Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 612 Shocking World War

Chapter 612 Shocking World War
The Immortal Pagoda came from the sky, and the color of the emerald all over made people dazzled, thinking that it was really a tower of the Immortal World, this kind of precious metal is rare in the world, even Fei Zhu couldn't help being amazed in the mirror field!
There are a few pieces of colorful clouds around the fairy tower, and there is a pavilion hidden between the clouds, which adds a bit of immortality, and there are even cranes flying around the tower. When the tower comes out, it seems to represent Like the will of heaven and earth, one cannot help but surrender.

But the leader of the Ronghao League here is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He holds ten rings full of jewels, and ten different colors of light are interwoven in mid-air to form a complicated big net. The fairy tower net is in it, restrain it!

"The Ten Commandments of Taoism! It is a complete set of Taoist artifacts. Each ring has the power comparable to that of a quasi-spiritual artifact. When combined together, it is even more powerful than ever!" Xu Qing stared blankly at the rings below. .

The Ten Commandments of Dao, it is said that before ascension by a powerful man, he took ten different Dao wills from the Dao of Heaven and made them with painstaking efforts from suitable precious materials. That mighty being split into the Ten Commandments to seal its overpowering power!
Lord Wojia took a deep breath and said: "The nine princes of my Xiaoshuo Empire also have a power ring in their hands, and your majesty has a main ring in their hands, which also make up the Ten Commandments, but it is a magic weapon cast in imitation of the Ten Commandments of Dao. "

Even the Xiaoshuo Empire had to imitate the Ten Commandments of Dao. It can be seen how powerful this thing is. Everyone thought that the Ten Commandments were scattered in every corner of the continent, and each one was a treasure. Thinking that the Ten Commandments are all in the hands of the leader of the Ronghao League!
How much financial and human resources are required to gather all the Ten Commandments left in the Quartet. Everyone is stunned at this moment. Where did Zhang Kun find such a powerful helper?

The Immortal Pagoda and the Ten Commandments collided together, the sky and the earth seemed to fade away, all sounds disappeared, everyone just felt that they were deaf, and the scene of the explosion made everyone close their eyes.

"Boom boom boom!" The Ten Commandments flew out from the fingers of leader Rong Hao, magnified several times, and lined up in mid-air to form a deep passage, releasing a powerful shattering force, wanting to crush the immortal pagoda inch by inch. Shatter!
Yanbu Sanren gave a cold shout, waved the wreath, and sent a wave of huge vitality towards the tower, and a spiritual light descended from the sky, shining on the tower to increase its power. This kind of spiritual weapon is Artifacts that have been favored by the heaven and earth can absorb the power of the heaven and the earth at all times, filling several bodies, even if they are damaged and broken, they can also repair themselves.

There was a smile on the corner of Yanbu Sanren's mouth. What he was in charge of was a spiritual weapon. Although the Ten Commandments were numerous, they were just Dao weapons. There was a qualitative gap between the two!

"Hmph, fortunately we have invited Yanbu Sanren this time, otherwise, the power of the Ten Commandments, I think the Wen Empire would really be hard to resist!" Master Yuan Ao sneered a few times, but he was full of confidence in Yanbu Sanren.

But at this moment, the leader of the Ronghao League gave a loud shout, raised the scepter in his hand, and emitted a myriad of miraculous rays of light, illuminating the entire battlefield. All the strongmen of the Xiaoshuo Empire felt that they were full of power, and their bodies surged. vitality.

"Ronghao Scepter!" As an emperor, Xu Qing has a lot of knowledge and finally recognized the man's identity. The originator collected precious materials from all over the world and was made by a master craftsman who was still alive. Just like its name, this staff can release the breath of spring and make everything flourish. The soldiers who fell into desperation recovered again and continued to fight!

And the Ten Commandments in the air grew a little bigger again, a bluish-white light beam passed through the channel formed by the Ten Rings, and every time it passed through a Dao ring, the bluish-white light beam grew a little bigger, and at the end , that blue-white light was as thick as a pillar of heaven, and the powerful power contained on it shook the world, and everyone's hearts trembled. They had never seen such terrifying power before!

"Boom!" Yanbu Sanren also roared angrily, and the Immortal Tower charged across the Ten Commandments, colliding head-on with that blue-white light!

"Ka Ka Ka!" With the sturdiness of the Immortal Tears Green Golden Pagoda, it was trembling in the bluish-white light at this moment. The bricks, tiles and wood chips on the Immortal Pagoda trembled and fell down. The entire Immortal Tears Green Golden Pagoda seemed to be held by the giant hands of gods. In general, start to collapse from the base of the tower!
At the same time, the Ten Commandments also let out a piercing trembling sound, and one after another faded away!
Two extremely powerful forces collided together, and everyone could only see smoke and dust overflowing in the air, and an explosion cloud ring suddenly appeared, and the aftermath of the explosion destroyed most of the Xiaoshuo Palace, and even the Xiaoshuo formation could resist it Can't weaken too much power.

