Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 600

Chapter 600
"Da Ri Jin Wu Dan?" Zhang Kun was slightly stunned when he heard the name. He had really heard of this kind of elixir, and even happened to have this kind of elixir in the realm!
Da Ri Jin Wu Pill, it is an extremely fire attribute pill, it is extremely difficult to refine, it belongs to the ninth-level panacea, and the pill formula has been lost for thousands of years, I am afraid that even the great Gu master Luo Quan does not have this medicine in his hands refining method!

It can be said that this kind of elixir can not be taken by human beings at all. Even the physique of a strong golden elixir will burn all over after taking this medicine, as if being ignited and feel uncomfortable, and finally cause the meridians to burn and burst to death!

Therefore, this elixir is actually a kind of explosive, which is the same as the Furious Flame Pill that Zhang Kun once used, and it can cause a wide range of damage. With the rank of the Great Sun Golden Wudan, even the strong Golden elixir will have a headache for a while.

But Zhang Kun thought that Mr. Bi Fang had Bi Fang's divine bird, so he didn't lack offensive means at all. He asked Da Ri Jin Wu Dan for other purposes.

When Mr. Bi Fang saw Zhang Kun showing such an expression, he knew that there was something to be done about it, and immediately said while the iron was hot: "If Zhang Keqing can provide me with this kind of elixir, then I promise not to tell others Zhang Keqing's secret, and I can Promise you, help you make a shot!"

The relationship between Mr. Bi Fang and Rong Haomeng can be said to be inextricably linked and very complicated. Mr. Bi Fang, like Zhang Kun, is a guest official and has not fully joined the business alliance. He has a strong sense of autonomy in his actions and does not You must obey the orders of the business alliance, and you don't need to be loyal to the business alliance.

Moreover, this person's strength is too strong, not to mention being able to summon Bi Fang Shenniao to fight for him, he himself is a powerful formation master, if he can make him owe favors, Zhang Kun is confident to help Xiao Shuo The empire promised this war!
Zhang Kun said with a faint smile: "It would be great if this is the case, but I don't know why Mr. Bi Fang wants this Da Ri Jin Wu Dan?"

Mr. Bi Fang sighed, shook his head and said quietly: "It's okay to tell you this matter, Keqing Zhang doesn't know, this Bi Fang divine bird is a divine beast, an existence beyond the level of Jindan."

"It is impossible for such an existence to exist in the world for a long time, and it will be suppressed by the rules of this world. Therefore, the Bifang Divine Bird can only be attached to my body to survive. I can call it out when fighting. But it can only last for a short period of time, and Bi Fang Shenniao's combat power is also strictly limited to the peak level of Jindan!"

Indeed, this world is harsh, and does not allow anything beyond the realm of the Golden Core to exist. No matter whether it is a human monk or a beast, it can only appear at the peak level of the Golden Core. When the Lord of the Moon also comes to this world, shouldn't he obediently appear at the peak of his golden core?

The same is true of the golden dragon under Zhang Kun. He can only stay in the secret realm of the ascender on weekdays. When Zhang Kun needs it, he shows his great supernatural powers and appears in front of Zhang Kun in time through endless space.

Of course, the time it can appear in the world is very short, only a short 5 minutes, otherwise it will attract thunder and calamity, which is the punishment of this world. Even the golden dragon can hardly resist the power of the catastrophe!
Zhang Kun glanced at Mr. Bi Fang indifferently. He had a very aggrieved tone, but in fact, Jindan peak is already the most powerful combat power in this fact. A more powerful existence can only appear in some world rules that are distorted. In the small world of the secret realm, possessing the strength of the peak of Jindan is enough to sweep the world. Why is Mr. Bi Fang looking sullen.

Mr. Bi Fang also saw Zhang Kun's doubts, and then explained: "But even if this is the case, the bird of Bi Fang attached to me will cause a great burden on my body, and it will take a lot of money to do this. Rijin Wudan came to assist me in controlling Bifang Divine Bird, this is because my physique is especially suitable for Bifang Divine Bird, if it were an ordinary person, I would have died suddenly!"

Mr. Bi Fang rolled up his sleeves, and saw that his arms were already covered with golden-red fine lines, as if torn his body apart. I don't know what method he relied on to survive until now, and Walked so far on the way of formation.

Zhang Kun couldn't help but gasped when he heard that, he didn't expect that there was such a secret behind Mr. Bi Fang's great display of power.

"It will take some time to refine the Great Sun Gold Udan, please wait for a while, Mr. Bi Fang," Zhang Kun said.

Zhang Kun himself can't refine the Great Sun Golden Crow Pill at all. There is indeed a Great Sun Golden Crow Pill in the Mirror Domain, but its level is too high. Tier panacea.

Mr. Bi Fang nodded in understanding. After all, refining such a difficult elixir is really difficult for Zhang Kun. Among other things, the collection of materials is a very troublesome thing.

"The most important thing now is to deal with the Lin family first!" Zhang Kun thought.

