Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 653

Chapter 653
The golden elixir powerhouses burst into aura one after another, at least they held top Taoist weapons in their hands. The Kunhua faction is rich and powerful, and there are several spiritual weapons in the faction!
Yue Qingfeng often sent people down the mountain to sweep the goods. Six of the seven treasures of the Seven Star Pavilion in the Xiaoshuo Empire were in the hands of the Kunhua School, and the works of the alchemy masters of the Ronghao League were also sent to Kunhua. group!

Not only that, but Nangong Jue, Cheng Yuxi, and Xia Huier's daughters also took to the air, fighting hard!

"As expected of being the most powerful force in the world, the Kunhua Sect has too deep a foundation, and many people secretly slapped their tongues.

The people of the sect in the world couldn't help being afraid for a while. If they hadn't invited Master Ji Hong, there was really nothing they could do against the Kunhua faction this time. Zhang Kun still has half of the Celestial Legion in his hand, Mr. Bi Fang and the Great Gu Master Luo Quan, and these Golden Core powerhouses from the Kunhua Sect are enough to sweep them away several times!

At this moment, in the Arctic ice field, the ice and snow are white and silent, and here is now a vast ocean, only the sound of the ice ocean is still there.

It has been a year since the battle between Zhang Kun and Binghou. Within a year, countless strong men from the cold environment went deep here out of curiosity, wanting to find the relics of the war.There are also many people from the sect who came here, wanting to confirm the news that Zhang Kun is dead!
They all believed that Zhang Kun was certain to die, and no matter how hard they searched the Arctic ice sheet, they could not find any trace of Zhang Kun's survival.

Later, with the tide receding, the Arctic ice sheet has been forgotten by the world.

The boundless blue skyline and the pure white snow-capped mountains blend together to form a quiet and beautiful picture. A round of early sun rises slowly, and the warm light reflects colorful colors in the cold ice, bringing the dark The valley is reflected like a dream world.

However, at this moment, the calm icy ocean suddenly boiled, and tens of millions of tons of seawater that reached the freezing point were evaporated. All the glaciers exploded at this moment, and a golden figure looked like a dragon. Leaping into the sky ten thousand meters below the icy ocean!

The golden figure quickly rose into the sky, broke through thousands of high clouds, and the burst of airflow directly emptied the entire airspace, as if a demon god was born, that figure stood proudly in the sky, and he was black With long hair like ink, naked body, and perfect muscle lines, it looks like a treasure body made by heaven.

He slowly opened his eyes, as if there were golden flames burning in his eyes, a warm light bloomed from his whole body, giving people a sense of harmony, this turned out to be the highest state of the legendary body and dao!

Every movement of his hands and feet moved the avenues of heaven and earth, and the traces of Daoyun surrounded him, looking extremely friendly to him.

As soon as this person appeared, the icy storm on the arctic ice field stopped instantly, and the surging power around him like the ocean formed ripples of vitality, rushing straight into the sky.

"I don't know how many years have passed in the world?"

The black-haired man spoke slowly, his voice neither happy nor sad, just like the voice of heaven.

At this time, several figures jumped out of the frozen ocean, one of which was a slender icy blue figure. She also pierced through the clouds and was at the same level as the black-haired man. He had ethereal long silver-white hair, With icy muscles and fine bones, and snow-white skin, her collarbone is clear and crisp. Her temperament is as clear as autumn water and as cold as ice.

If someone could see its face at this moment, they would definitely think that it was the rebirth of the ice queen, and returned to rule the ice field once again.

She has a pair of clear blue pupils, gentle brows and eyes, and a slight smile on her lips. She walked towards the black-haired man, and the black-haired man hurriedly used his power to put on his own clothes. He was dressed in black and a black robe.

"Congratulations, brother Zhang Kun, you have reached the peak of foundation building, and you are only half a step away from the golden core." Liang Lingxue's star-like eyes revealed splendor.

Zhang Kun looked at her dotingly, and said with a gentle smile: "Golden Core Realm is just a small threshold for me, and I can enter it at any time. I am not as good as you, who inherited the spiritual core of the Queen of Bing and reached the peak of Golden Core in one fell swoop!"

Liang Lingxue smiled softly, looked at Zhang Kun tenderly and said with a smile: "In terms of combat power, I can't beat you."

"Haha, at most we're tied." Zhang Kun shook his head and smiled, the light eyes in his eyes seemed to no longer take anything into his eyes.

At this time, Gongsun Yangyan and Yuan Ao also rushed to the sky from the depths of the icy ocean, standing together with Zhang Kun, and beside Gongsun Yangyan was a gentle woman with a peerless beauty, she was snuggling beside Gongsun Yangyan , with a happy smile on his face.

Gongsun Yangyan also smiled gently at her, his long-cherished wish finally came true, seeing his sweetheart by his side, he looked satisfied.

Yuan Ao turned his head away and said nothing more.

Zhang Kun and his party were unscathed, and everyone's strength has even improved by more than one level!
"Fortunately, Brother Zhang Kun, you stood up at the last moment, otherwise we would all be dead." Liang Lingxue held Zhang Kun's hand and said with some concern. The critical scene at that time made her still have lingering fears.

Zhang Kun smiled lightly, all of this was actually under his control, so he didn't panic at all.

A year ago, with the sneer of the Queen of Ice, she had completed her last ceremony. Together with the funeral song, the entire Arctic ice sheet was wiped out. The unprecedented power of destruction descended on this ice valley, obliterating everything. flat!
However, at that moment, Zhang Kun gave a low shout, his eyes overflowed with divine light, and a phantom of a man in blue shirt appeared behind him. At this time, Zhang Kun seemed to be a different person. A broken ancient bronze mirror!

The mirror field is coming!

The shards of the bronze mirror held in Zhang Kun's hand lit up with colorful glazes, and the world seemed to quiet down suddenly, and everything was dyed with rainbow colors.

The sound of the cold wind on the Arctic ice field stopped, and the huge power of the funeral song after the ice was also stopped immediately. With the place where Zhang Kun was standing as the center of the circle, thick fog rose and fairy air lingered. The fairy palace rises from the ground, just like a heavenly court!
The originally lifeless and cold ice field suddenly turned into a paradise-like beauty, with spiritual trees and flowers all over it, cranes singing, fairy beasts roaring, and many mystical and mysterious symbols emerged in the mid-air, representing each road. Supreme avenue.

"This is, what's the situation?" Liang Lingxue was stunned. She looked around blankly, only to see that everything around her had changed. It was still cold and windy here, and the temperature dropped below freezing point. Frozen ice valley, but in a blink of an eye, the icy scene all disappeared!
(End of this chapter)

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