Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 611 Zhang Kun Returns

Chapter 611 Zhang Kun Returns
"Is that the end?" Su Fangmeng lowered her head and wept, her delicate face was completely sad.

And countless people from the Wangwen Empire cheered and celebrated the victory. Before Master Mengyin and Yanbu Sanren could make a move, the Xiaoshuo Empire was defeated. This battle was already a certainty. Shuo Empire!

"After this battle, there will be no more Xiaoshuo Empire!" Master Yuan Ao sneered again and again.


The few remaining generals of the Xiaoshuo Empire also led their subordinates to attack, and the Wild Lion Army united into an army formation, trying to strangle them all. At this moment, a big black hole appeared beside a Wild Lion General, and a young man Step out of it!
Everyone was stunned, but they saw him flashing an extremely bright radiance, rushing towards the sky, exploding like fireworks, extremely gorgeous, and then shooting down countless sharp arrows from the sky like a shower!

"This is?" All the strong Qi practitioners present were taken aback, and even His Majesty Wang Huang's expression changed, and he looked up into the sky.

In an instant, his face changed a little, and he said in disbelief: "Yu Xing Mo Ya? How come?"

Each arrow is full of magical power, and the slender shaft is infused with surging magic energy. It is a war weapon cast from extremely complex materials. They cut through and tear the sky, and the scene of thousands of arrows firing together is extremely spectacular. , From a distance, it seems that there are pieces of aurora appearing on Kaiyang City, and each of the Royal Star Demon Arrows is locked on an enemy, no matter how the opponent dodges and evades, they will be shot by the Royal Star Demon Arrows!

"Boom, boom, boom!" Explosions sounded one after another, and there were deep pits all over the ground. Each of these Royal Star Demonic Arrows had the power of peak Qi training. Now there are more than a hundred Royal Star Demonic Arrows among the fireworks exploding in the sky?
The Wild Lion Legion, with three hundred Qi practitioners, was half dead in an instant!There is a magic arrow stuck in their bodies, and their vitality has been exhausted!
It was such a terrifying thing that a powerful army of Qi trainees was reduced by half in an instant, and everyone present fell into deathly silence!

"Who is it?" His Majesty looked up, unable to conceal the shock in his heart.

The Wild Lion Legion has been his life's painstaking effort, and it is a sharp weapon to conquer the enemy's country. Now more than half of them have been killed and injured, and they exist in name only!

In the middle of the sky, a black-haired boy stood proudly on the clouds, one eye was pitch black, and the other was a ruthless dark gold color!

In Zhang Kun's eyes, there was an angry flame burning, which seemed to never go out!
"Yellow-haired boy, how dare you kill my brother!" A general of the Wild Lion Legion was extremely angry and roared at him repeatedly.

"Who are you, please don't meddle in this war!" His Majesty Wang Huang said in a deep voice. Although the young man in front of him only had the strength to practice Qi, he shot hundreds of arrows with a wave of his hand. Star Demon Arrows are worth hundreds of spirit stones, so spending so much money, his identity is definitely not simple, maybe he really has the ability to control the war, although His Majesty Wang Huang is not afraid of him, but he does not want to cause trouble again!

"It's Zhang Kun!" Seeing the boy's face, everyone in the Xiaoshuo Empire couldn't help shouting out!

This is their last hope, that boy means a lot to them, perhaps only he can turn the tide!

But at this moment, he is alone, there are no thousands of troops behind him, there are no countless strong men behind him, only him.

"It's really Zhang Kun?" Su Fangmeng raised her head and shed tears again, but now they were tears of excitement.

He once disappeared during the battle with the Lord of the Black Moon, and countless people thought that he fell in that battle, and was thrown into the turbulent flow of space by the Lord of the Black Moon, and died directly.

Only a few people know that he shouldered the responsibility of his family and country and went to Sealand, where he took root and established a powerful force to save his hometown.

Zhang Kun was alone with his hands behind his back, Ling Liyun looked at the crowd with expressionless faces.

"Kill him!" Seeing that Zhang Kun didn't respond for a long time, His Majesty Wang Huang suddenly lost his patience, shouted loudly, and several half-step Jindan powerhouses made a move, shot out a few halos, weaved them into a net, and locked Zhang Kun in the trap. Among them, he must be strangled!

I saw Zhang Kun taking a few steps, walking on the ground as if walking on flat ground in the air, and his figure was like a ghost. No one could catch his steps. All the attacks fell into the empty space, and several shadows burst in place His body has already appeared in Xiaoshuo Palace.

"Master, Meng'er, are you all right?" Zhang Kun ignored the strong men who made the attack, and looked at everyone in the Xiaoshuo Empire.

"It's okay, we're okay, you're finally back!" Su Fangmeng wiped away her tears with her hands, stepped forward and tightly grasped his hand, nodded vigorously, her eyes still red!

