Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 698

Chapter 698
Yaohong City, originally a small trading city on the border of the human empire, was a paradise for merchants and mercenaries.

But in the war of the monster clan's invasion, it became the area that bears the brunt, and the golden core demon king directly entered the city to kill the city owner and slaughter the whole city!

The entire human empire fell into silence, and there was no way to deal with it at all!

This time it can be said that the monster clan came out in full force. Each of the eighteen cave monster kings was a powerful golden core demon with overwhelming strength. Only the strong gold core and several foundation-building masters could be encircled and killed together.

However, the powerhouses of human sects and aristocratic families have gradually withered, and there are not many left. Many people have died in the Kunhua world and were slaughtered by the Kunhua faction!

At this time, the Kunhua faction, the most powerful force in human beings, should stand up to solve the crisis of the demon clan. However, Zhang Kun, the leader of the Kunhua faction, was completely frozen. There is no small rebellion crisis!

Therefore, the army of the monster clan drove straight in, completely turning the border area into a hunting ground for the monster clan!

In Yaohong City's City Lord's Mansion, sitting on the throne is a strange and handsome young man of the Yaozu. He has pointed fangs, ears, and a pair of blood pupils. He is naked at the moment, surrounded by Yingyingyan Yan, with countless pairs of soft, white and tender jade hands floating on his body, all kinds of silk and satin can't cover the beautiful and graceful bodies of those girls.

They are all human beauties who were kidnapped by the Golden Core Demon King. All their parents and relatives were beheaded by the demon clan. In order to save their lives, they could only submit to the Golden Core Demon King and serve him personally. Satisfy his greedy desire!
Someone once showed a rebellious look, but in the end, the golden core demon king cut off his limbs in front of everyone, sucked them into a human body, and died a terrible death. Since then, no beauty has dared to Resist the evil power of the demon king.

"Your Majesty, drink." A woman in a purple dress with half-exposed breasts served the wine delicately.

The Golden Core Demon King laughed wildly and said, "Okay, beauty, I want you to feed this king with your mouth!"

At this moment, an afterimage rushed to the extreme and rushed into the City Lord's Mansion.

"Who?" The Golden Core Demon King has such keen senses, he didn't care about the graceful female bodies lying on his body, stood up suddenly, and looked at the door vigilantly.

He has set up many trap formations in Yaohong City. It is impossible for Jindan strong to break in casually. The comer can ignore all these. What kind of strength is he!
"Who are you, dare to break into my cave and disturb my pleasure, don't you want to live?" The Jindan Yaowang Yaoyi narrowed his eyes, and a murderous aura came, like the deep like the sea, making people terrified. How many people in Meiji died of fright!

Zhang Kun glanced at him lightly, and said with a sneer, "Ants!"

After all, he casually slashed out a burst of energy, he didn't bother to take care of such a small character, so he just slashed it!
The Golden Core Demon King fell straight down with a bang, his head and body separated and flew up, spilling blood all over the place. He had learned countless skills all his life, but he couldn't use them at all at this moment, and he didn't have any time to react in front of Zhang Kun!
After killing the demon king in Yaohong City, Zhang Kun didn't stop at all. His figure flickered and turned into a rainbow of blood, crossing the sky and heading towards the next city.

The originally prosperous and stable human city has now turned into a hunting paradise for the monster race. There are stumps and broken arms everywhere, and the strong smell of blood lingers in the air!
"Boom!" Zhang Kun pointed out, and a brilliant and condensed divine light pierced through a seductive female demon queen. Her beautiful head was blasted beyond recognition, but Zhang Kun showed no pity at all.

At Zhang Kun's current state, Taoism can be evolved with every gesture. Even if he has never practiced fingering, he can still use exquisite fingering force.

Zhang Kun's speed is extremely fast, and he can shuttle between the cities thousands of miles apart. Those Jindan demon kings didn't even have time to react, and they saw an afterimage general, beheading them all, and harvesting their lives , never sloppy!
"No, don't kill me, I surrender, we can respect you as the Demon Emperor together!"

In a royal city deep into the human empire, Yaodou Yaowang showed his prototype, a bulky and ugly one-horned rhinoceros. He was photographed by Zhang Kun because of his profound strength and his body Only a treasure armor of the spirit weapon level blocked Zhang Kun's attack.

Zhang Kun looked coldly at the Yaodou Demon King in front of him and said with a smile: "It's not your turn to give me the title, I'm the Demon Emperor!"

Speaking of the demon emperor's aura erupting from his body, Yaodou Yaowang's eyes widened, his huge body trembled, and Zhang Kun crushed the golden core in despair!

"Boom boom boom!"

The same thing happened in several human cities, and all the demon kings who had harmed human beings were not spared!

Eighteen cave demon kings and hundreds of demon generals were all slaughtered overnight!The entire Monster Race Empire is terrified and desperate!

Tens of thousands of monsters were still sleeping soundly, but they were killed by a sword array. That scene was really frightening!

After doing all this, Zhang Kun turned back to the endless jungle. He wanted to integrate the flames of Chixia and take charge of the power of the monster clan. There were only two steps left to unlock the seal of this world!
After daybreak, the entire human world boiled and shook, and they discovered in disbelief that all the monster races that had invaded their city-country were dead!

"Which one of you saw that the strong man shot and killed all the monsters overnight?"

"It can't be done by one person. More than [-] cities are separated by thousands of miles from each other. Tens of thousands of monsters were wiped out overnight. This is not a feat that can be achieved by one person at all!"

"Perhaps God bless us human beings, I really thank God!"

The whole world was shocked. After a short period of horror and doubt, human beings fell into great joy. They held grand celebrations to celebrate this incredible moment.

But none of them knew who was in charge of all this.

Until someone in the endless jungle found that the huge ice sculpture had disappeared, and in the depths of the jungle, countless strong monsters worshiped a person. Looking from a distance, they saw a human youth standing proudly in the void, covered in Braving the spiritual fire, he held the Chixia Flame Breath in his hands, and beside him stood a beautiful girl from the demon clan, Yang Yang, who kowtowed and surrendered to countless demon dynasties!
"Yes, it's Zhang Kun!"

"Zhang Kun has become the new demon emperor. He is the one who killed those demon clans that invaded us. That must be the case. In this world, he is the only one who can do this!"

Zhang Kun is the Demon Emperor, and the news quickly spread throughout the Wuming Continent!

(End of this chapter)

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