Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 704

Chapter 704
"Presumptuous, speak wild words, you will pay the price!" Lei Guangtian Emperor angrily scolded, his hands were full of jumping lightning, enough to tear the entire planet, nothing can be destroyed by the destructive lightning Survive even a second!

The wind and lightning, the thunder of the Emperor of Heaven came, and the clothes on Zhang Kun's body burst instantly. It seemed that they could not withstand the blow of the Emperor of Heaven, and they were directly turned into dust. Unfortunately, Zhang Kun's body was shining with a khaki-yellow brilliance, a thick layer of soil The wall appeared directly in front of him, suddenly full of vitality, leaving no room for the destructive lightning to break through!

The purple qi and thunder light once tore a bloody hole on Zhang Kun's arm, but the next moment, the infinite vitality on the Emperor's Armor healed Zhang Kun's body, as if he had not suffered any injuries at all!
Zhang Kun looked at the so-called Emperor of Heaven quietly, with a calm expression on his face, and walked towards the Emperor of Heaven step by step!

"What? Bold!" The Emperor of Heaven was horrified. This is the most arrogant mortal he has ever seen. In the face of his coercion, Zhang Kun did not have any timidity at all. Even the Emperor of Heaven doubted for a moment. Is it more suitable for the title of Emperor of Heaven?

Thunder Calamity Ocean, everything around, with thunder light as energy, formed layer upon layer of pavilions, towers and pavilions, countless ghostly palaces, Zhang Kun felt as if he was in the heavenly court.

The further he went to the depths of the heaven, the more Zhang Kun felt that the thunder energy around him was getting stronger and stronger. At this time, the strong thunder light was enough to strangle the ordinary Jindan Extreme Realm powerhouse in this world. Even a trace of lightning is comparable to the Chaos God Thunder that seems to be able to destroy the world just now!
However, under the amazed gaze of everyone, Zhang Kun walked slowly towards the depths of the thunder calamity with a calm face, as if strolling in a courtyard!
The thunder catastrophe is vast, the catastrophe is endless, surging, and the power of destroying the world is mighty, each of which is enough to tear and destroy Zhang Kun, but Zhang Kun's body is constantly shining with different colors of brilliance, resisting the gushing force for him. Blazing!

The scarlet glow burns the void, and the scarlet flames sweep across the sky, just like a field of fire, burning all the wanton and rampant thunder!

Zhuoshi Canglang turned into a Milky Way, spreading directly across the sky, and it accommodated all rivers. Countless thunders blasted into the Canglang and dissipated immediately without leaving any traces. Kun's body, mend the wounds on his body, and form a water shield to resist the divine thunder!

The Fuyao hurricane roared in, sweeping away countless heavy thunder calamities with sweeping momentum, Zhang Kun's body was immediately empty, and there was no trace of thunder calamity to get close to him!


Everyone gasped again and again, which completely overturned their three views and cognitions. In everyone's concept, God is the most powerful and invincible, but as a mortal, Zhang Kun can step into the sky step by step. Go up, face the Emperor of Heaven, and ignore his thunder and punishment!

Inside and outside Zhang Kun's body, a divine radiance radiated. Every inch of his body was absorbing the power of the thunder calamity, stimulating the infinite potential in his body and making him stronger!

Zhang Kun even uttered a clear whistle, opened his mouth, and absorbed the endless sea of ​​thunder into his body, bathing his whole body in the divine light of thunder calamity, filled with clouds and clouds, making him look like a god!
The thunder light inhaled into the body was directly assimilated by Zhang Kun's majestic vitality. The thunder light is essentially the energy of heaven, and under the guidance of Kunyu Huazhang's operation, the thunder punishment of that day was transformed into a pure and extremely pure The vitality of Zhang Kun's vitality can be supplemented!
"This is too domineering!" Seeing this scene, the strong men all opened their eyes wide, with expressions of disbelief on their faces. If they were here instead, let alone swallowing the light of thunder, even half a ray of thunder would be tainted. Ashes to ashes.

They are both in the Jindan realm, why is there such a big gap between myself and Zhang Kun!

In fact, the aura in this world is exhausted, not only can't cultivate Nascent Soul powerhouses, but even the strength of Jindan powerhouses is greatly affected. What they produce are often the lowest-level low-grade Jindans, and there are not enough solid spirits in the foundation building stage. Without basic support, the entire cultivation process is extremely unsystematic, and lacks powerful exercises and magic weapons!

Therefore, their combat power is generally not very high. A strong man of the same level in the comprehension world is enough to face three or four golden core strong men who have come out of this world at the same time. aspect.

But Zhang Kun is different. He has reached perfection in all realms. He has cultivated all the way, and the resources he obtained are all top-notch. Compared with the big disciples in the cultivation world, he is not far behind. , he got better and more resources than those Qi trainers in the cultivation world!

"No, how could it be like this!" The figure of the Heavenly Emperor in the thunder calamity suddenly panicked, agitating Zhou Tian's thunder light, stirring up tens of thousands of high waves of thunder calamity, turning the entire sky into a crackling thunder field, but It can't bring any obstacles to Zhang Kun at all, and it can't even stop him from moving forward. This is simply incomprehensible!
"How is it possible, how is this possible, you were born in this world, and you should be ruled by me!" The figure of the Heavenly Emperor yelled furiously, and a purple thunder sword appeared in his hand, spitting out lightning!

The lightning-like sword, thunderous, can suppress anyone who dares to resist the will of the Heavenly Emperor. The power and power of that sword is comparable to the best among spiritual weapons!

At this moment, the figure of the Emperor Tiantian has been shrouded by tens of thousands of thunder lights. In the light, Dao Dao Shen Lei turned into an angry dragon, and the dragon scales were completely exposed. Destroy!

When Zhang Kun saw this scene, he just had a calm face. He flipped his hands, and a blood light flashed past, and the extremely sharp sword intent rose up. Just for a moment, the world seemed to be still, and the blood light broke through All obstacles stabbed at the head of the Emperor of Heaven!

This sword is simple and unremarkable. It is just a casual stab, but it seems to have endless powerful kinetic energy. The divine sword with the power to kill immortals is designed to kill emperors!

"I heard that you call yourself the Emperor of Heaven?" Zhang Kun smiled slightly, raised his hand and cut again, the fish intestines suddenly evolved into countless blood shadows, intertwined with thousands of deadly sword shadows, as if writing a chapter for the Emperor of Heaven Bloody Psalms!
"Boom boom boom!"

Swords and shadows intertwined, blood shadows shuttled back and forth, each blow was full of raging waves of arrogant sword intent, directly blasting on the body of the Emperor of Heaven, blasting his body made of thunder into crumbs!
(End of this chapter)

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