Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 610 Hope in a desperate situation

Chapter 610 Hope in a desperate situation
In the palace, everyone was stunned. Looking at Xu Qing's old back, their hearts trembled.

"Your Majesty, you can't go!" Gongsun Yangyan stretched out his hand to stop him.

Xu Qing is the king of the Xiaoshuo Empire, and he is also the most powerful person in Xiaoshuo. He went out to surrender, which meant that the Xiaoshuo Empire was really defeated. It was such a humiliating thing for the emperor to surrender to the enemy.

Xu Qing looked at the magnificent palace that had been turned into ruins, felt sore in his heart, and sighed repeatedly: "I will surrender, maybe I can save your life."

"I am the emperor, and they will never let me go, but you are different, Guo Shi, you are a famous alchemy master all over the world, I hope the Wen Empire will not do anything to you. As long as I surrender, they will not let you go." Kill them all." Xu Qing said with a sigh, at this moment he seemed to have aged countless years, not like the king of a country, but like a desolate old man.

Gongsun Yangyan shook his head firmly and said: "It's not the last moment, we can't surrender!"

"What hope is there?" Xu Qing lowered her head and exhaled a foul breath.

"Zhang Kun, he will definitely come back." At this time, the girl's firm voice sounded in the hall, and everyone turned their eyes to that corner.

I saw that girl standing there alone, looking helpless. In fact, everyone in the hall was in a state of helplessness, but only the girl's beautiful eyes remained. In a bit of brilliance.

"He won't come back. Xilan Kingdom is thousands of miles away, and there is no news about Zhang Kun!" Everyone shook their heads and sighed.

"Besides, even if he comes, it won't help. He may really have a strong Golden Core under his command, but our enemy is not only a single Golden Core, but also thousands of troops, an organized army of Qi trainers, and spiritual weapons. Zhang Kun can't solve every single piece of the immortal pagoda." Xu Qing's eyes lit up at first when he heard the name, but soon dimmed again.

In the main hall, everyone also shook their heads and sighed, it was too late, Kaiyang City had been breached, and only the imperial palace was left to resist.

What will Zhang Kun do to save the country?And many people are doubting in their hearts, will Zhang Kun come to save this dying country?
"He will definitely come, I believe in him." Su Fangmeng said softly, not caring about other people's gazes, she lowered her head and closed her eyes and began to pray. She was wearing a pure white dress and showed a slight smile, like a saint again. like elves.

"Your Majesty, as long as we have one breath left, we should fight to the end. We can still fight before we reach the end of the mountain!" Gongsun Yangyan firmly held Xu Qing's hand and tried his best to persuade him.

Outside the palace, the Wangwen Empire had obviously lost patience, His Majesty Wanghuang sneered and said: "Since you are not willing to surrender, then let me slaughter you all with my own hands!"

He is an old monster over 120 years old. He spends most of his time in a state of deep sleep. He has been practicing in seclusion to seek breakthroughs. Hundreds of years of practice have made him even more withdrawn and bloodthirsty. In order to achieve his goals, he will never have Any kindness, he will conquer and destroy this country, trample it under his feet, and slaughter everything!

Master Mengyin and Yanbu Sanren stood proudly in the void, looking faintly at the imperial palace below, but did not make a move. They had fulfilled their obligations according to the agreement and broke through the defense of Kaiyang City. In the final stage, they no longer shot.

His Majesty Wang looked at the huge palace with a sneer, as if he could turn it into ashes with a single thought, and behind him were five half-step Golden Core powerhouses, who could explode the power of Golden Core at critical moments!Their existence brought great pressure to the Xiaoshuo Empire.

"Clang!" There was a clear sound of metal colliding, and a golden mace flew out of the palace at an extremely fast speed, breaking through the air, and aimed straight at His Majesty the Emperor!

"Huh!" Leng snorted, looked at the emperor's majesty, waved his sleeves, the bright yellow dragon robe fluttered in the wind, and a dark purple energy shot out instantly, with a bit of domineering towards the golden mace, making a loud bang , the golden mace was bounced away and returned to Xu Qing's hands.

Looking carefully, there is actually a short dagger hidden in that dark purple aura, which is sharp and sharp, with Jiuyou Qi faintly wrapped around it.

Xu Qing walked out of the palace, followed by Gongsun Yangyan and the few remaining princes, their expressions were gloomy and determined, obviously they had made up their minds to fight to the death with the Wangwen Empire!

"I didn't expect that you even brought this ancestral artifact here!" Xu Qing said in shock: "The famous sword, fish intestines, Wangwen Empire's national treasure!"

He has never seen this dagger before, but his father, Emperor Xiaoshuo, once described the horror of this sword to him. Fifty years ago, His Majesty Wang Huang had entered the middle stage of Jindan, and with this sword, he could cut Yuandan Late Monster Beast!

His Majesty Wang Huang sneered and said: "It is not necessary to use such a weapon to kill you, but after all, after killing you, this sword will be silent for too long, I can't bear to let it be too lonely, I want it to taste your blood! "

Xu Qing fixedly stared at the opponent in front of him, looked at the Yuchang sword with fear, and took a deep breath.

