Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 727

Chapter 727
In the next instant, the two of them moved quickly, as if they had disappeared. They did not use their vitality. There was not much difference in speed between the two of them. There was no bright and gorgeous vitality. The collision of two swords!


As a newcomer to the sect, Zhang Kun didn't show any timidity at all. He held his sword and slashed horizontally, and the heavy Dongyue smashed down with tremendous force, as if Mount Tai was pressing down on the top, and the bombardment came!

Yeye's thin eyebrows were relaxed, and Zhang Kun's imposing blow to the ground seemed like a gust of wind in her eyes. She swung her sword upwards, and she chose to confront Zhang Kun head-on!


The first confrontation between the two could be called a peak duel, and the tit-for-tat sword intent came down from the two opposite differences, making a crisp sound.

Jiyingting seems to have been awakened by this duel. After the sound of metal clashing resounded, the sky full of wind and snow suddenly flew up, swirling up to the sky, enveloping the two of them.

Zhang Kun smiled slightly without pausing at all. With a turn of the sword, he raised his hand and used Dongyue to drill. It seemed slow, but in fact it was extremely fast. When he stabbed out with the sword, it seemed to pierce the surrounding air. An indescribable piercing sword intent, moving forward indomitably, seems to be able to clear away all obstacles!
All things that stand in front of Zhang Kun will be leveled by his sword. This is the only belief he holds in his heart at this moment!

A half-smile appeared on Yeye's iceberg pretty face, as if she was rejoicing that she had chosen the right opponent!
The ordinary Qionghua female disciples around didn't seem to see any tricks, and thought it was Yeye who kept her hand. At the beginning of the competition, she didn't want Zhang Kun to lose so quickly!
Yeye's clothes fluttered, and the snow sword in his hand was lightly tapped, like a dream, and the sword light was lingering, and the sword around Zhang Kun cut out nine sword qi in full, and the sword qi flew away, transforming Make a night lotus with nine leaves and nine flowers, which symbolizes eternity, softness and fortitude, and the snowflakes that hit the sky and the earth with a sword also rotate with the night lotus. All faintly distorted!

You must know that the Dayan Realm is not the small world of Zhang Kun's hometown. On the Unnamed Continent, even the Jindan powerhouse can arouse the boundless energy of the world with every gesture, tear the space, and shatter the void. Flying in the air, thousands of miles a day.

However, this is the Dayan Realm, the core world in the cultivation world, the main realm respected by all heavens and myriad realms. Its spatial stability is hundreds or thousands of times higher than that of the Unnamed Continent. The Jindan powerhouse has only just been able to overcome the gravitational pull of this place. It's all about walking in the air, there is no way to tear up the space!
But this time, Yeye didn't use a single ounce of vitality, just relying on the sword intent to distort and blur the surrounding space, the strength of this sword technique can be seen!
Those Qionghua female cultivators were all shocked, and cast envious eyes at Yeye. Although they had practiced in the Qionghua Sect for a long time, they had heard many times that the master of Yeye's swordsmanship was superb. , Brilliant!
But this is the first time they have seen the master of Yeye fight with her own hands. Even in a sword competition with the weak Zhang Kun, she only needs to show a little bit of strength, but it has such a terrible effect, they can't help but feel sorry for Yeye. I feel even more admiration for my power!
"This is forcing me to show my true skills!"

Zhang Kun saw the determined look in Yeye's beautiful eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly. Everything before was just an appetizer, and he was only now about to start using his real skills!

As the successor of the Mirror Domain, Zhang Kun has been fighting phantoms with exactly the same strength as himself in the Mirror Domain Dao Hall all year round. Zhang Kun's fighting skills are extremely proficient. Under that intensive training, his swordsmanship has been honed to the extreme , without using his vitality, he can be called a master of swordsmanship, comparable to a master of swordsmanship who has been immersed in kendo for hundreds of years!
However, this is just the foundation. Zhang Kun obtained the inheritance of the Jiu Sword Immortal in the secret realm of the small world, the Drunken Immortal Wangyue Sword Technique, which is the true inheritance of an immortal. !

Immortal, this term is not often mentioned even in Dayan Realm, which is the master realm of the cultivation realm!
Only a very small number of people can cultivate to the Great Perfection and reach the realm of crossing the catastrophe.Only by surviving countless calamities and proving one's powerful strength and indestructible Dao heart can one step on the sky, gather clouds and fly up, and reach the legendary fairyland!
If the Wuming Continent and the Dayan World are still in the same large space scale, the Immortal World and the Cultivation World are really separated by countless layers of space, and they are not in the same dimension at all, so it is difficult to become a fairy, and it is difficult to go to the blue sky!

Because of the special nature of the Wuming Continent, the relics of the immortals were left there, and it happened that Zhang Kun deciphered them, and he obtained this top-level inheritance. However, in the world of Dayan, the relics of the immortals are also extremely rare, and they are extremely dangerous. Because of the different shackles of the rules of heaven and earth, the golden dragon that Zhang Kun faced was only at the extreme level of Jindan, but in the Dayan Realm, the real dragons possessed power that was close to the immortal level, and it was definitely not something that ordinary monks could deal with.

Once this kind of fairy relic is born, it will almost detonate the entire cultivation world. Countless monks and countless sects will send their most elite teams, and even enter the fairy relic with the power of teaching, fighting for the treasure of the fairy. Bleeding!
Immortal, one word is enough to sum everything up. Whether you become an immortal or not, those are two concepts, and they are two completely different levels. The gap between immortal and ordinary is too great. Artifacts, fairy traces, such things will always attract countless strong people to fight for.

That scene is no less than a world war. It can be said to destroy the sky and destroy the earth. The sun and the moon are dark. What is even more terrifying is that the immortal relics are full of dangers. Many top sects have paid a huge price and cannot overcome them. A fairy relic, once a fairy relic was born, once a super sect, one of the three major sects in the Dayan Realm, participated in the war, and finally the suzerain fell, and countless monks under him were transferred away, but they could not conquer this place. The ruins of the fairy!

But even so, the monks who were looking for the remains of the immortals continued to go forward, without hesitation, stepping on the piles of bones and blood, looking for the slightest possibility of becoming immortals!

It is such a precious fairy trace. Zhang Kun once went to one, and controlled it, and obtained the complete inheritance of Jiujianxian. Since he obtained the Zuixian Wangyue sword technique, he has studied it day and night, and he has already gained a little experience. In the past battles, he had a simpler and more brutal way to end the battle, but this time, it was the perfect time for Drunken Immortal Mochizuki's swordsmanship to appear!
(End of this chapter)

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