Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 699

Chapter 699
The power that Zhang Kun holds in his hands at this moment basically covers all the land parts of the entire world, leaving only the oceans that he has not conquered!
And now Zhang Kun, as the demon emperor, is going to march against the ocean!
"Zhang Kun's achievements are unprecedented, and he can be named the emperor of the ages!"

"Why is this? He is looking for the method of ascension. I am afraid that he is very hopeful to become the first ascension person after the great change of the world!" In the streets and alleys of the human empire, many people gathered together and talked loudly, and the topic they talked about was There is only one, and that is Zhang Kun!

It is hard for everyone to believe that a human being has become a demon emperor!

But they had to accept this iron-clad fact. When they talked about Zhang Kun, they looked incredible. This simply subverted their three views and cognitions and made them feel like they were living in a dream.

What's even more frightening is that Zhang Kun is only 17 years old. A young man of this age is just a fledgling, not even a Qi practitioner. At this moment, Zhang Kun is already standing at the peak at the age of 17, standing on the entire continent. Soon he will be the master of the whole world!
Zhang Kun's expedition to the East China Sea is like a heavenly emperor on a parade. The huge cloud sail is used as a warship, followed by the black and strong demon clan powerhouses behind him, and the vast sword energy condensed like a horse is clearing the way in front of him. When he takes a step, it seems to have crossed countless spaces. generally!
"Master Demon Emperor is really scary, if he can be accepted as his confidant, it would be great to join the Kunhua faction!" A few little demons behind Zhang Kun murmured softly.

Zhang Kun announced his rules before that the Kunhua faction is not limited to races, no matter monster race or human beings can join, as long as you make contributions to the Kunhua faction, you can get rewards!

This greatly stimulated the fighting spirit of the powerful monster clan. Originally, they all thought that after following Zhang Kun, they could not plunder human beings, beauties, or treasures, and life would lose their fun, but Zhang Kun told them that as long as they complete the task, You can get rewards, and this reward is very rich!

Exquisite elixirs for human beings, excellent weapons and magic weapons are not available to the monster race. In the past, by robbing weak human beings, they could not get top-notch magic weapon elixirs. The most top!

Zhang Kun's grand march lasted for several days. His purpose of doing so was not only to conquer the Naga royal family, but also to warn all the families in the world and strengthen his rule over the world.

Zhang Kun doesn't have much interest in ruling the world, but this world always needs a leader, and he can only do it there. There will be no resistance at all.

Zhang Kun can only use the fastest and toughest means to bring them under a unified rule, so that they can form a joint force and hope to resist the outrageous invasion of other worlds in the future!
Soon, in front of everyone, a vast ocean appeared, with blue waves like washing, and slight ripples.

"Master Zhang Kun is here!"

Countless strong monsters called Zhang Kun's name, and suddenly it was like overwhelming the sea, forming a monstrous wave that directly divided the vast ocean!

Zhang Kun stepped forward and parted the sea!

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a loud noise, and from the depths of the seabed, a magnificent and exotic crystal palace slowly emerged from a cluster of aquatic spirit grass, and the sea water was discharged from the steps of the palace like a waterfall, forming a spectacle !

Zhang Kun fixed his eyes on the palace of the Naga royal family, and saw the majestic mossy gate in front of the palace slowly opened, and suddenly boundless water vapor came over the surface. The water element content in the air reached a limit, and it would turn into a rainstorm at any time fall!
Walking out of the palace, a group of beautiful court ladies dressed in water blue and luxurious snake bodies walked out slowly, and bowed deeply to Zhang Kun and his party. It was like a hundred flowers blooming in an instant, making people dazzled.

"Master Zhang Kun, the patriarch has been waiting for you inside for a long time, please come in with us." A high-ranking member of the Naga clan in palace attire saluted Zhang Kun.

With golden horns on her head, she looks more noble than other tribesmen.

Zhang Kun nodded slowly, stretched out his hand to signal the strong monster clan behind him to restrain their breath, and walked down the sky with their hands behind their backs, walking towards the crystal palace.

"Master Demon Emperor, they are so talkative, I'm afraid they are deceitful!" A powerful demon clan stepped forward to remonstrate, but Zhang Kun waved his hand to reassure them.

Now with Zhang Kun's strength, there is really nothing that can threaten his life.

Zhang Kun's figure passed through a blue water curtain, and a sense of coolness penetrated his whole body. Zhang Kun felt a sense of time and space shifting, and he seemed to have come to another small world!

Zhang Kun couldn't help but nodded. The Naga royal family is indeed a group of ancient heterogeneous species. It is hidden in the deep sea and has a small world of its own. It is extremely powerful and powerful!
If it weren't for the freak Zhang Kun appearing on the human side, the Naga royal family would continue to dominate the ocean!
Walking towards Zhang Kun was a tall Naga King Snake holding a trident and a three-pronged tail. He wore a crown on his curly hair.

"Are you the patriarch of the Naga royal family?" Zhang Kun asked flatly.

The huge Naga royal family took off the crown and bowed deeply: "Your Excellency Zhang Kun, I am the patriarch of the Naga royal family, Long He."

Zhang Kun's reputation is no longer limited to the mainland. Even the alien races in the deep sea know his existence. When they hear his name, they can't help but kneel down. Even the patriarch of the Naga royal family is convinced. .

Zhang Kun nodded and said, "Since you know I'm here, you should understand why I'm here."

"Your Excellency Zhang Kun, if you say that you are here to take Zhuoshi Canglang, you will really embarrass our clan!" Long He said nervously with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Zhuoshi Canglang is extremely precious to the Naga royal family, and it must not be given to Zhang Kun, but at the same time, if Zhang Kun is angered, the entire Naga royal family may be wiped out!
The three-headed dog of the underworld is also an ancient alien species, but Zhang Kun casually killed it when he was in the foundation-building state, and now Zhang Kun has inherited the true essence of the demon emperor and reached the golden core state. It seems that he will not be his opponent alone!
Zhang Kun glanced at Long He lightly and said: "If you have any difficulties, you can just tell them. As long as you cooperate, I will give you enough compensation."

"Then let me just say it straight, Zhuoshicanglang is the source of our clan's survival, if you take away Zhuoshicanglang, then this world will collapse!"

(End of this chapter)

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