Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 618 The Enthronement Ceremony

Chapter 618 The Enthronement Ceremony
The Wangwen Empire is more powerful than the Xiaoshuo Empire, and the palace is even more magnificent, beautiful, and extravagant. Today, for the enthronement ceremony of Wang Liren's new emperor, this place is even more decorated with ornaments. A coronation platform was set up in the square, with thousands of steps, like a road leading to the sky.

On the way to the palace, there were special monks who used spells to create an auspicious scene, just like the blooming iron tree and silver flower, which was unprecedentedly grand. Although this new emperor's enthronement ceremony, which attracted worldwide attention, was held after the defeat of the Wangwen Empire , but the significance to the Wangwen Empire is still extraordinary.

After all, the people of the Wangwen Empire yearn for peace. Those who Zhang Kun killed on the battlefield were all generals who were above Qi training. Soldiers who set fire to, raped and slaughtered civilians during the war were beheaded for public display.

The rest of the soldiers who only obeyed the orders of the higher-ups also returned to their homeland one after another. Under Zhang Kun's deliberate guidance, these credits were credited to the third prince Wang Liren, so he quickly became a respected and admirable new soldier. Emperor.

In the eyes of ordinary people in the imperial city, it was the third prince who brought peace to the two countries, so there was no objection among them.

The palace square was crowded with people, and there were no empty seats. In addition to the court officials, the people of the imperial city also had family members who had just been incorporated into the Ronghao League by Zhang Kun. They were the mainstay of the empire, and their presence represented support for Zhang Kun's decision.

Many of the supporters of the eldest prince and the second prince are Wang Shu's former veterans. Seeing this scene, they all sighed and gave up their obsession. Can't afford to turn over a little storm.

The singing and dancing in the palace dazzled people. Zhang Kun took Su Fangmeng to the Baizhang high platform in the distance, where he could overlook the entire coronation platform. His position was unique, and it was the only place in the palace that was higher than the coronation platform. , extremely noble!

This also symbolizes Zhang Kun's identity. Above Wang Liren, this time's enthronement ceremony is not prepared for Wang Liren, but rather to let the whole Xuanyue City understand who is the real master here!
Zhang Kun's superficial identity in the Wangwen Empire is the national teacher, and he is respectfully called Zhang Shi by Wang Liren.

"Boom boom boom!"

The officials who set up the supervisor began to beat the drums. This time the enthronement ceremony was organized by the Ministry of Rites. Although the ceremony came a bit suddenly this time, it was still carried out according to the etiquette system.

The royal priests and court officials lined up on both sides with solemn expressions and extremely respectful expressions. Amidst bursts of fairy music, nine strange beasts containing dragon blood slowly drove in with their chariots, roaring from time to time. Added a bit of prestige!
"Oh my god, that's the blue-eyed dragon blood beast of the early stage of Xudan. Each one can be called the overlord among the monsters. At this moment, it is actually pulling a cart for the new emperor!" I have never seen such a powerful monster in my life.

"It seems that the national strength of the Wangwen Empire has not been damaged too much!" Many people nodded. This is indeed good news for them. In fact, most of the high-level officials of the Wangwen Empire who were eliminated by Zhang Kun in the war The combat power has not affected the lives of these ordinary people.

Of course, what these ordinary people don't know is that Zhang Kun blackmailed Wang Liren severely, forcing him to owe a contract, and he has to pay a sky-high tribute to the Xiaoshuo Empire and Zhang Kun every year.

The enthronement ceremony officially began. Wang Liren led all civil and military officials to inform the ancestors of heaven and earth to visit the Temple of Heaven and the Taimiao. After a series of solemn, sacred and complicated ceremonies, a respected old man of the Wangwen Empire read the imperial edict on behalf of the will of heaven and crowned Wang Liren. The imperial crown, civil and military officials congratulated the new emperor, and they all bowed down and shouted long live.

Wang Liren, wearing an imperial crown and royal robes, walked to the highest point of the coronation platform. He held a jade seal in his hand. A dragon was vividly carved on the jade seal, which looked like the golden dragon beside Zhang Kun. No two.

On the Wuming Continent, the dragon is generally used as a totem, and the dragon surrounds a crescent moon, which is the symbol of the Wangwen Empire, and it is also the totem worshiped by the people of the empire day and night, and it is their belief.

This is the most critical moment of the enthronement ceremony on the Wuming Continent, because at this step, the new emperor will activate the power of faith in the jade seal, infuse himself, cultivate into a dragon body, and enter the realm of golden core.

But such a ceremony can only be carried out after the death of the first emperor, and the new emperor must be supported by tens of millions of people!

Golden core is a realm that is difficult for ordinary people to reach. Countless foundation builders are all stuck at the last juncture and cannot make any progress. In order to promote the golden core, they have a long lifespan, gain the power to destroy heaven and earth, and become the pinnacle powerhouse on the unnamed continent. .

And the emperors of a country are all Jindan monks, even if they were not before enthronement, they can use the power of faith from all over the country to promote Jindan at the grand ceremony. This jade seal contains the people's accumulated and powerful faith. force.


Wang Liren thought of the mental method, the jade seal shook violently, the golden dragon carved on it seemed to be flapping its wings and flying, and the bright moon was shining brightly.

As if someone was drawing with a brush in the void, mysterious silver threads shuttled up and down, interweaving and reflecting each other, forming a huge array.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth within a radius of ten miles suddenly rioted, and the area where Wangwen Palace was located seemed to be a black hole, constantly devouring the influx of spiritual energy.

Everyone felt a wave of fragrant spiritual energy passing by the palace, and many ordinary people felt their bodies lighten up, and any minor illnesses or injuries were healed immediately, and they all knelt down to thank the emperor for his kindness !

Even those Qi practitioners couldn't help but let out bursts of admiration, even they had never seen such a majestic aura.

The somewhat thin Wang Liren stood on the coronation platform. Although he was extremely restrained, he was still extremely excited. This was the most glorious moment in his life, and he would ascend to the Golden Core Realm in the eyes of everyone!
However, at this moment, that huge aura floated into the air, but it did not merge into Wang Liren's body as everyone expected, but slowly climbed up as if being pulled by a certain force. He even rushed towards the high platform on the side!
Zhang Kun's face changed slightly, and he could sense that the target of this force of faith turned out to be himself!
"What happened, what's going on here?" Everyone was puzzled when they saw this scene. They were expecting to see the birth of a Jindan expert, but something happened suddenly.

The old man who crowned Wang Liren stood up tremblingly, his eyes widened, and he exclaimed: "This person is a real dragon!"

(End of this chapter)

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