Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 728 1st Turn Offensive

Chapter 728

I saw Zhang Kun holding the long sword in his hand tightly, and the expression in his bright eyes suddenly changed!

His temperament completely changed in an instant. At this moment, he is like a peerless swordsman, pouring wine and dancing his sword alone under the moonlight without anyone else, swaying the sword wantonly, only for himself, without a goal, without a purpose!
In an instant, he entered a mysterious and mysterious realm, as if he had merged into the Tao. The Dongyue in his hand trembled, as if it had a second spring. It hadn't been waved for too long, and it hadn't been fought for too long. up!

It also seems to have a longing in its heart, watching Chengying Yuchang and other swords follow Zhang Kun to fight in the north and south, and have won countless honors, but it is just a dispensable sharp weapon, even the magic weapon. Not really, but every sword has its own story, and Dongyue is no exception. Named after Dongyue Mountain, it is not so ordinary in the eyes of the world!
"Thousand layers of mulberry!" Zhang Kun shouted lightly, and cut out the sword in his hand!

Melaleuca sangluo is a kind of swordsmanship technique recorded in Zuixian Wangyue's sword art. With a special way of releasing the sword, the speed of the sword user can increase several times in an instant. Named after Sangluojiu, Jianguang Clear, clear and bright, just like this fragrant wine!
Drunk Immortal Wangyue swordsmanship, Dongyue in Zhang Kun's hand has already changed its appearance, it is obviously an extremely heavy heavy sword, but in Zhang Kun's hands, the weight is as light as it is, Zhang Kun's speed of the sword is directly doubled, compared to before Almost up a whole step, the edge of the epee fell like a torrential rain, heavily crushing the snow sword in Yeye's hand!
At this moment, the sword in Zhang Kun's hand seemed to have thousands of layers. One sword was stacked on top of the other, and each sword carried surging sword energy, as if endless, like the Yangtze River, with rolling waves and dazzling people. , dizzying!
"How is it possible, how could he draw his sword so fast?"

At this moment, all the female disciples of the Qionghua Sect who were watching on the scene widened their eyes, opened their mouths wide, and their beautiful eyes were full of horror. Just now Zhang Kun's sword moves could only be considered ordinary. At this moment, they He was horrified to find that Zhang Kun's swordsmanship was not inferior to Yeye at this moment!

Lord Yeye's gaze was slightly fixed, and her face was still expressionless. She knew very well that Zhang Kun should have such strength, because she guessed that at that time, before Lin Xinchan rushed to the main hall of Qionghua Palace to save them, It was Zhang Kun who stood up and blocked the aggressive Liu Chuanzhi.

He even used a certain kind of power and means that she couldn't understand, and directly destroyed the fierce sword!

Now the battle between the two has just begun. If Zhang Kun can't even do this, there is no need for him to stay in Qionghua faction any longer!
The snow sword condensed light, the scattered snowflakes fluttered and scattered, Ye Yesu raised her hand lightly, the snow sword in her hand was like a fish swimming, only saw Ye Ye fluttering like a butterfly, like a jade dragon, and like a butterfly piercing flowers, the sword light flashed again and again In a flash, he was stabbed twice in a row at a speed faster than Zhang Kun!


The edge of Zhang Kun's epee was immediately dispelled by Yeye, and the sound of the explosion suddenly came to mind. Finally, the two swords met, and a sharp whistling sound emptied the entire Jiying Court!

The two changed their moves, retreated quickly, opened the distance between each other, looked at their opponents with some fear, and walked around the center of Jiying Court with swords facing each other, as if they were looking for the next opportunity!
"It's my turn."

Yeye said lightly, she didn't have any extra words, once she turned her attack, the snow sword in her hand flickered again and again, this time it turned out to be her who took the initiative to attack, and saw the snow stabbing sword spinning out of thin air, spinning faster and faster, In the end, it reached an extreme, as if there were thousands of sword shadows around Yeye's body!
Chi Chi Chi!
In just a split second, the sword light flashed indefinitely, soared several feet, and cut towards Zhang Kun from all directions, like a dangerous mountain peak, toppled down, crossed, destroyed, and the ground of Jiying Court trembled faintly, as if It's hard to bear such a terrifying blow!
Faced with Yeye's sudden offensive, Zhang Kun frowned slightly. Yeye's swordsmanship level seemed to have faintly exceeded his expectations. After all, she also studied art in Qionghua Palace for many years, and was personally taught by Palace Master Li Qingluan , the sword in her hand is unpredictable and sharp to the extreme, that sword intent has transcended the shackles of sword moves, and she can slash out with a single sword at will, followed by all laws of heaven and earth!
I saw the snow sword in Yeye's hand blooming like a flower, and the sword energy spread across the entire Jiying Court, and the strike was so fast that no one could hide. At night, they were all fantasizing, when would they be able to possess such powerful swordsmanship?

"Admit defeat."

Yeye still cherishes words like gold, and said lightly, in her opinion, Zhang Kun has reached the extreme. At his age, being able to fight her until now is something to be proud of, but when Yeye used this When recruiting, Zhang Kun should be defeated as a matter of course!
The female sword fairy of the Qionghua sect, did she get her name in vain?

Facing the thousands of pear blossom-like sword lights coming from Yeye, Zhang Kun closed his eyes directly, because the sword flowers were too dazzling, and they were born from the heart, and countless sword lights came from different directions , but not every sword is real, Yeye's swordsmanship is profound, and he can already simulate illusions with swordsmanship!

I saw Zhang Kun holding Dongyue tightly in his hand, with a change in his swordsmanship, the green front slanted like a gust of wind sweeping leaves, and with a thought, he used up countless days and nights of contemplation in the Taoist hall!
The drunken fairy Wangyue swordsmanship is extremely chic and elegant. It not only has thousands of changes, but also can disassemble and change at will. At this moment, Zhang Kun seems to have opened up a certain kind of pathway. He kneaded several swordsmanship together and cut out with one sword. , unexpectedly gave up defense at this moment!

Yeye's face changed slightly. If Zhang Kun defended with all his strength, with his sword skills, he would still be able to resist Yeye's attack with an impenetrable sword net, but Zhang Kun gave up defense at this moment and used all his strength. Attack strategy!
Yeye just wants to learn from Zhang Kun, and doesn't want to hurt his life, but her sword has been completely cut out, and the snow sword is surrounded by countless sword edges like stars shining like stars, endless wrong cuts!It was difficult for her to retract her sword, and she could only watch Zhang Kun enter her attack range with a gesture of almost moths flying towards the flame!
However, there is still a faint smile on the corner of Zhang Kun's mouth. He seems to be very confident. There was a crisp sound, and the swords of the two intertwined together!
(End of this chapter)

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