ranhui followed him into the formation.

A white light flashed, and everyone felt dizzy for a while, which was a side effect caused by the space change.

After a while, an idyllic scene of green water and green mountains appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Since Zhang Kun was in charge of this small world, it became less violent and full of monsters.

But what Zhang Kun didn't expect was that besides his subordinates and friends, another person also appeared in the Ascended Realm.

That person is Mr. Bi Fang!

Zhang Kun's expression suddenly became extremely serious, and he stared at Mr. Bi Fang who was still in the mid-air, whose breath was not visible but still made people feel frightened.

He is always ready to summon the golden dragon to take action. This Mr. Bi Fang can control the divine bird Bi Fang. Only the golden dragon can compete with it in his hands. Zhang Kun faintly feels the power of the divine bird, which makes him feel extremely pressured.

"Mr. Bi Fang, you already knew?" Zhang Kun asked.

"Haha, that's right, the teleportation formation is in my hands, so I'll come back and see it once," Mr. Bi Fang said with a smile, "It's just that I didn't expect that you are the one who controls this secret realm."

Zhang Kun breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Mr. Bi Fang had no ill intentions towards him.

"I saw you fighting with that black figure. At that time, I suspected that it was you who got the figure. Now I can be sure." Mr. Bi Fang said a word without beginning and end, and everyone didn't know what to do.

As long as Zhang Kun understands what he means.When Zhang Kun and Hei Jianxian fought decisively, their figures were projected into the void of the outside world, and those in the business alliance who entered this place for adventure and experience all saw that battle!
However, most people didn't see clearly who the two warring parties were. Only this Mr. Bi Fang noticed Zhang Kun's aura.

Zhang Kun was still cautious, and he said cautiously: "Mr. Bi Fang came here, what are you talking about?"

"Hahaha, Zhang Keqing, don't be too nervous, I don't mean any harm, and since you have mastered the secret realm, you must have taken that golden dragon under your command, right?" Mr. Bi Fang said with a smile.

"Roar!" There was a sound of dragon chant suddenly in the clouds, and a dragon claw protruded from the thundercloud and black mist. The golden dragon roared dissatisfied: "Mortal, pay attention to your words, how can this deity Condescending to a small qi-training monk, I signed an equal contract with Zhang Kun!"

When Jiaer Fuer and others saw the real dragon appearing for the first time, their faces were full of disbelief, which completely overturned their cognition and three views. Zhang Kun actually had a real dragon under his command?
Especially Qianlongwei and the others, they came to Xilan country with a mission, Xu Qing sent a message every day, asking them to complete the mission as soon as possible and return to the country to support, the Xiaoshuo Empire really has no time to procrastinate!

But now after they saw the golden dragon, they knew that Zhang Kun's power had grown enough to affect the war. With the golden dragon around, they still couldn't win the Wangwen Empire?

"Haha, Zhang Keqing is really lucky. In this way, even I can't do anything to you." Mr. Bi Fang smiled self-deprecatingly and shook his head.

"Mr. Bi Fang can also control the divine bird?" Zhang Kun asked.

"Hey, don't mention it. Everyone in the world calls me Mr. Bi Fang, and they envy me for my relationship with the divine bird, but who knows that the presence of this divine bird is both a blessing and a curse. To be honest, Zhang Keqing, I have something to ask for." !” Mr. Bi Fang sighed.

Zhang Kun was slightly taken aback, and asked, "I don't know if Mr. Bi Fang can help the younger generation?"

"Haha, Zhang Keqing, you are welcome. I heard from the Great Elder and the leader that you have a wonderful way of alchemy, and you know all kinds of methods of refining rare and precious elixirs. What I am asking for is also related to elixirs." Mr. Fang said.

Zhang Kun breathed a sigh of relief, and the golden dragon was also hidden in the clouds and disappeared.

"I hope Zhang Keqing can refine it for me, Great Sun Gold Udan!"

(End of this chapter)

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