As far as Zhang Kun looked, there were ruins and ruins, the world was miserable, countless strong men fell to their deaths, and the Xiaoshuo Empire was bullied. His eyes instantly changed from tenderness to coldness.

He turned around, looked at the army of the Wangwen Empire and said word by word: "You took advantage of the emptiness and invaded our land. Today, I will stain the sky with blood and kill you Wangwen Jindan to fall. I, who is at night, will be punished no matter how far away!"


There was a loud noise, and a gaping gap opened in the sky. From the gap, soldiers wearing golden armor, wings on their backs, and swords in their hands suddenly stepped out!
Every god general has the strength in the early stage of foundation establishment, and at this moment, hundreds of them appear out of thin air!
Following Zhang Kun's words, they let out a roar that resounded through the sky!

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw this scene. Everyone present was stunned, their faces full of disbelief. This simply overturned their three views and cognition.

"Impossible, how is it possible, where did he find so many strong foundation builders?" The face of the general of the Wild Lion Legion has turned pale. With a wave of Zhang Kun's hand, he summoned out of thin air a legion composed of strong foundation builders. They were not at the same level at all!

This is not enough, at the same time, following the warriors of the gods and warriors came out several Jindan powerhouses with a sea of ​​energy. An old man in a gray robe squinted his eyes slightly, holding a long knife like autumn water in his hand. Qingfeng, he has been healed by Zhang Kun, and has regained the power of the golden core. Beside him is a majestic middle-aged man, who is the leader of the business alliance. His clothes are extremely luxurious, not weaker than the emperor's dragon robe. There are ten rings on his hands, each of which is a peerless Taoist weapon, and a scepter in his hand, exuding surging vitality, it is a magic weapon of quasi-spiritual weapon level!
A clear cry came from the sky, and a flame bird appeared in front of everyone. It had blue flame tail feathers, and the blood-colored pupils were burning with the inextinguishable Bi Fang Zhiyan. Standing beside it was A man is Mr. Bi Fang!

"Bifang Divine Beast?" The eyes of the people below were full of shock. The figure of this divine bird was really beautiful, and it seemed out of place in this war-torn battlefield.

The people of the Wangwen Empire stared blankly at the divine bird Bifang in mid-air, and turned pale with shock.

"Impossible, how is it possible! Kill, kill them!" The Qi practitioners panicked, they felt that they were as small as ants in front of the divine beast!
His Majesty Wang Huang roared: "Meng Yin, Yan Bu, act now, otherwise you won't get what you want!"

On the other hand, Zhang Kun's eyes were extremely cold. He didn't talk nonsense, and said in a low voice: "Kill!"

Immediately, the vitality of the gods was released at the same time, condensing into a milky white sharp gun in the midair, which was several miles long, and the barrel of the gun was covered with mysterious divine patterns, extremely complicated, this sharp gun was extremely powerful Big, shot straight at the Wild Lion Legion, the Wild Lion Legion fought in haste, and the remaining one hundred Qi trainers gathered together to release their last strength, but how could the light of the firefly compete with Haoyue? Fai?

In front of that long spear, a furious lion transformed by the Wild Lion Legion was pierced through the head, overflowing with vitality, and instantly collapsed and shattered. The general wailed, unable to withstand the powerful attack at all, he was pierced through his body by a spear, and the spear light exploded like raindrops, crushing his body to pieces!
At the same time, the three gold elixir powerhouses immediately started to move. The long sword of autumn water in Yue Qingfeng's hand cut across the sky, like a clear spring, with a stream of light in the sky, and countless Qi practitioners would die if they touched it. Then, the blood-colored rainbow light bloomed from the fish intestines in his hand, and he fought with him, but Yue Qingfeng didn't care at all, and shouted angrily, the slender knife was covered with a layer of silver light, making him look like a god Usually, the two weapons collided with each other, and the space trembled!

On the other side, Master Mengyin suddenly opened his eyes, and two rays of golden light pointed at Mr. Bi Fang. The huge ape beast under him slapped his chest frantically. The meaning of submission, in front of Bifang Divine Beast, felt the oppression of blood, and couldn't help but succumbed to Bifang Divine Bird, but its owner, Master Mengyin, recited a passage of scriptures and turned into Taoism The golden light descended on it, temporarily cut off the coercion, the giant ape leaped into the air, stretched out its powerful claws, trying to catch Bi Fang!
Bi Fang flapped his wings, his figure was nimble, and there were a few milky white light spots on his wings, which fell slowly and ignited in the midair. It was the fire of purifying the world. Red lotuses bloomed and rose with the wind. Falling down, it was so beautiful, it was like a funeral of heavenly flames, layers of petals of fire spread on the ground, directly igniting the battlefield, countless Qi trainers of the Wangwen Empire couldn't dodge, just a trace of flames, they were burned even their souls. Burn it up!
"Boom boom boom!" An extremely bright light hung from the tower, and Yanbu Sanren squinted his eyes slightly, driving the tower towards the leader of the business alliance to suppress it!

(End of this chapter)

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