Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 632 Master

Chapter 632 Master
Su Fangmeng looked at Zhang Kun with a smile on his face. Along the way, how Zhang Kun and Su Fangmeng boasted about their current power, they can be said to be people in the world. He must be in the limelight!

As a result, when he returned to Zhang Kun's master's gate, the disciple who guarded the gate didn't even know him!
"What's the matter with you, this place is the important place of Yaohuang Mountain, no one else is allowed to enter!"

Zhang Kun rubbed his nose feeling helpless, stepped forward, and said to the gatekeeper indifferently: "I want to see Master Gongsun, please go and report that disciple Zhang Kun has come to see him."

"Zhang Kun?" Upon hearing this name, the gatekeeper's face suddenly changed. What does this name mean in the Xiaoshuo Empire? As disciples of Yaohuang Mountain, they certainly understand it best. Even Master Gongsun Yangyan I have to mention it several times.

That is Mr. Gongsun's most proud disciple. Zhang Kun's status in his heart has surpassed Prince Zifang and Zhang Juzheng's eldest disciple!

The gatekeeper looked at Zhang Kun's face suspiciously. Although the legendary Zhang Kun is also so young, it is said that Zhang Kun is always surrounded by several strong Golden Cores, but the boy in front of him has only one girl beside him!
Therefore, the gatekeeper disciples would never believe it. He dared to say that he was Zhang Kun when he came to a random boy.

"You said you were Zhang Kun?" The gatekeeper still didn't believe it, so he smiled and said, "Then I still say I'm Zhang Kun!"

Zhang Kun rubbed his nose helplessly. Since he hasn't been back for a year and a half, no one in Yaohuang Mountain knows him?
Of course, it's not that Zhang Kun can't force his way in, but he has to force his way back to his teacher's door. What's the matter?
Zhang Kun took out ten spirit stones casually, handed them to the disciple guarding the door and said with a smile: "This junior brother, it doesn't matter if you don't know me, you can go in and report, right?"

Unexpectedly, the gatekeeper suddenly shook his head, looked at Zhang Kun with a dignified look, and said, "No, no, don't think that you can pretend to be Mr. Zhang Kun with a little money. You can't change this fact!"

This made Zhang Kun and Su Fangmeng amused, they didn't expect this person to be so stubborn, no matter what he didn't let Zhang Kun enter this door.

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't hang around here!" said the door guard disciple: "You still have time to leave now, if you are caught by the disciples of the Criminal Law Palace later, if you dare to pretend to be the disciple of Master Gongsun, you will definitely be overwhelmed and walk around !"

Zhang Kun smiled lightly and said: "Okay, then you hurry up and worry about the disciples of the Criminal Law Hall, I will be punished."

"Hey, why are you like this? I kindly advised you to leave, but you still don't change your mind. You can't blame me!" Seeing that Zhang Kun was so persistent, the gatekeeper gave him an annoyed look, and took out a talisman to notify him. Disciple of the Criminal Law Palace.

"If you leave now, I'll pretend I didn't see it. With Senior Brother Zhang Kun's status in Yaohuang Mountain, if you dare to pretend to be him, it would be disrespectful!" The gatekeeper still firmly believed that Zhang Kun was a fake.

Zhang Kun waved his hand with a calm expression on his face. After all, he was a disciple of the same school, and he would not care about anything with him.

Su Fangmeng looked at the mountains in the distance, the scenery there was steep, the weather of the seven peaks was different, and there were gorgeous clouds floating on the top of the mountains.The girl had no ability to resist those beautiful things, so she pestered Zhang Kun to ask questions.

Zhang Kun said with a smile: "The tallest one over there is Wendao Peak, the supreme peak of Yaohuang Mountain, and the one with a big purple tree on the top of the mountain next to it is Bihu Peak, and Elder Yuan Hao there is also counted as me." Half a master!"

"Yeah, Bihu Peak is so beautiful, Brother Zhang Kun will take me to see it later!" Su Fangmeng said excitedly, she was not interested in those steep peaks, but the low Bihu Peak had unique scenery. Well, let her like it very much.

Zhang Kun smiled dotingly and touched her head, "No problem, Master Yuan Hao still has a cabin in the forest. I'll let him spare it for us to sleep for a night hahaha!"

The gatekeeper stared at Zhang Kun. He knew so much about the seven peaks of Yaohuang Mountain. Could it be that he really was Zhang Kun?But soon the gatekeeper realized that, not to mention Zhang Kun, even the villagers who collected herbs for a living at the foot of Yaohuang Mountain knew about Qifeng, and everyone knew the iconic scenery of Yaohuang Mountain!

"Hey, don't think that you know a little about Qifeng, so you dare to come here and pretend to be Zhang Kun. Fortunately, I am smart, or I will let you be fooled!" The gatekeeper snorted coldly.

Zhang Kun said with a faint smile: "Junior brother, I know a lot more than you!"

"Hmph, why did you ask Elder Yuan Hao to make room for you, and you don't even make a draft for bragging!" The gatekeeper disciple was a little skeptical at first, feeling that this young man might be Zhang Kun, but when he heard that he wanted to live Yuan Hao's cabin in the forest, he knew it was impossible.

Because Elder Yuan Hao has the weirdest temper and is unreasonable, how could it be possible to ask him to give up his residence, not to mention that the hut in the forest is Elder Yuan Hao's alchemy room, where all his most important things are.

At this time, a team came from the Criminal Law Hall. Although the leading disciple looked a little thin, his face was full of confidence. He glanced down, and when he saw Zhang Kun, his face was filled with Immediately burst into a smile!

"Junior Brother Zhang Kun!" Cai Xunan was extremely excited, trotting all the way, abandoning his companions, he came to Zhang Kun's side, and gave Zhang Kun a bear hug when he came up.

Zhang Kun smiled, looked at his former fellow disciples, nodded and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Cai, why have you become a disciple of the Criminal Law Hall? This is different from you before."

Cai Xunan scratched his head shyly and said, "Haha, Junior Brother Zhang Kun, don't make fun of me, you have changed too? Hurry up, I'll tell the suzerain the good news of your return!"

The gatekeeper disciple on the side stared in a daze. Is this young man really Zhang Kun?His face was flushed red, and when he thought of what he said before, he felt a burst of fear. He hurried to Zhang Kun and apologized endlessly: "Senior brother Zhang Kun, I'm sorry, I was blind before."

Zhang Kun waved his hand and said, "It's okay, you don't have to worry too much about it, just go about your business."

"Hahaha, it turns out that Zhang Kun is back!" Gongsun Yanyang soon got the news of Zhang Kun's return. He was overjoyed, regardless that he was still wearing a red robe with medicine dregs on it, his face was unkempt, and his hair was unkempt. , he rushed out from the main hall all the way to the mountain gate, "Haha, my good apprentice, is the trip to Wang Wen going well?"

Looking at his master whom he hadn't seen for a long time, Zhang Kun felt warm in his heart. He nodded and said, "Everything is fine. I have completely conquered the Wangwen Empire! I have avenged our soldiers!"

(End of this chapter)

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