Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 656 Foundation Building

Chapter 656 Foundation Building
"The injury has been healed. Next, I want to return to the peak!" Zhang Kun shouted in a low voice, summoning Chengying and Yuchang to guard him. , Chengying mobilized the power of Beiluo stars, and the fish intestines mobilized the power of Xuanyuan Fourteen, turning into two divine rainbows, one blue and one red, and gradually merged into Zhang Kun's body!
Zhang Kun is not in a hurry to raise his realm to a higher level, he wants to refine all the vitality in Mengyin Pill into his own condensed vitality.

Zhang Kun guides these vitality to Qihai Dantian, but Zhang Kun still underestimated the effect of Mengyin Pill, even if Zhang Kun only releases a ray of spiritual power from Mengyin Pill at a time, even so, his meridians are still swollen to the brim When it was broken, his whole body instantly turned red.

Seeing Zhang Kun's painful expression, Liang Lingxue naturally understood what she wanted to do, but now she couldn't stop him, so she could only stand aside and worry.

Zhang Kun forcibly concentrated his mind and turned the Kunyu Huazhang to the extreme. He wanted to forcibly refine and absorb the excess vitality, and the surging vitality whizzed through his meridians again.

"Boom boom boom!" There were several explosions in Zhang Kun's body, and he slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, there seemed to be a vast galaxy slowly turning in his eyes, and the birth and death of a universe were all controlled by him. look in the eyes.

His eyes flashed brightly, and vigorous vitality frantically ran around in his sea of ​​​​qi, making thunderous explosions, Zhang Kun was about to be unable to suppress the powerful vitality, and he held on tight Yungong strongly suppressed the vitality that was about to explode.

The so-called foundation building state is to turn the vitality refined in the Qi training environment into raw materials and cast it into a deep and solid foundation. Point to the fairy road!

Although this realm is only the second realm of Qi practitioners, it is a particularly critical one. Without the foundation laid by this realm, all subsequent cultivation paths will be in vain.

The way the human monks on the Unnamed Continent build their foundations is very crude. In Zhang Kun’s eyes, it’s just a grass-roots platform. But Zhang Kun is different. He kneaded the formula with his hands, and several divine lines appeared around his body, which represent the five elements. The avenue of five elements, and the seven-star pattern emerged behind it, and the two divine patterns complemented each other, making him look like a god, and also like the person in charge of the avenue.

"Dong dong dong!" As if the heavenly drum was beating, the vitality in Zhang Kun's body differentiated into five vitality spears, which pierced into the depths of his sea of ​​qi, like a sea needle, as if building a fairy tower, a huge The spirit foundation appeared in Zhang Kun's sea of ​​qi. It seemed to be a castle in the sky built with tens of thousands of divine silk threads, and there was a sense of magic inside and out!
It took Zhang Kun three months to build the foundation from scratch. The energy of the five elements was the cornerstone and the seven-star power was the skeleton. Zhang Kun had perfectly established his Dao foundation.

The moment the spirit foundation was formed, the entire Arctic Ocean below [-] meters seemed to have sensed this great event. Tens of millions of tons of sea water bubbled up, and a scorching current flowed slowly from the Arctic Ocean. It flowed out and arrived at the coast of the East China Sea a few months later, changing the climate of the entire unnamed continent.

Residents on the coast of the East China Sea thought that there was a dragon king making waves in the sea, but they couldn't imagine that the instigator of all this was Zhang Kun, who was dead in their eyes!

There is a strong pressure under the deep sea, and the [-]-meter deep sea can even crush stubborn rocks. Zhang Kun built his foundation under such circumstances, and he was able to build his own foundation extremely deep and firm!

However, he is still not [-]% satisfied, because when he established the foundation, he did not rely on other heaven and earth fetishes. If he could use spiritual powers such as the waves of the world, the hurricane, and the breath of red clouds, then the five elements The Dao foundation will be more solid and solid, and it will come with several natural magical powers!
With the rapid passage of time, the violent vitality in Zhang Kun's body finally calmed down. The golden vitality that seemed to be condensed into substance surged in his body like a frenzy. At this moment, he has entered the foundation building state, but the vitality in his body The degree of condensedness is something that many Jindan powerhouses have never possessed.

Zhang Kun slowly withdrew his vitality, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a beautiful little face. The worry in Liang Lingxue's glazed eyes was beyond words, and he smiled gently at Liang Lingxue, "It's okay, I have successfully broken through. gone."

"Well, that's good." Liang Lingxue smiled sweetly at him. During the three months when Zhang Kun established the foundation, she was not idle. While taking care of Zhang Kun's situation, she absorbed the power of the Queen of Ice. After three months, Zhang Kun was surprised to find that she had reached the Golden Core Realm!
"Aren't you too fast?" Zhang Kun has always been proud of his cultivation speed, which amazed everyone. When he was 15 years old, he completed the ancient martial arts stage, and he practiced one more state of mind than others. At the age of 16 The Qi training level has been rising steadily, and he has experienced the Battle of the Arctic Ice Field. After spending another three months, he reached the foundation building level before his 17th birthday!
It can be said that it is a big realm a year. Although some of the time is calculated based on the ten-fold acceleration in the mirror domain, it is still shockingly fast. However, Liang Lingxue is his sister who is half a year younger than him. But surpassed his entire realm?

Zhang Kun couldn't help shaking his head helplessly, this person is really irritating compared to other people, Liang Lingxue was born with an icy spirit body, and by a blessing in disguise, she got the Ice Empress Spiritual Core, and practicing in the Arctic ice ocean is more effective for her, so she advanced Godly speed.

With such a speed of practice, even the holy sons and saints of the big sects in the cultivation world can only look at the ocean and sigh, right?
But Zhang Kun is different. His cultivation talent was not outstanding at the beginning, and it was not obvious in the Zhang family studies. It was not until he obtained the mirror field, used various medicines to wash the marrow and renew the bones, and improved his qualifications step by step. Having been promoted to the present level, instead of being born with a divine body like Liang Lingxue, she has a talent for cultivation.

Zhang Kun recovered from his injuries, and after his realm improved, Gongsun Yangyan and the others all healed, but the mirror domain has not been opened for a long time. It seems that the consumption this time is indeed not small, and even the mirror domain needs time to recover.

However, with Zhang Kun's current strength, ordinary Jindan experts would not take it seriously. He had been silent for three months, and it was time to return, but when he wanted to leave the Deep Sea Crystal Palace, he had no choice but to find that , they are trapped here!

"Master Gongsun tried to leave before, but a strange force sealed this place, preventing us from going out." Liang Lingxue shook her head and said.

(End of this chapter)

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