Mr. Bi Fang asked: "Since you have already controlled this secret realm world, why not just hide here, then the Lin family will definitely have nothing to do with you, and with your talent for cultivation and the rich resources in the secret realm, it won't take ten years. You may be able to confront the Lin family head-on!"

"Ten years? Too long!" Zhang Kun shook his head and categorically rejected, "Besides, I'm not afraid of the Lin family!"

"You want to deal with the Lin family alone?" Bi Fang was surprised when he heard that, the Lin family is not a cat or a dog, it is one of the four top forces in Raging Waves City, although it can be said to be the weakest force among them, but there are also two Jindanqiangs who!

Zhang Kun nodded solemnly, and everyone looked incredible. This completely overturned their three views and cognitions. Many people came up to persuade Zhang Kun to stay in the secret world and use the resources here to practice. Step on it!

"No, I can't wait that long. My homeland is suffering from war. How could I hide here?" Zhang Kun still shook his head.

Facing a super family alone, everyone only felt that Zhang Kun was a little crazy at the moment, but at the same time, they also felt his invincible demeanor, which was really yearning for!
Seeing this, Mr. Bi Fang could only shake his head and smiled, "If Zhang Keqing needs anything, just ask."

Zhang Kun was noncommittal, and asked Mr. Bi Fang to send himself out of the secret space.

After returning to Raging Waves City, Zhang Kun was going to discuss with Yue Qingfeng the next strategy. The Lin family was coming fiercely here. Even if Zhang Kun had the protection of the Golden Dragon Clan, he couldn't sit still on Diaoyutai.

"Master Zhang Kun, the Lin family found me, and they said they could also provide me with Jiuyang Pills." Yue Qingfeng said.

Zhang Kun snorted softly, a little annoyed and puzzled, only he and Luo Quan had Jiuyang Pills, and where did the Lin family get Jiuyang Pills?
"Then you promised them?" Zhang Kun's pupils shrank, and he looked at Yue Qingfeng defensively.

"No, I refused!" Yue Qingfeng shook his head resolutely and said: "I, Yue Qingfeng, am not a wolf-hearted, ungrateful person. That day Master Zhang Kun gave me a pill to restore my strength, and I will be loyal to you alone!"

Zhang Kun believes that Yue Qingfeng's character is not that kind of villain. In addition, the contract he signed with him is the testimony of Jing Yu, and it is impossible for Yue Qingfeng to violate it.

Zhang Kun nodded slightly and said, "Then what do you think of the Lin family's attack?"

"The old Patriarch of the Lin family has passed away, and now there are two Jindan powerhouses in the Lin family. One is Lin Linfeng, the patriarch of the Lin family, and the third elder was seriously injured by Master Zhang Kun's sneak attack with the god-killing insect." When Zhang Kun transferred the strength of his men , Yue Qingfeng was not idle either, he went to collect information about the Lin family.

"Although the third elder was seriously injured, the Lin family paid a high price and quickly treated his injuries. The current Lin family are two real gold core experts, and the Lin family was afraid that this would not be safe enough, so they asked the royal family of Xilan Kingdom for help. It is!" Yue Qingfeng said more and more seriously, obviously this matter is very difficult, Zhang Kun was a little too confident before!

Zhang Kun frowned slightly. This Lin family is indeed a top family. Once fully activated, the energy generated is really shocking. Not only did it heal the injuries caused by the sharp-edged insects, but it also attracted the royal family. These two things All exceeded Zhang Kun's expectations!

"It's a bit difficult now, maybe I have to use up the favor from the Shangmeng, but if that's the case, the plan to rescue the Xiaoshuo Empire will be postponed again!" Zhang Kun suddenly felt caught in a dilemma!

Yue Qingfeng also frowned. Given his age and knowledge, he really couldn't find a solution at the moment, so he could only look closely at Zhang Kun, hoping that he could figure out a solution!

Just when Zhang Kun was thinking, he suddenly heard Jingyu's icy mechanical voice!
"The alchemist assessment is about to begin!"

Zhang Kun's face changed wildly, now he is going to conduct the alchemist assessment, which is not bad, the Lin family is coming aggressively, and may attack him at any time, at this time, Jing Yu actually summoned himself to conduct the alchemist assessment?

This is too coincidental. If Zhang Kun is not around, the five foundation-building monsters such as Godkiller and Naga King Snake cannot be summoned, and the golden dragon cannot appear in the world. With just one Yue Qingfeng, he couldn't resist the Lin family's attack at all!
"At this point, we can only hide in the secret realm of the small world!" Zhang Kun was about to contact the business alliance without hesitation, but suddenly felt a wave of shaking!
"Boom!" A bolide directly hit Zhang Kun's house, breaking through the barriers of formations, and it was about to fall!

Zhang Kun and Yue Qingfeng's expressions changed again. They didn't expect the Lin family to come so fast, and they didn't have the slightest chance to breathe!

"Senior Yue, this battle is all up to you, please hold on!" Zhang Kun roared solemnly, a wave of summoning energy came from the mirror field, and with a flash of white light, he appeared in the mirror. In the domain!

(End of this chapter)

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