Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 674: Alchemist of Dark Vein

Chapter 674: Alchemist of Dark Vein

Liang Lingxue frowned slightly in disgust, and the uncle quickly brought up the topic when he saw this, "Do you know who organized this treasure hunt?"

Liang Lingxue asked with a curious baby look on her face, "Who is it?"

The uncle with a square face showed a somewhat smug look on his face and said, "Who? I'm afraid I'll scare you to pee if I say it!"

Zhang Kun glanced at him indifferently, there are really few people in this world whose names can scare him!

"Hehe, do you know the city of Raging Waves in Xilan Kingdom?" the uncle with a Chinese face said pretending to be mysterious.

Mr. Bi Fang and Zhang Kun looked at each other, couldn't hold back their smiles, Liang Lingxue quickly gave them a wink, pretended not to know and shook his head and said, "I don't know, where is that?"

"You don't know it just by looking at it, do you? This Yaohong City is just a small town. Raging Wave City is the imperial capital of Xilan Kingdom. Even I have never been there, let alone you!"

The uncle with a square face looked yearning, but his eyes were still full of contempt when he looked at Zhang Kun.

"This time, the one who organized Yaohong City's entry into Scorching Valley was an elder from the Dark Vein, the largest underground organization in Sealand Kingdom!"

"Tsk tsk, you don't know, this dark vein is so powerful that it spreads all over the continent. The owner of the dark vein is very mysterious. No one knows his name. Some people say that it is very likely to be Zhang Kun!" Uncle Face said mysteriously, when the word Zhang Kun was mentioned, his eyes were full of admiration.

In the eyes of the monks in the mainland, Zhang Kun is already considered a religion, and there are people who worship Zhang Kun everywhere.

When Zhang Kun was practicing, he could feel the power of faith rushing towards him, but he eliminated them without exception.

Zhang Kun shook his head and smiled wryly. The existence of Luo Quan is a taboo in Xilan Country. How did the people in Yaohong City know that Luo Quan is the master of the dark vein? They even guessed that they were the master of the dark vein. .

"The elder of the Dark Vein, that's a big shot!" Zhang Kun said pretending to be surprised.

Uncle Guo Zilian said: "That's right, you have some knowledge, the elder of the dark veins, that is, the old man on the stage with the aura restrained to the extreme, and the strong man at the peak of foundation building, he is only one step away from the golden core realm!"

Zhang Kun did not expect that the tentacles of Luo Quan's dark veins had extended to the most border of human power, but it is also true to think about it. Luo Quan, an old monster, is very obsessed with power. They are all firmly grasped in the palm of my hand. Of course, the dark pulse of the scorching valley's spiritual fire will not be let go!
At this time, the hooked-nosed old man on the stage took a glance here intentionally or unintentionally, and his eyes stayed on Zhang Kun and his party for a very short while, then looked away.

"I had the illusion just now that there seemed to be a few auras that were so powerful that even I was no match." The old man with the hooked nose thought suspiciously, but he soon returned to normal. This is a small border trading city of human forces. Why? Could there be someone stronger than him?

Zhang Kun glanced at the old man on the stage indifferently. Although Luo Quan gave himself the title of Blood Nine Kings and said that he would be the new owner of Dark Vein, in fact Zhang Kun did not have any relationship with Dark Vein. Contact, I am afraid that the old man does not know him.

"Okay, our scheduled time has arrived. You all accepted the mission and went to Scorching Valley. I will say my ugly words first. I, Luo, never mess with things and make money together. But there is one thing you have to remember live!"

The hooked-nosed old man said in his dry and ugly voice on the stage, this time he used the power of the dark vein to gather the entire mercenary team of Yaohong City together, which can be said to be an opportunity for Scorching Valley Determined to win!
"You must obey my dark vein's arrangement, divide into several small teams according to my instructions, and act as a whole. Don't worry, dark vein will get rich bonuses for doing things. As long as you do your best, dark vein will never treat you badly. of!"

After the hooked-nosed old man finished speaking, there was a burst of applause from below. For these mercenaries licking blood with their knives, the commission is everything, not to mention working with the dark vein, there is guarantee. The strength of this hooked-nosed old man It is very strong!

"Not only that, this time we are going deep into the territory of the Yaozu Empire, and it is impossible to persevere without supplies, so Dark Vein will arrange alchemists to follow you!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar. Alchemist is one of the most noble professions in the Wuming Continent. Zhang Kun is a powerful alchemist. He stood at the top of the continent!
Originally, the alchemists in Yaohong City were even rarer, and there were not even a few decent alchemists, most of them were alchemists. If the mercenary group could invite alchemists, their status would immediately soar several times !
Alchemists are so sought-after. They can provide recovery and various auxiliary functions during battles, and they are also unparalleled in promoting monks' cultivation. If there is no alchemist in the team, unexpected situations such as poisoning cannot be dealt with at all. This time, the Dark Vein was really generous, even the alchemist was invited to come out!
"Okay, without further ado, now you are divided into twelve teams according to the distribution of heaven and earth, with 20 people in each team and one alchemist!"

The hooked-nosed old man commanded the crowd, and they formed a temporary team in groups of three and four. Zhang Kun and the three were not separated, and they were assigned to the Xin character team together with the man with a Chinese face.

After Zhang Kun heard what the old man said, he frowned slightly. Twenty alchemists, this is not a small scale. Is it necessary to dispatch so many alchemists for the spiritual fire of Scorching Valley? Where do you usually see so many alchemists acting together when the big forces focus on protecting the target?
Soon the team was divided, and a few monks in red robes were led by the hook-nosed old man and walked over.

I saw that each of them was majestic, their eyebrows were full of arrogance, and even a few red robes were embroidered with gold trim and decorated with various noble patterns, and their chests were covered with medals.

Zhang Kun's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw that among the twenty alchemists, some were wearing the guest honor medal of the Alchemy Association.

We must know that the current alchemist union is not what it used to be. Under Zhang Kun's deliberate promotion, the alchemist union in the entire mainland has developed by leaps and bounds, and it has been brought under a unified management system, with Gongsun Yangyan in charge. , to provide assessment and services to alchemists all over the continent, and to issue detailed regulations on the issuance of guest honor medals. Alchemists who can obtain the status of guest honor under the current situation should not be underestimated!

(End of this chapter)

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