Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 739 Palace Rules

Chapter 739 Palace Rules
Lin Xinchan frowned slightly, and bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, as if she had made up her mind, she gritted her teeth firmly and said, "I have no choice but to save him."

Seeing that He Junyao and Qian Xun could not persuade her, they could only nod their heads.

In Zhang Kun's sea of ​​consciousness, the whole world was engulfed in flames, and the figure of the girl demon spirit turned into endless flames, directly burning Zhang Kun's soul. At this moment, Zhang Kun felt as if he was tied to the stake. It was like being grilled, and it was so painful that he felt like his head was about to explode.

This is also the reason why his spirit is several times stronger than ordinary Jindan powerhouses. If he hadn't often visualized the torrent washing patterns recorded in the Kunyu Huazhang to continuously strengthen his spirit, he would have returned to heaven and earth long ago, and he has been accumulating for 50 years The resentment of Zhang Kun is not something that Zhang Kun, a young man with a face that has not reached the age of 20, can bear it!
There were fiery flames in the air, and the sound of whimpering wind pierced Zhang Kun's heart. At this moment, he felt pierced by Wan Jian!

"Ah!" Zhang Kun couldn't help howling like a beast, the burning sensation that penetrated deep into his soul made his whole body tremble, and his soul was always on the verge of collapse!
Zhang Kun took a deep breath, as if he had guessed something vaguely, he knew that the demon girl's love for the Master Hui whom she was talking about had reached an extreme, and even twisted, becoming extremely strange, if she Unable to get Master Hui's love, she would rather burn him to death and go to hell together!
"Hold on, hold on!"

Zhang Kun kept shouting in his heart, clenched his fists tightly, and endured the boundless pain. He almost passed out in the burning of the flames, but he insisted on holding on with a sliver of stubborn will. His soul is immortal, there is no soul flying away!
"Lord Hui, Lord Hui, accept me, as long as you love me, I won't burn you anymore, doesn't it hurt, Lord Hui?"

The demon girl stretched out her wonderful hands to caress Zhang Kun's body continuously, making seductive sounds. Her pretty face like a spring flower was deeply buried on Zhang Kun's chest, and her chin was as smooth as snow. Rubbing against Zhang Kun's body, as if wanting to capture him.

Zhang Kun gritted his teeth and snorted coldly, "No!"

"Hold on, never give in!"

The burning fire and the gentle temptation of the demon girl entangled Zhang Kun at the same time, making him almost want to give up, but he knew that if he chose to succumb to the demon girl, he would definitely be directly swallowed by the endless flames There is no possibility of survival at all!
Even though Zhang Kun tried his best to resist the attack of the spirit, he was still defeated in the end. Just when Zhang Kun's spirit was only left with the last half of his spirit, a clear sword chant sounded, and a silver mark was seen scratching Across the sky, a streak of clear snow appeared in the world that was originally shrouded in endless flames.

At this moment, snowflakes are falling from the starting point between the sky and the earth, and a smart figure descends slowly from the sky, just like a fairy descending from the mortal world.

Lin Xinchan consumed her true energy and used the Qionghua Palace's secret skill, Lumen Mengyin, to enter Zhang Kun's world of spiritual consciousness!
Zhang Kun's body was crumbling, he felt like his head was about to explode, and he might pass out at any time. At this moment, he felt a cold but familiar breath coming over.


Zhang Kun had almost lost consciousness, and after a murmured cry, he passed out.

The demon spirit girl who threw herself on Zhang Kun's body was still holding Zhang Kun tightly with an idiot expression, but now her expression changed almost instantly. She stood up suddenly, and lit a ball with both hands at the same time. The fiery flames attacked Lin Xinchan.

"Zhang Kun, hold on!" Lin Xinchan shouted repeatedly, turning her cold eyes, as if a cold light shot out, looking directly at the demon girl in front of her with clear eyes, as if there was an invisible pressure.

After seeing the other person's face clearly, Lin Xinchan's face unexpectedly showed a bit of unbearable emotion.

"Yixian..." Lin Xinchan's expression dimmed for a moment, but she became determined again in the next moment. An ice crystal longbow appeared in her hand, and she held the bowstring lightly with her bare hands. It opened into a full moon, and there were countless small pieces all around. The ice crystal particles condensed, and the boundless power of frost almost tore the space open, and the endless fire light dissipated directly in front of the power of frost, completely invisible!

"Lin Xinchan, is that you?" The demon girl also saw Lin Xinchan's face, and her expression changed slightly.

"Hahaha, 50 years ago, you were the one who was in charge of the Criminal Law Palace and drove me and Master Hui away. Now, you want to kill me again for this man?"

The demon spirit girl showed a pained look on her face, and immediately shed tears, and the tears that fell down turned out to be the color of blood.

Hearing her words, Lin Xinchan's body was shocked, and she couldn't keep her body stable for a while, and the condensed frost arrow seemed to be broken in an instant!
"I know you have hatred in your heart, but palace rules are hard to break!" Lin Xinchan gritted her teeth and said, but she felt a little guilty when she spoke.

"Palace rules?" The demon girl Yixian laughed directly. She raised her head to the sky and screamed several times, laughing so terribly that the flames in the entire space were churning, forming a fire dragon and rushing towards Lin Xinchan.

"If you keep the palace rules, what's the matter with this man? How can there be a man in Qionghua Palace?" The demon girl Yixian pointed at Zhang Kun and shouted angrily at Lin Xinchan.

Lin Xinchan frowned slightly, bit her red lips lightly, shook her head and said, "This is Master's arrangement, I can only abide by it!"

"Hahaha, Master's arrangements are all bullshit. Lin Xinchan, you used to say the same thing back then. Do you have to listen to Master for everything?"

The demon spirit girl Yixian shouted angrily in disappointment, countless flames shot up in her hand, she stepped up to the sky, rushed to Lin Xinchan's side, and wanted to fight her.

However, how could Yixian, a demon girl who is only in the late stage of Mahayana, be the opponent of Lin Xinchan, who is about to enter the tribulation stage?

I saw Lin Xinchan sighed softly, she hooked the ice string with her bare hands, and the ice crystal longbow trembled lightly, with frosty meaning, eternal silence!

Countless ice crystal shards formed an arrow, icy cold, as if it could penetrate everything, and the arrow shot out like a meteor, and the space shook violently, as if countless cracks had been frozen out!
"Ah! I don't believe it!"

The demon spirit girl Yixian roared and waved the flames against the sky, but unfortunately, the gap between her strength and Lin Xinchan was still too big, as if the sigh of the goddess of ice and snow sounded, and the meteor-like arrow shot down the infatuated girl. Girl, seal her up and kill her forever. Endless frost energy floods in and directly freezes her soul. Just like the name of the Taoism, this is eternal silence. Immediately the strong resentment dissipates, and this world also Start breaking it down!
(End of this chapter)

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