Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 620

Chapter 620
Endless power of faith flowed into Wang Liren's body like fine nectar, washing away his slightly thin body several times, transforming his meridians time and time again, flooding his sea of ​​qi , flowing towards the limbs and bones, at this moment his eyes have turned into a bright golden color!

At this moment, he seemed to feel that he could suppress the sun, the moon, and the galaxy. Countless clouds gathered around him, as if the galaxy was rotating, forming a star cluster. The star cluster stretched out cantilevered, like ten thousand silk threads wrapping Wang Liren in a huge aura In the giant cocoon, everyone can only see a magnificent scene!
However, everyone's expressions were still in the shock of Zhang Kun's refusal of the power of faith. It was obviously a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Return it to Wang Liren.

What kind of tolerance do you need to do this? The sentence Zhang Kun said just now, I don't need this, was deeply imprinted in their minds!

There was a dead silence in the audience, and it was hard to guess what Zhang Kun was thinking. If there is no chance to achieve the golden pill, what else in this world can catch his eyes?

But how could they know, let alone a mere golden core realm, even a higher realm is nothing in Zhang Kun's eyes. He is confident that he will reach those realms after all, and there is no need to risk all kinds of things to get there. A risk to take shortcuts!

"Ah!" At this moment, the powerful power of faith poured down from the sky, and there were a few cracks in the huge white cocoon. Wang Liren walked out of it, and at this moment he had already entered the realm of Jindan!

He was extremely excited to feel the power of the golden core flowing in his body. The powerful power gave him the illusion that he could tear apart the planet. He stood up vigorously, opened his hands, and bathed in the last blessing of the power of faith !

"From today onwards, I am the emperor!"

Zhang Kun looked at this scene lightly, and smiled at Su Fangmeng beside him: "It seems that everything here is over, it's time for us to go home!"

"Okay, okay!" Su Fangmeng smiled excitedly. It was the first time she had been away from her hometown and relatives for such a long time. To be honest, she really missed her father and hometown very much.

When Wang Liren completed the ceremony, Zhang Kun owed Su Fangmeng's hand and walked down the high platform slowly. He was about to leave when he saw Wang Liren approaching Zhang Kun with a smile, and respectfully said, "Master Zhang, you Are you going back?"

Zhang Kun nodded and said: "Yes, you are the emperor now, so you can do it yourself."

"Thank you, Master Zhang, for allowing me to achieve the golden elixir!" Wang Liren said respectfully again: "At the grand ceremony just now, the moment I entered the golden elixir realm, I received a message from the jade seal."

"Deep in the underground of Xuanyue City, there are inheritance sculptures left by our royal family, which may be helpful to Master Zhang. I wonder if Master Zhang is interested in going here to have a look?" If it is returned to him, he will naturally reciprocate and tell the royal family's secrets.

Zhang Kun became slightly interested when he heard that the Wangwen Empire can be passed on for thousands of years, so it is naturally unique. Although Wang Shu was defeated, his strength is indeed very strong. Zhang Kun's sideways glance.

"Okay, lead the way ahead!" Zhang Kun said lightly. Zhang Kun himself did not take any action in repeated battles, but as his enemies became stronger and stronger, he would go deep into dangerous places in the future and take risks with himself. His own strength has also improved a lot. important.

The ancestral land of the Wangwen family is in the imperial palace. It is a beautiful imperial garden, secluded and deserted. There is only an old man covered in black robes guarding the door. He is holding a broom, Sweeping the fallen leaves in the garden aimlessly.

"Senior, we want to enter the ancestral land." Wang Liren had already ascended the throne as the emperor, but he was still very respectful to the old man.

The old man in black robe did not raise his head, still sweeping the fallen leaves, without saying a word.It seemed that there was no reaction to the arrival of Zhang Kun and Wang Liren, nor was there any surprise at Wang Liren's Golden Core Realm.

Wang Liren bowed deeply to him, and led Zhang Kun to his ancestral land.

Zhang Kun frowned slightly. He felt an indescribably strange aura about this old man. This man obviously looked like an ordinary old man, but it made him feel palpitations.

The flowers and trees planted in the imperial garden are all spiritual seeds, which can be used as medicine. Even if you don’t cultivate deliberately, you will be contaminated by the aura of the spiritual grass after staying in the imperial garden for a long time. After entering the ancestral land, Zhang Kun asked suspiciously: " Xiaoren, who is that senior?"

Wang Liren said with a bit of worry in his brows: "I don't know very well. My father mentioned to me that when he was young, this senior had already cleaned fallen leaves here. It is said that he was at least alive. 500 years!"

500 years?Zhang Kun was startled. The lifespan of Qi training state is [-] years, the lifespan of foundation building state is [-] years, and the golden core state is generally between [-] and [-] years. But few people can live to [-] years old. This person is so The realm of longevity may not be low, but when he stepped into the Wangwen Empire, this person did not stop him.

"Some people speculate that he is a failed ascendant, and there are rumors in the palace that he is not human, and some people even suspect that he does not belong to this world!" Wang Liren said, Zhang Kun felt more and more mysterious about this person, and thought I went to ask him about Feisheng, but it was difficult to judge this person's state and position. With Zhang Kun's current state, he was not sure to face him.

Seeing that Zhang Kun was lost in thought, Wang Liren said, "Master Zhang is still young, and he has at least hundreds of years to study the mystery of ascension. Don't worry, the ancestral land is coming soon."

Zhang Kun nodded, only to see a closed and deep door in the deepest part of the imperial garden. The moss and copper rust on it told its ancient history. Zhang Kun felt that there was something powerful and powerful hidden behind this bronze door. The existence of terror, after Wang Liren stamped the Jade Seal of Chuanguo into the hole of the gate, the bronze gate slowly opened, and a breath of ancient prehistory spread across the surface.

Wang Liren couldn't help squinting his eyes, only to see a deep darkness in front of him, only a few spiritual fires flashed, which looked extremely strange and mysterious.

Wang Liren led Zhang Kun to grope along the passage. The passage was winding and narrow, seemingly endless. After a long time, a light appeared in front of Zhang Kun, presenting the scene in the cave to Zhang Kun.

I saw a huge wall engraved with reliefs, and a series of reliefs seemed to tell a story. Zhang Kun glanced roughly, and suddenly his eyes widened!
(End of this chapter)

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