Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 619 I Don't Need This

Chapter 619 I Don't Need This

Seeing the faint shadow of a golden dragon looming behind Zhang Kun, everyone couldn't help casting their eyes over it. They were all surprised to see a faint light appearing around Zhang Kun, like a god, and various magical scenes appeared around him. Zhou couldn't help but nod in submission.

Every monk, and even a country, has its own luck. Those with strong luck are loved by this world. Not to mention that they can get twice the result with half the effort. If you pick up a small stone at random, it may be a spiritual stone. Save an old man on the way The beggar may be the hidden great master. The luck of a big country is at its peak, and it can be passed on for thousands of years and generations to come!

Although luck is innate, it is not absolute. It can be changed. The luck of the Wangwen Empire was at its peak, and Wangshu was at the peak of his spring and autumn. He planned the war with all his heart and soul. To unify Xiaoshuo and Wangwen, and then pose a threat to Xilan, and complete his great cause of ascension.

It can be said that Wangshu at that time gathered the love of heaven and earth, and the Wangwen Empire was also on the road to rise.

However, Zhang Kun, who was born out of nowhere, destroyed their ambitions and robbed their luck, so he became the person with the strongest luck in this world, and he was guarded by a real dragon, so he could be called a real dragon. Dragon luck!
The power of faith that should have been absorbed by Wang Liren floated towards him as if he had identified Zhang Kun as his master.

The so-called belief refers to the person most admired by the people and the person they most want to be!

And in the Wangwen Empire at this moment, the people in the streets and alleys, the name passed down by word of mouth is not the new emperor Wang Liren, but Zhang Kun!

It is Zhang Kun's illustrious reputation that everyone remembers his existence. It can be said that he is the person everyone yearns to be the most. The teenagers hope to become the strongest like him one day, and the girls long for themselves. My lover is like Zhang Kun!
Parents hope that their children will grow up to be great and imitate Zhang Kun. All the sects in the world will bow their heads in front of him, and Zhang Kun has achieved the ultimate reputation. He is known as the devil king in Xuanyue City, which can also affect the power of faith!
"This son is really terrifying!" Everyone present praised, it was the first time in the Wuming Continent that Wang Liren was able to attract the power of faith that should belong to him during the enthronement ceremony!
"He's still just a teenager! There's no limit to what he can achieve in the future!"

"Perhaps after eternity, he will become another person on the road to ascension!"

"This is the chosen one!"

The people below talked a lot, looked up at Zhang Kun, their faces were full of disbelief, this simply subverted their three views and cognition, after all, no one in history has ever been able to fight for his position!

The aura containing the power of faith has already appeared in front of Zhang Kun. As long as he is willing, he can inhale it into his body, and rely on the huge aura to transform it into vitality in his body, and step into the realm of Jindan in one fell swoop!
"This power of faith seems to be greater than the power of faith aroused when His Majesty Wang Shu ascended the throne!"

The respected old man tremblingly said that Wang Shu was in the prime of his life at that time, and he was already in the realm of the golden elixir, and with the power of faith in the enthronement ceremony, he even hit the middle stage of the golden elixir!
However, he said that this power of faith surpassed Wang Shu's back then. Could it be that he could rely on this time to advance by leaps and bounds to the late stage of Golden Core?

"He already holds great power, and there are countless powerful people around him, and if he is promoted to the Jindan realm, I'm afraid he will really become the master of this continent!"

"A 15-year-old Jindan strong man, this is simply too shocking?"

"Originally the youngest record in history was Fu Linjing, the real daughter of Yuxu. She was only 35 years old when she achieved Jindan, and finally she embarked on the path of ascension, but the Yuxu view she left behind has disappeared in history. In the dust of the world, the ages have passed in the blink of an eye!" Everyone couldn't help talking about the past.

"This is really a great honor, I don't think he will refuse it!" Everyone present thought so, and no one would let go of the chance to become a Golden Core. There are as many monks in several empires as there are thousands of strong Golden Cores. None!

Mr. Bi Fang and leader Rong Hao also looked at each other, and couldn't help nodding in admiration frequently.

They watched Zhang Kun grow up in Xilan country, and now he is about to advance to the golden core realm, they are also very pleased, Yue Qingfeng's face is full of anticipation, if Zhang Kun can become a strong golden core, the Kunhua faction will change again Go up to the next level and become the real No. [-] faction in the world!

Wang Liren sighed and closed his eyes. He was originally high-spirited and wanted to prove himself after the enthronement ceremony and become a generation of Mingjun, but he never thought that Zhang Kun would steal the limelight after all!

But there was no resentment in his heart, but some regrets, and he clenched his fists secretly. He made up his mind to do better, so that the people of the Wangwen Empire could be proud of him one day!
At this moment, all eyes are on Zhang Kun's body, thousands of eyes are burning, wishing that the person standing in Zhang Kun's position at this moment is himself, and under the watchful eyes of thousands of people, he will be promoted to Jindan and rule the world!
However, Zhang Kun just got up, waved his hand indifferently, condensed the milky white ball to the extreme power of faith, gently moved aside, and sent the power of faith back to Wang Liren's direction.

Everyone in the audience was stunned and looked at Zhang Kun in disbelief. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As long as he absorbs the power of faith, he will almost [-]% enter the Golden Core Realm, saving ordinary people decades of life. Even a hundred years of practice time!
"I do not need this."

Zhang Kun just waved his hand lightly, and the pure power of faith hovered around Zhang Kun with some reluctance, surrounding him for a few weeks, and finally Zhang Kun couldn't hold back Zhang Kun resolutely rejected this huge power, slowly The ground flowed towards Wang Liren's side, but everyone could clearly see that this energy had shrunk by a circle!
Everyone in the audience could barely utter a word, they didn't expect this to happen at all, they gasped again and again, their faces full of disbelief!

"Boom!" Wang Liren's heart that had sunk to the bottom of the valley instantly revived. He stretched out his hand excitedly and touched that power. The power of faith exploded like fireworks, turning into pure power and flowing into the air. Look at Liren's body!

Looking at the scene below, Zhang Kun showed a faint smile.

"This empire, you just take good care of it for me."

Wang Liren met Zhang Kun's indifferent gaze, and his belief in his heart became more and more firm. He clenched his fists deeply, stared at Zhang Kun closely, and let out a heartfelt shout!

(End of this chapter)

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