Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 631 Returning to Medicine Emperor Mountain

Chapter 631 Returning to Medicine Emperor Mountain

Countless people outside the ancestral land who watched Zhang Kun survive the catastrophe stared blankly at Zhang Kun walking out unscathed.

They have all thought up a series of flattering words to flatter Zhang Kun. Of course, many people are full of doubts and want to ask Zhang Kun to clarify. What makes them even more strange is that Zhang Kun is still practicing Qi. Realm, then why did he cross the catastrophe?

However, Zhang Kun didn't intend to explain anything to them. He flew up to Yue Qingfeng, the leader of Rong Hao.

"It's over here, and I'm leaving for China today." Zhang Kun said lightly.

Yue Qingfeng and the others nodded. Leader Rong Hao stayed in the Wangwen Empire to take charge of the Ronghao Sub-Alliance. Wang Liren's new emperor was still inexperienced in state management when he ascended the throne.

Mr. Bi Fang chose to go back to Xilan Country. This time watching Zhang Kun's crossing the catastrophe touched his heart quite a bit. He had a lot of new ideas about the formation. This time, he planned to retreat for several months to study the formation .

Yue Qingfeng followed Zhang Kun back to the country. Zhang Kun thought that it would be better for the main altar of the Kunhua Sect to be located in his home country, and Gongsun Yanyang's Yaohuang Mountain could also take care of it.

A few people split up and left, but Zhang Kun was not worried about any troubles on the side of the Wangwen Empire, let alone the leader Rong Hao sitting here, the terrifying scene of Zhang Kun's crossing the catastrophe just now is enough to deter those with ulterior motives up.

After explaining a few words to Wang Liren, Zhang Kun took Su Fangmeng's hand, summoned the Chengying Sword, and flew away through the air. Yue Qingfeng also flew into the air with that Qiushui long knife, following Zhang Kun's behind.

"Master Zhang is really a carefree person!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Liren stared at the sky where Zhang Kun left for a long time, his heart full of longing.

Mr. Bi Fang also called out the divine bird of Bi Fang immediately, leaving a flame like sunset glow in the air, and it flew away, leaving only the sound of the divine bird singing. Wherever the people below had seen the divine bird, they all thought it was a god He came down to the world to pay homage, and couldn't get up for a long time.

Leader Rong Hao patted Wang Liren on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Little emperor, don't look, your Master Zhang has already left."

"As long as you work hard, at least you will be a good emperor, and maybe one day you will be able to stand in the position of Master Zhang!"

Leader Rong Hao looked at Zhang Kun and Su Fangmeng, who were living and flying together, and felt a little regretful. Originally, he wanted to say that his daughter Bai Xiuxiu married Zhang Kun. In this way, the two families became in-laws, and the relationship between Rong Haomeng and Zhang Kun became even stronger. Closeness is definitely a huge benefit for him.

In order to help his father manage the affairs of the alliance, Qi Zhengyan also traveled thousands of miles to the Wangwen Empire. He saw the regret in his father's eyes and couldn't help but said: "Father, have you forgotten that Liang Lingxue, the sister of Junior Brother Zhang Kun, was accepted as your Apprentice, she and Junior Brother Zhang Kun are childhood sweethearts!"

"Oh, if you don't mention being a father, you really have to forget that Lingxue is extremely talented, and she is indeed a perfect match for Zhang Kun, but before I arranged for her to go out for training, I forgot about her."

Qi Zhengyan looked helplessly at his offline father and asked, "Where is sister Lingxue now?"

"I asked her to go to the outskirts of the Arctic ice field. She is born with ice soul roots, which is most suitable for practicing in the ice and snow!" Leader Rong Hao said, suddenly he was stunned, and slapped his head as if thinking of something: "Zhang Kun says he's going to the Arctic Ice Field!"

A few days later, overlooking the endless mountains below, the quiet flowing stream, and the roar of beasts from time to time in the dense forest lined with trees, here is the [-] mountains of the Xiaoshuo Empire, since the Lord of the Black Moon came here After the fall, the Shiwan Dashan gradually regained its vitality.

After experiencing the Great War of the Lord of the Black Moon, all the overlords in the Hundred Thousand Mountains were transformed into living skeletons by him and finally fell on the battlefield of the Xiaoshuo Empire, dissipating with the defeat of the Lord of the Black Moon.

Today's Shiwan Dashan can be said to be leaderless, the officials of the Xiaoshuo Empire came up with a bold plan, that is to develop Shiwan Dashan!
In the past, the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains were an absolute forbidden area for human beings, but now, after the fall of the overlord, the empire has mobilized a group of strong foundation builders to enter the territory of monsters, and now it has initially achieved results.

Although Zhang Kun knew about this plan, he did not interfere with it. Back then, he had to do his best to kill a heaven-level poisonous miasma beast. Now that he came back here, he flew past with his sword, not hiding his whereabouts or aura at all. .

Although Zhang Kun's vitality in his body is only at the ninth-level level of Qi training, his body has reached the level of ordinary spiritual weapons under the tempering of Lei Jie, which is really scary. You must know that some Jindan strong Most of them are using quasi-spiritual weapons. Zhang Kun's physical strength is comparable to that of spiritual weapons, which is unbelievable!
Coupled with the blessing of Kunyu Huazhang, Zhang Kun's vitality is extremely condensed, not inferior to the foundation-building powerhouses of the first level, coupled with Jiu Jianxian's drunken moon-watching swordsmanship and the second degree of film and television, Zhang Kunneng and the powerhouse of the sixth-level foundation building It's a tie!
If you count the Immortal-level Chengying Sword, Foundation Establishment Peak is no match!
Looking at the entire Unnamed Continent, no one can have such a terrifying leapfrog fighting power, and this is not the premise of Zhang Kun's endless stream of pills!
Zhang Kun's sword speed is not fast, this is to take care of Su Fangmeng behind him, Su Fangmeng, as the eldest lady of the Su family, is indeed a good hand in managing the family, but her talent in cultivation is relatively mediocre, so far she is no more than Just reached the innate realm.

However, for her age, it is already a very good result. Although it cannot be compared with Dazong's disciples, it is still a one-in-a-kind talent. In addition, Zhang Kun is here to refine a furnace of elixir for her. Can send her into the realm of Qi training.

"Brother Zhang Kun, where are we going now?" Su Fangmeng stopped Zhang Kun's waist and popped his head and asked.

"Go to Yaohuang Mountain, you haven't visited my master's gate yet!" Zhang Kun smiled, pressed his sword and descended, the scenery on the ground became clearer, and the seven main peaks of Yaohuang Mountain could be seen from a distance. There is a powerful alchemy elder sitting on every mountain peak, which is the root of Yaohuang Mountain.

After the Great War, Yaohuang Mountain has reached its peak. The Xiaoshuo Empire is in full swing, and all aspects need the support of pills. Gongsun Yangyan personally ordered that all the disciples of Yaohuang Mountain go down the mountain to practice, one by one. Overwhelming the declining Huangjimen and Jinghonglou, it became the number one sect of the Xiaoshuo Empire.

Zhang Kun passed by with his sword, floating in the air, and after a clear sword chant, he brought Su Fangmeng to the gate of Yaohuang Mountain.

The disciple guarding the door was new, and had never seen Zhang Kun before, so he shouted loudly, "Who is here?"

(End of this chapter)

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