Shenfu Danzun


Chapter 675
What is even more striking is that the young alchemist\'s chest is dotted with four five-pointed stars, which are the symbols of a fourth-rank alchemist!
Tier [-] alchemists are already the mainstay of the alchemist team, and they are extremely sought after objects in a royal city, and most of the elders in Yaohuang Mountain are of this level.

Tier [-] alchemist, these mercenary regiments of Yaohong City, where have they seen such a noble alchemist in this life?
Those mercenary groups all stretched their necks, opened their eyes wide, and greeted the alchemists assigned to their teams with great enthusiasm.

Zhang Kun and his entourage kept a low profile. In his eyes, the fourth-tier alchemist might not even be regarded as a scumbag. Now his sixth-tier alchemist has suddenly reached the realm of heaven and man. He only needs to accumulate alchemy experience to advance to the rank of great alchemist. It\'s just a matter of time.

Murong Yizhuan is not in a good mood today. As a member of the alchemist union and a fourth-rank alchemist, he should have stayed in the luxurious alchemy room with incense and leisurely refining pills, or In the central city of human beings, girls with tender arms in their arms hold a naked meeting, drink a lot of dadan, and indulge in carnival!

But because of an order from Elder Dark Vein, he had no choice but to come to Yaohong City, where no bird shits, and go deep into the hinterland of the Yaozu Empire, risking his life to protect that group of mud-legged mercenaries!
Murong Yi became angry when he thought of these things, but he couldn\'t help it. Who told him that he owed the dark veins a favor?
Murong Yi was just chatting with a few alchemist companions around him where he was going to be happy and unrestrained. At this time, his eyes glanced down, and he saw Liang Lingxue hiding in the crowd at a glance.

Seeing the young girl\'s graceful appearance, sweet smile, and that otherworldly temperament, Murong Yi showed a lewd smile.

\"It seems that this time it didn\'t come in vain, this is the best!\" Murong Yi couldn\'t take back his eyes after he found Liang Lingxue. He rubbed his hands, thinking that he must get this girl on his bed , Conquer her well!
Murong Yizhuan also didn\'t want to talk about brothel prostitutes with his companions anymore, compared to the stunning girl in front of him, those were just vulgar fans!

Murong Yi thought to himself, if he can get Liang Lingxue, even if he never touches a woman again in his life, it doesn\'t matter to him!

At this moment, the hooked-nosed old man was assigning alchemists to each team, Murong Yi stepped forward and said, \"Elder Wei, I want to go to the Xin Zi team.\"

\"It turned out to be Mr. Murong. This action may be dangerous. Although I invited you here, I didn\'t intend to put you in danger. You\'d better stay by my side so that I can give you more money.\" Provide protection.\" The hooked-nosed old man glanced at Murong Yi and said.

But Murong Yizhuan shook his head and said: \"Elder Wei, you worry too much, those mercenary brothers can protect me well, look at their fanatical eyes, we seem to be looking at gods!\"

Elder Wei, the hooked-nosed old man, pondered for a moment and said, \"That\'s okay. Anyway, we have planned this operation for a long time and are fully prepared. If it goes well, we will be able to withdraw the team soon.\"

\"Yes, yes, Elder Wei\'s plan is naturally appropriate, let alone a scorching valley, we can even walk back and forth to the Demon Emperor\'s palace!\" Murong Yizhuan laughed and flattered.

Elder Wei also smiled and said, \"That still depends on Mr. Murong\'s alchemy.\"

After the two of them finished their business exchange, Murong Yi walked towards Zhang Kun and the others, only to see that he was still dragging a thing similar to the Qiankun Bagua Instrument in his hand, which seemed to be used to assist in alchemy. After being irradiated with the instrument, the properties and year of the medicinal materials can be identified, and even when refining alchemy, he will remind the refining time.

Zhang Kun glanced at him indifferently. In his eyes, this kind of auxiliary tool is simply ridiculous. Alchemy is about being free and easy, as if it is a work of art. If you use tools like this to force precision, it will be too rigid , but fell into the cliché, it is impossible to have greater achievements in this life, let alone break through to the realm of great alchemists, it is very difficult to go up to a higher level among alchemists.

And Zhang Kun has already cultivated an extremely precise feeling since he was in Changyang City. He can perfectly grasp the medicinal properties, weight, dosage, year, and the temperature and temperature of the alchemy without any tools at all. Time control, which is also called the realm of no leaks by alchemists.

Then, during the days of subterranean cultivation on the Yaohuang Mountain, Zhang Kun went one step further and achieved a state of subtlety. In the mirror domain assessment, he defeated the young Luo Quan!
Now that Zhang Kun has glimpsed the realm of heaven and man, how can he take a mere Murong Yi in his eyes.

However, Murong Yizhuan didn\'t have this kind of self-knowledge. He walked over confidently, looked at the mercenaries in front of him arrogantly, and said coldly: \"I can come to your team because it\'s yours.\" Is it an honor to know that you are so happy to serve me, and the pills are indispensable to you.\"

The man with a square face hurriedly went up to him, nodded and bowed his head, and said, \"Yes, yes, please, alchemist, we are all relying on you.\"

\"Hmph, it\'s not too bad!\" Murong Yizhuan enjoyed the feeling of being admired by all the stars, but his eyes were fixed on Liang Lingxue all the time.

Zhang Kun didn\'t expect that he really came to his team, but he didn\'t care too much.

After all, this time, he just wanted to mix in with the mercenary group and let them help him find the location of Scorching Valley.

Zhang Kun\'s status is special, so he can\'t make a big show of it, otherwise it is very likely to attract the attention of the demon emperor, and then things will become more troublesome.

\"Girl, did you come here alone? It\'s too dangerous for a girl to be alone. I\'m a fourth-rank alchemist of the Alchemist Guild. My name is Murong Yizhuan.\" Murong Yizhuan straightened his collar , came to Liang Lingxue\'s side, revealing a smile that one thought was extremely sunny.

When the uncle with a square face saw the alchemist appearing on the stage, he smiled wryly, took a few steps back, and no longer had any hope.

Liang Lingxue looked at Murong Yizhuan who was walking towards her lightly, with a hint of disgust in his eyes.

Zhang Kun frowned slightly, and stood in front of Liang Lingxue.

\"Boy, let me tell you, you\'d better get out of the way!\" Murong Yi yelled arrogantly, in his eyes Zhang Kun was just an unknown little mercenary in the small city of Yaohong City!

The uncle with a square face also came over and said contemptuously to Zhang Kun: \"This is an alchemist with a high status. If you don\'t want to die, you\'d better get out as soon as possible, otherwise you won\'t die ten thousand times!\"

 It was too late to come back last night, and the last chapter was not uploaded, so I will make it up now!

(End of this chapter)

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