Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 657 Who Are You

Chapter 657 Who Are You
Zhang Kun sighed, looked at an invisible curtain in front of the Crystal Palace, and fell silent involuntarily.

"It seems that Jingyu has to be used to relieve this force." Zhang Kun shook his head and said helplessly.

The mirror domain has not yet recovered, so Zhang Kun simply calmed down and started to practice, and it was a year later.

At this moment in the Kunhua world, on the Kunhua Mountain, in front of the Kunhua Palace, a big battle is starting.

Yue Qingfeng slashed through the sky with an extremely bright knife, showing his sharpness, cutting thousands of ways with one knife!
"Tips for carving insects."

Seeing this scene, Daoist Ji Hong just smiled contemptuously, but seeing no movement from him, the bright saber energy that spanned tens of miles crashed into his domain.

The unstoppable saber aura seemed to be stuck in the mud, moving forward at an extremely slow speed, the majestic vitality in the saber aura was consumed rapidly, and when it reached the real Ji Hong, it was less than a foot long.

card wipe.

Master Ji Hong stretched out his hand and pinched the saber energy, and Yue Qingfeng's long-planned move was deciphered lightly by him.

Yue Qingfeng gritted his teeth and let out an angry roar. The long knife in his hand suddenly swelled several times. It was a full hundred meters long and spewed out a fiery white light of divine flames!
Swallowing the sky and ferocious sun, the momentum is extraordinary, and the power of a single sword is enough to slay a dragon!
However, Master Ji Hong let out a mouthful of true energy lightly. As an extreme powerhouse, how terrifying is his strength?He became famous in the world a hundred years ago, and after a hundred years of cultivation, he has comprehended countless avenues. If there were no restrictions in this world, he would have reached a higher and stronger realm long ago!

That zhenqi turned into a towering long dragon in mid-air, the dragon's claws fluttered, spewed out clouds of smoke, and strangled the long white-glowed knife. The dragon roared and hissed, and the blade's light was shortened by an inch. At the end, Yue Qingfeng let out a muffled groan. , The long knife in his hand unexpectedly came out!

"I'll give you one last chance to disband the Kunhua faction, and spare you life."

Master Ji Hong said indifferently.

"If you want to bully my Kunhua faction, just step over my corpse." Yue Qingfeng turned his body into countless phantoms, each figure shouted loudly, and killed Ji Hong with astonishing momentum.

"You want to die, no wonder I." Daoist Ji Hong waved his hand, and the phantoms all over the sky burst like bubbles, and Yue Qingfeng's real body was also severely injured, spitting blood and falling to the mountain gate.

"Is this the peak of Jindan, the strength to reach the extreme?"

Yue Qingfeng struggled to stand up, his heart was full of bitterness, he knew that the gap in strength between himself and Master Ji Hong was too great, and even he couldn't understand the methods of Master Ji Hong, and in front of him, he might not be as good as a mortal. Why not.

"I'm fine." Seeing everyone's worried eyes, Yue Qingfeng comforted him.

In fact, his meridians were already dislocated at this time, and his sense of the power of heaven and earth was extremely weak, and he couldn't even retain the strength of the golden core.

The digital golden elixir powerhouses of the Kunhua faction soared into the sky, and they all shot together, each of them aura like a rainbow, as strong as a star, standing in front of Yue Qingfeng, and jointly resisting the real Ji Hong. There are several different colors and different attributes of vitality. It exploded in mid-air, turning the front of Kunhua Mountain into a sea of ​​vitality!

However, Daoist Ji Hong, who had already reached the extreme state, sneered, squeezed the formula with his hands, and recited a magical incantation from ancient times. He only heard two clangs, and a huge golden bell appeared in front of everyone.

"Fairy Bell?"

Countless people looked at the big clock, and a word could not help but emerge in their minds. It is said that it is an artifact conceived on a fairy island and fairy mountain in the depths of the East China Sea. Unexpectedly, it was mastered by the wandering real Ji Hong. in hand!
As soon as the fairy bell came out, as if it suppressed the heaven and the earth, a powerful wave spread throughout the Kunhua world, and wherever it went, the void shattered!

As soon as the bell rang, ten thousand dao were annihilated!

Those few Jindan powerhouses suddenly felt like they were facing a formidable enemy, they spurted out a mouthful of blood, covered their heads, and the vitality in their bodies seemed to be vented towards the fairy bell!

"Kunhua disciples quickly retreat into the mountain gate!" Yue Qingfeng's face changed wildly when he saw this scene, and he hurriedly shouted, pouring the remaining vitality into a jade tablet continuously.

Dan fights!
Dots of milky white light dots spread all over the Kunhua world, and a huge pure white lotus bloomed in the void.

The lotus petals wrap the entire Kunhua Mountain and exclude anyone from entering.

This is the Immovable Lotus Formation left by Zhang Kun for the Kunhua Sect, with nine seventh-rank Tianxin Lotus Pills as the foundation of the formation.

"This is the so-called Pill Formation? It's interesting." A whisk appeared in the hands of Master Ji Hong.

He flicked the whisk, and the vitality between the heavens and the earth flowed into the whisk, and cracks appeared in the void, broken and folded, and pushed towards Kunhua Mountain like a rolling river.

The river of void involved everything around it, and crashed into the pure white lotus with a mighty momentum.


A series of black waves slapped on the lotus petals, making the sound of gold and iron.

After all, the pill formation without Zhang Kun's control is like water without roots. After supporting it for a while, the first lotus petals fell and were sucked into the river of void.

Everyone in the Kunhua Sect watched the lotus petals falling, revealing the lotus plate inside, with despair in their eyes.

Su Fangmeng closed her eyes in pain, clenched her fists tightly, a few tears had already leaked from the corners of her eyes.

"Is it impossible to keep it after all?" Yue Qingfeng sighed, and the figure of the somewhat thin boy appeared in his mind again.

If he is there, there must be a way, right?

"Zhang Kun has done a lot of evil, he has already been punished, and it's time for his sect to disappear." The bald old man in Pill King Valley smiled sinisterly, without hiding the greed in his eyes.

The disciples of the sect showed joy and kept clamoring below, and the strong men of several major sects even started to discuss how to allocate the kung fu resources of the Kunhua sect, and their ugly faces were clearly visible.

The lotus array shattered and turned into specks of light that dissipated in the sky and the earth, and the overwhelming black waves shot towards everyone in Kunhua.

A faint smile also appeared on Ji Hong's face, but his smile froze in the next moment, and the destructive black river was condensed with a layer of ice at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the entire void unexpectedly All were frozen.

On the long river, two figures appeared. The woman was graceful and beautiful, but the cold air exuding from her body was daunting. The man was ordinary, and there were no traces of cultivation, but standing there , as if suppressing that side of the world.

"Who are you?" Daoist Ji Hong frowned, showing a bit of fear, the girl's momentum alone was not weaker than him, and the young man looked even more unfathomable!
(End of this chapter)

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