Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 654: Ancient Mysteries

Chapter 654: Ancient Mysteries
It turned into a majestic fairy palace, a sky full of stars, and a vast space that can't be seen to the edge. All kinds of magical scenes make people dizzy for a while.

Everyone just felt that they had come to the fairyland and entered heaven. Gongsun Yangyan's eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, and he couldn't speak. He was very familiar with this place. He used to be here with Zhang Kun, teaching him alchemy and Martial arts.

But Yuan Ao and Xiaozhi entered this place for the first time. Seeing this miraculous scene, their faces were incredulous, which completely subverted their three views and cognitions!

"This is the mirror domain!" Zhang Kun said lightly, this is the realm dominated by Zhang Kun, and his words are the law and everything.Mysterious and incomprehensible symbols, large and small, appeared in the sky, surrounded by a galaxy of stars, like a heavenly court!
Boom, after the short-term static effect disappeared, everyone saw that outside the area where the mirror field descended, the power of the Burial Song of the Ice Empress erupted!

The powerful force that can destroy the entire Arctic ice sheet can melt the [-]-meter glacier into the ocean, but it can't hurt Zhang Kun and others in the area where the mirror domain descends. This is simply the ability of a god. No one in this world can Reach this level!

After the ice queen released the funeral song, her soul returned to heaven and earth, and her spiritual energy dissipated. At the last moment of her death, she saw this gorgeous picture, and saw the funeral song she sang at the cost of destroying the Arctic ice sheet. Song had no effect on Zhang Kun and others. At this moment, she felt like she was about to collapse!
Her ethereal and illusory body trembled violently, then collapsed, and went away with the wind, looking a little sad, and where she disappeared, a silver ice-colored cryolite came from the place where she disappeared, as transparent as a glass diamond crystal clear.

Zhang Kun held the cryolite in his hand, and suddenly a cold breath came through his body. If he hadn't been in the mirror field and could control everything, that wave of coldness would have been enough to freeze his soul.

"What is this?" Zhang Kun couldn't help asking Jing Yu, and at the same time he looked at Liang Lingxue anxiously. At this moment, she was still in an extremely dangerous state, she had lost too much blood, Dao Ji collapsed, and she was so angry!

Jing Yu's leisurely voice sounded: "The thing that Ice Empress relies on can save this girl."

It turns out that the power of the Ice Queen comes from this silver ice crystal. As the spirit of the arctic ice field, she cannot manifest itself, just like the thunder calamity is not an entity, but the existence of this god stone can make her act like a human monk Words control the power of the entire ice field!
It can be seen how precious this silver cryolite is. It is obviously a relic from ancient times, and it has powerful energy beyond this world!

When Zhang Kun heard this, he put the silver ice crystal on Liang Lingxue's body without any hesitation.

Liang Lingxue was already dying, but as soon as the silver ice crystal touched her body, a miracle happened. Thousands of light, ice-blue streamers were released from the crystal in an instant, like a dreamlike silk thread pulling her body. A surging energy of ice crystals poured into Liang Lingxue's body.

At the same time, Zhang Kun aroused a ray of immortal energy stored in the mirror field and injected it into her body. In just an instant, the surging immortal energy pulled her back from the dying moment, and the pure power was still there. Slowly flowing through her meridians, transforming her body.

The celestial essence in the mirror field is the supreme divine power. Even if ordinary monks inhale even a little, they will explode and die. Therefore, the celestial essence needs to be diluted. It takes half a year for the mirror field to dilute a drop of celestial essence that can be taken by Qi practitioners. Yuan, this applies to Liang Lingxue.

It is also fortunate that she has a special physique, otherwise it is hard to say whether she can withstand the overpowering and domineering power of Xianyuan.

After doing all this, some blood color gradually appeared on Liang Lingxue's face, and her beautiful face seemed to have been modified a little bit, a little shyness of a girl faded away, and a little bit of empress-like majesty was added.

"Great!" Seeing this scene, Zhang Kun finally let out a long breath. He could feel that the breath of life on Liang Lingxue's body had returned to its best state, and was even climbing, reaching a super high level. !

The ultimate move of Jing Yu's arrival is almost enough to deal with all emergencies. Zhang Kun once used this move to stop the mighty Huangji sect master Xu Chixiao, but it was not without cost!
Just as Zhang Kun hugged Liang Lingxue with a relieved smile on his face, the surrounding scene gradually dissipated, and the scene in the mirror field gradually dissipated, and everyone reappeared in the Arctic ice field after the explosion.

Zhang Kun knew that the mirror field was going to be closed for a long time, so he forced the mirror field to come down to the magnet, overdrawing the energy of the mirror field!

And this time, what the mirror field resisted for Zhang Kun was the full blow of the ice queen, and it was an enemy of the entire Arctic ice sheet, so the mirror field would be closed. This time, even Zhang Kun didn't know how long it would be closed.

"Boom!" After the mirror field scene dissipated, Zhang Kun lost his support. A huge jet-black vortex appeared in the ice ocean after the funeral song, forming a strong suction force, sucking Zhang Kun and others into it.

Under the ice ocean at a depth of [-] meters, Zhang Kun originally thought that he would definitely encounter danger, but what appeared in front of Zhang Kun was a deep-sea palace like a crystal palace.

"This may be the residence of the ancient survivors." Zhang Kun couldn't help but said while looking at the majestic palace.

Gongsun Yangyan nodded. He knew that the purpose of Zhang Kun's coming here was to find a way to break the seal of heaven and earth, and this kind of mystery has been submerged in the long river of history. Only those ancient survivors still know a little bit of secret.

Stepping into the Crystal Palace, the long corridor is shaped with ice crystals, which is beautiful and extremely gorgeous.

No one has been here for tens of millions of years. After Zhang Kun stepped into this place, a spiritual light appeared in the Crystal Palace and flew towards him.


Zhang Kun couldn't dodge in time, the speed of the aura was several times faster than the Northern Light controlled by Queen Ice!
At this moment, countless information drilled into his mind.

"In the ancient calendar, 98 years, the God Realm of July came through the sky"

"Three days later the world will change drastically"

".The God Realm was shattered into six pieces, and the third was missing. In order to compete for the three pieces left in this realm, a war that has lasted forever has begun!"

Zhang Kun's face changed wildly. It was the information left by the ancient survivors. They no longer exist in this world, but these precious information have been kept in this palace.

"If you want to break the seal, you need the help of three kinds of psychic powers to shake the waves of the world, hurricane Chixia Yanxi."

(End of this chapter)

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