"If you want to fight, fight, why do you need to talk too much!" Xu Qing shouted loudly, let out a long whistle, and the golden mace in his hand burst into a powerful aura again. Above the sky, a bright star twinkled, which was the star of the Big Dipper. , in the final battle of the Xiaoshuo Empire, it finally lowered its starlight, shining on the golden mace, and thick pillars of vitality descended on this world, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

Seeing this, the three commanding generals of the Wild Lion Legion soared into the air, commanding the Qi trainers behind them to roar and attack together, one after another vitality turned into a huge attack and rushed towards Xu Qing, forming three gods in midair. rainbow!
Lord Wojia and the others were behind Xu Qing, their hearts skipped a beat. Such an attack was so powerful that it could blow them into pieces in an instant!
Among the nine princes of the Xiaoshuo Empire, two had already fallen in the hands of the Wangwangwen Empire in the previous war. The ones who killed them were Master Mengyin and Yanbu Sanren, and one of the seven under him was Among them, only three have reached the half-step Golden Core state, and the remaining four are in the late stage of foundation establishment.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Xu Qing waved the golden mace casually, and with a mighty energy, he cut off the three rainbow lights, and several bottomless ravines were added to the originally broken ground!

Master Meng Yin closed his eyes tightly and said leisurely: "The power of heaven and earth is ultimately not one's own strength, and it cannot last long."

Yanbu Sanren looked at the golden mace, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up. Soon he will get this quasi-spiritual weapon. Although the fairy tower is good, it is not a weapon for killing. He longs for an invincible weapon , I have been coveting Xu Chixiao's golden mace, and now I am fighting for the Wangwen Empire, it is for this thing!

"With me here, you don't want to go any further!" Xu Qing regained his former majesty, holding a golden mace and shouted angrily. He used the most powerful technique of Huangjimen, and the golden vitality in his body burned to the extreme, pouring it into the golden mace Among them, a thick beam of light was shot towards His Majesty Wanghuang, and everything affected by the beam of light was shattered and disappeared. Many Qi trainers in the Wild Lion Army who couldn't dodge were directly turned into green smoke!

"Hehe, Xu Qing, your talent is not bad at the middle stage of Jindan, but it's a pity that you have met me now!" His majesty Wang Huang's handsome face showed a mocking smile, and he walked towards Xu Qing step by step. Qing came, as if ignoring the terrifying coercion.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat. He was in the late stage of Jindan 50 years ago, what state would he be in now?

"Boom!" Hearing a loud explosion, His Majesty Wang Huang took thirteen steps, and at step No.14, he made a move!

A blood rainbow cut through the void, and the space was pierced instantly like paper paste. The fish-gut dagger in his hand turned into a bloody light, pointing directly at Xu Qing's eyebrows!As if the real murderous aura erupted in an instant, everyone's hearts were suffocated!
Even Master Mengyin and Yanbu Sanren gasped, only to see nine blood-colored holes appearing on Xu Qing's body, his royal robe was torn and covered with blood, and the strength of the golden mace in his hand Also instantly loosened, the golden glow went out, and his aura dropped to a low point!
"Your Majesty!" Everyone clenched their fists, with expressions of unwillingness and anger!
Gongsun Yangyan's eyes widened, and he hurried to catch up. Several pills appeared in his hand, and he sent them to Xu Qing's mouth.

"Hahaha, it's useless, Gongsun Yangyan!" Master Yuan Ao opened his mouth, and he said with a sneer: "The wound caused by the fish intestine sword cannot be healed by you, unless you enter the realm of the great alchemist and refine the transcendent It is possible to save his life only when the mysterious pill of the spiritual pill comes!"

"Damn it!" Gongsun Yangyan turned pale, lifted Xu Qing's body, handed it to the person behind him, and looked at Yuan Ao with a gloomy expression.

"Kill!" Gongsun Yangyan yelled out a word from the depths of his throat, the aura of the seven princes exploded and rose to the extreme, and they rushed away. Gongsun Yangyan stared at Yuan Ao and killed him.

"Gongsun Yangyan, I didn't expect you to have reached the realm of Golden Core!" Yuan Ao sneered, hiding behind His Majesty Wangwang, he is not yet a strong Golden Core.

His Majesty Wang Huang looked at Gongsun Yangyan lightly and said: "Your emperor is no longer good, why don't you surrender to me, I can also consider making you and Yuan Ao equal!"

"Don't even think about it!" Gongsun Yangyan roared angrily, took out the cauldron of Dao of Origin, and threw it at His Majesty Wang Wang!

"Huh, I don't know how to live or die!" His Majesty Wang Huang smiled contemptuously, and the Yuchang Sword was ready to go again, condensing into a bloody light, trying to pierce Gongsun Yangyan!

The few remaining generals of the Xiaoshuo Empire also led their subordinates to attack, and the Wild Lion Army united into an army formation, trying to take all their classrooms. At this moment, a big black hole appeared beside a Wild Lion General, and a young man Step out of it!
 The collection is too low, is the author not working hard enough?
(End of this chapter)

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