Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 703 Heavenly Emperor

Chapter 703 Heavenly Emperor
Countless thunder calamities, countless terrifying gods of punishment to the extreme, all fell, and hundreds of millions of creatures in the nameless continent could feel the extreme terror of the thunder calamity. I am afraid that they would fall directly if they were even a little bit contaminated!
"For tens of millions of years, no one has ever triggered such a catastrophe!" In the imperial palace of the Xiaoshuo Empire, a middle-aged man wearing an imperial crown climbed to the imperial platform and looked into the distance from the thousand-foot-high tower. It was Xu Qing.

His face was moved. Now he is nothing compared to Zhang Kun. The catastrophe that Zhang Kun is going through at the moment makes him even more frightened. The princes and princes behind him are also paying attention to the scene in the distance. catastrophe!

"The biggest catastrophe in this world has used the entire power of heaven. Can Zhang Kun really resist it?" On the Yaohuang Mountain not far away, Gongsun Yangyan led the seven elders to the Taiji Peak, and opened a road. Sky curtain, watching Zhang Kun crossing the robbery.

At the same time, in the palace of the Wangwen Empire, Wang Liren led a group of veterans to watch the catastrophe. Even though they were far away, they could feel the loud buzzing coming from their ears. Let their souls tremble for a while.

It seems as if there is a chariot rolling over between heaven and earth, and a god will punish the world with a sharp spear in the clouds. The ruler of heaven and earth is going to personally annihilate Zhang Kun at this moment!

"Success or failure depends on one action, and the fate of this world is entrusted to him." In front of the Rage Tower of Xilan Kingdom, Luo Quan leaned on his scepter with human head and skeleton, squinted his eyes slightly, and sighed with emotion.

In the Kunhua world, Yue Qingfeng and others watched this scene silently in front of the newly built Kunhua Palace, while Su Fangmeng, Liang Lingxue and others did not want to witness this tragic scene, and stayed in the palace to silently replace Zhang Kun. pray.

Zhang Kun deliberately chose the location of the tribulation to be in the uninhabited western desert of Liao, otherwise, the boundless thunder calamity would directly split the human city into pieces and cause many innocent casualties.

Seeing the black clouds, Zhang Kun let out a clear whistle, and Chunjun in his hand took the lead out of the sheath, turning into a golden light, extremely gorgeous, piercing through the clouds, tearing an indestructible light path in the thick dark clouds, so Wherever it went, the thunder light dissipated and turned into nothing.

The golden rainbow on the Chun Jun sword is shining, crossing the long sky, the sword glow is as high as a thousand feet, and the sword intent is like a raging wave, stirring up the vitality of the surrounding world, and even faintly retracting part of the thunder into the blade. Reverse Thunder Tribulation Ocean to kill!

As if the Emperor of Heaven was angry, a muffled hum came from the clouds, and all the voices in the entire world disappeared at once, only this long sigh remained, and only this mighty power of heaven and earth was left. Conceived and struck down, Zhang Kun's head was about to be smashed into pieces!
Chaos Divine Thunder is the color of pure gold, it can be called the most powerful divine thunder between the heavens and the earth, it is not weaker than the three spiritual powers such as Chixia Yanxi, and it is enough to kill the strong Jindan Extreme Realm. Let go!

Usually, a ray of Chaos God Thunder is enough to destroy everything. This time, there were nine God Thunders above Zhang Kun's head, which turned into violent Thunder Swords and Thunder Spears, which seemed to be able to penetrate everything. The Chaos God Thunder was heaven and earth The original psionic energy born in the chaos when it first opened can evolve everything in the world, and it can also destroy anyone who dares to stand in front of Shenlei!
The way of heaven is not benevolent, and treats everything as a straw dog. As long as it does not conform to the will of heaven and earth, it will be punished by the thunder robbery and destroyed by the way of heaven!

Either obey the will of heaven and earth and be suppressed under heaven and earth forever, or rebel against heaven and earth and become your own master!


At this moment, a cry came from Zhang Kun's heart, and the ten thousand zhang pure Jun golden sword seemed to be extremely light in his hand, dancing wantonly, and a gorgeous sword light suddenly lit up around his body, Zhang Kun actually laid down a sword just as he raised his hands and feet. field!
The sword domain is around Zhang Kun, like a shadow, with sword lights constantly shining, countless swords are condensed here, sharp to the extreme, it seems to be a soft sword light that is harmless to humans and animals, but in fact, it is as firm as a rock , can break through all obstacles!

As if sparks collided with the earth, the Sword Field and the Nine Layers of Chaos Divine Thunder collided directly. The Sword Field was bright and bright, faintly overshadowing the pure golden light of the Divine Thunder, like a bright star, constantly flashing in the sky!
Every time it shines, it crushes a chaotic divine thunder, as if uprooting a bunch of divine thunder. The nine-fold divine thunder breaks inch by inch, and in the end it directly blasts into the sky. Zhang Kun and the invisible master in the sea of ​​thunder calamity exist , stand side by side!

"This person is a bit scary, right?" After seeing this scene, many strong men were all dumbfounded. What is this? Such a huge and terrifying thunder calamity, other monks couldn't avoid it, fled in a hurry, and it was too late to resist desperately Well, Zhang Kun stepped directly into the sky, ran over Lei Jie head-on, and wanted to compete with the God of Heaven!
"This man is simply the god of swords. We have never seen him release this sword domain before. Now, the first time he uses it, he will dispel the Chaos Thunder. How many cards does this man have that he has not used?" The audience was stunned, this scene, let them never forget it!
In the depths of the distant East Sea, Long He, the patriarch of the Naga royal family, was terrified. After seeing Zhang Kun's performance against the sky, he was extremely fortunate. Fortunately, he held back and let Zhang Kun take away the Zhuoshi Canglang, otherwise Zhang Kun When Kun gets angry, he is bound to uproot the entire Naga royal family!

"Arrogant and arrogant, unforgivable!"

High above the sky, the extremely angry voice came again, turning into sound waves and spreading out. Every sound wave aroused a thunder light, and immediately in front of Zhang Kun, a statue bathed in the light of thunder was once again condensed. The figure in!
"Kneel down and surrender before the Emperor of Heaven, mortal!" The figure formed by the condensed thunder light was filled with misty purple energy, extremely noble, and he had the aura of looking down on the world, just like the master of this world!
Zhang Kun glanced at the figure claiming to be the Emperor of Heaven lightly, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth: "Emperor of Heaven, are you worthy?"

The figure formed by the condensed will of the day and the earth is just a part of the way of heaven in this world. Zhang Kun once stepped on the heart of heaven and climbed to the top during the robbery. How can he be afraid of a so-called emperor at this moment?
In Zhang Kun's eyes, he was just a joke, which made him feel extremely funny, and he sneered again and again!
What's more, in this world, whether it's humans or monsters, whether it's land or sea, they all respect Zhang Kun as the strongest. In this case, the title of Emperor of Heaven can only exist in Lei Jie. figure to do it!
 Come back late, hurry up, send it out!
(End of this chapter)

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