Everyone couldn't help but look into the air, and murmured:
"Who actually won?"

Su Fangmeng looked at Zhang Kun with some worry, but seeing Zhang Kun's calm and confident face, he smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, this is not the full strength of Rong Haomeng!"

Everyone took a deep breath, this is not full strength, the power of the two colliding has reached the peak of Jindan, it is already the strongest strength allowed by this world, no matter how strong it is, it will be subject to the rules of the world Suppressed, fell to the peak of Jindan!

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the ten commandments of Tao collapsed and flew one by one, falling to the ground, the color was dim, and lost its brilliance. In its original state, the body of the tower has been completely shattered, turning into green and gold fragments of fairy tears!
"What, what, what!" Yanbu Sanren couldn't accept this fact at all, and everyone present was stunned, their faces full of disbelief, which completely overturned their three views and cognition.

The legendary spirit weapon is the most powerful magic weapon, representing invincible and supreme power. Even the royal family of the Xiaoshuo Empire does not have a real spirit weapon, which shows how precious and powerful this thing is!
But now, the Immortal Tears Green Golden Pagoda was blown apart and shattered into pieces, which made it hard for everyone present to believe it.

His Majesty Wanghuang was fighting with Yue Qingfeng, his face suddenly became extremely ugly, Rong Haomeng's strength is too strong, he can cover the sky with one hand in Xilan country, let alone in the two scales of Xiaoshuo and Wangwen Not a big empire!
"The Ten Commandments of Taoism have also been damaged." Leader Rong Hao said lightly, but his face did not change. It seemed that the loss of a set of magical weapons comparable to spiritual weapons was nothing to him.

He is in charge of the entire Ronghao League, and the financial resources in his hands are so strong that if the Ten Commandments are destroyed, they will be destroyed, and he doesn't care at all!

However, Yanbu Sanren couldn't accept this fact at all. The Xianlei Green Golden Pagoda was his biggest reliance, and his own strength could only be regarded as ordinary among the golden elixir. It was only by chance that he got the Xianlei Green Golden Pagoda that established his super strength. Just as he was crying bitterly, leader Rong Hao had already appeared beside him. With a wave of his sleeves, several powerful magic weapons appeared behind him. All the magic weapons emitted a golden light, piercing directly at Yanbu Sanren!
In a hurry, Yanbu Sanren mobilized all the power of the golden core in his body, blasted out a ball of flame light, shook away those magic weapons, and let out a loud shout, causing the spire of the Xianlei Green Golden Pagoda to stab at the leader Rong Hao.

"Stab!" However, leader Rong Hao was even faster, and a magic talisman with countless mysterious lines appeared in his palm, and he chanted the rune, which suddenly attracted the thunder of the Nine Heavens and struck down!

Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, carrying the power of destroying the world, hit Yanbu Sanren's body in an instant, split his body in half from the middle, and at the same time split his body until it was burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, and it was scorched black. After the attack, the power still remained undiminished, and the thunder cloud in the high sky accumulated strength again, and another divine thunder descended!
"Ah!" This time, Yanbu Sanren was directly smashed to death. A generation of Jindan powerhouses, legendary casual cultivator leaders, just fell under the thunder of heaven.

The sky thunder was mighty, after killing Yan Bu Sanren, another thunder disaster descended, and it seemed that a wild thunder dragon several tens of feet appeared in the thunder cloud. On the body of Qi Shi, a dozen strong men suddenly fell at the same time!
His Majesty Wang Huang's face changed wildly. One of his major reliances in attacking Kaiyang City was the Yanbu Sanren, but he had already been beheaded by the rescuers brought by Zhang Kun at this moment!
"Master Mengyin, don't underestimate the enemy!" He yelled with an ugly face. He used a fish intestine sword to win the battle with Yue Qingfeng, but at this moment he was anxious, and this battle could not be dragged on any longer. up!
Master Mengyin couldn't keep his calm state of mind any longer, his eyes shone with a holy golden light, he swung his Zen staff horizontally, and waved it a few times in his hand, the white apes under him roared at the same time, and the figures of a man and a beast overlapped Together.

"Fusion? Human-animal fusion?" Everyone looked at his terrifying method in disbelief, and saw that he had merged with the white ape, and his aura rose again, and the hair on his body turned into a golden color.

"The breath is approaching the peak of Yuandan!" Gongsun Yangyan murmured, his eyes were full of jealousy, Yuandan monsters have always been the nightmare of human monks, and they all have countless human blood on their hands. Those who attack by besieging and strangling may not be able to kill the Yuandan monster!
A trace of despair rose in the hearts of everyone!

However, Bifang Divine Bird in mid-air still had contempt in its eyes, looking down at the golden ape from a high altitude, as if looking at ants!
"Chi Chi Chi!" Bi Fang flapped his wings at will, and lowered the holy flames. After purifying the world, the sky was burned up, and strands of sparks fell on the body of the golden ape, and all the hair on his body burned!

(End of this chapter)

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