Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 673

Chapter 673
The man with a square face snorted coldly: "Then you should go back as soon as possible, this place is not for a fledgling doll like you, be careful and die!"

After finishing speaking, the man turned his head and left, and snorted coldly: "What a waste of my time!"

Zhang Kun's face was indifferent, without any expression, but Liang Lingxue on the side couldn't help but cover her cherry lips and pursed her lips into a smile.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Zhang Kun, who is the best in the world, will have a day of disappointment!" Liang Lingxue whispered into Zhang Kun's ear.

Zhang Kun spread his hands helplessly. Now that they have changed their appearance, no one can recognize that they are the world-renowned Zhang Kun, and it is only natural that they be despised.

"Brother Zhang Kun, look at me!" Liang Lingxue smiled mischievously at Zhang Kun, let go of Zhang Kun's arm, moved lightly with lotus steps, and came to the man with the square face.

She saluted the man generously and smiled, her bright eyes shining like autumn moons.

"Brother, can you tell me why it's so lively today?" Liang Lingxue smiled.

The man with the square face saw that the person who was interrogating was a graceful and beautiful girl, and his attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees. He quickly and politely said: "Girl, this situation actually happened a few days ago!"

Liang Lingxue tilted her pretty head and asked, "Why?"

The man with the square face couldn't take his eyes off her face, and his old face blushed and told Liang Lingxue everything that had happened in Yaohong City and the endless jungle these days.

Liang Lingxue nodded thoughtfully, smiled slightly, cast an invisibility spell, moved lightly with lotus steps, and returned to Zhang Kun's side with a smile on her face.

The man with the square face was cheerfully about to invite Liang Lingxue to join his mercenary regiment, but in a blink of an eye, he found that Liang Lingxue had disappeared without a trace.

"How about brother Zhang Kun, am I better than you!" Liang Lingxue smiled playfully.

Zhang Kun sighed leisurely: "Yes, yes, Ling Xue is the most powerful, let's talk about what's going on."

This time, Zhang Kun was very playful when he came out from hiding his identity. If he really wanted to know what happened here, he could understand everything clearly with a spell of fascination.

But Hongchen entered the world, he didn't want to show too many ways of cultivating immortals, otherwise he wouldn't be able to see Liang Lingxue's cute and naive demeanor.

When talking about the business, Liang Lingxue said seriously: "In the depths of the endless forest, there is a place called Burning Valley. Every certain period, like a volcanic eruption, countless spiritual fires will emerge. Every time a spiritual fire emerges, it will cause The crazy snatching of these mercenary groups!"

Zhang Kun raised his forehead slightly. As an alchemist, he naturally knows the important role of spiritual fire for monks. Spiritual fire is also divided into different levels as a supernatural power of heaven and earth. Generally speaking, alchemists use ordinary fire, which is usually weaker. The fire essence of the fire, or the beast fire of the monster, and the alchemist will generally seek a better spirit fire, but most alchemists can only master the low-level spirit fire, such as the Tianzhu residual flame in Zhang Kun's hand, which belongs to the middle-level spirit fire. Fire.

Chixia Yanxi, that is the best of the spiritual fires, it can be called the best spiritual fire!
"Searching aimlessly is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, maybe we can find the Chixia Yanxi in Scorching Valley!"

Zhang Kun pondered for a moment and said: "Then let's mix into their team and wait for the opportunity to snatch the spirit fire!"

Zhang Kun and his entourage merged into the crowd, and saw a middle-aged man wearing bright armor on a platform at the gate of the city, pressing the sword at his waist, and looking around the surrounding mercenaries majestically. There is a pale old man with a hooked nose and deep eye sockets, as if he can see through the world.

Obviously, this is the high-level officials of Yaohong City, and perhaps they are also the organizers of this treasure hunt.

In this small city located on the border of the human territory, the strength of the city lord is not too weak. The foundation is at its peak, and there are no Jindan experts in the entire city. Several qi cultivators couldn't help shaking their heads. This Scorched Valley is obviously a place with plenty of spiritual qi, otherwise it would be impossible for so many spiritual fires to be born.

And not only Scorching Valley itself is full of dangers, it is located in the depths of the endless forest, where there are countless groups of monsters, who may attack and destroy these unknown mercenary groups at any time.

All the people were outside beside the platform, all looking forward to it, not knowing what they were waiting for.

The three of Zhang Kun blended into the crowd and calmed down. Except for Liang Lingxue's outstanding appearance and temperament that attracted some attention, not many people realized that there were three more unfamiliar faces in the team.

At this time, a man with a big sword on his back and thick brows and big eyes came over. When he saw Liang Lingxue, his eyes lit up, and he came up and said.

"Oh, girl, you disappeared so suddenly just now, which made me search all over the place!"

Zhang Kun smiled gloatingly, now let's see how Liang Lingxue ends up.

But Liang Lingxue smiled apologetically at the man with a Chinese face and said with apologetic eyes, "There were too many people just now, so I couldn't see you, uncle."

When the man with a square face heard that Liang Lingxue was squeezed, he scolded angrily, "Who is so rude to squeeze you away?"

Then he stretched out his hand to touch Liang Lingxue and said, "Let me see, is there any injury?"

Zhang Kun frowned slightly, stretched out his hand to block Liang Lingxue, and looked at the man with a Chinese character face indifferently.

"Why is it you again, get out of the way, I think you were the one who pushed this girl away just now!" the uncle with a square face scolded angrily.

Zhang Kun didn't say a word. With his identity and strength, if he wanted to, the entire Yaohong City could be destroyed in an instant, let alone a casual cultivator.

In Zhang Kun's eyes, these people are like ants, and they don't bother to pay attention to them at all. If they really provoke Zhang Kun, they will just kill them.

"Poor boy who doesn't know anything, dare to ignore me, I think you are looking for death!" The uncle with a square face yelled angrily, and a powerful momentum from his body crushed towards Zhang Kun.

Seeing this, Liang Lingxue hurriedly separated the two. After all, she was too kind-hearted and didn't want to see the two conflict.

The uncle with a square face snorted coldly, looked at Zhang Kun contemptuously and said, "Hmph, this time, I let you go because of this girl's face, please remember!"

Zhang Kun smiled lightly and said, "Oh, is that so?"

The uncle with a square face looked at Liang Lingxue and said with a smile: "Girl, we haven't finished talking before!"

(End of this chapter)

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