Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 740 Yuanying and Yuanshen

Chapter 740 Yuanying and Yuanshen

"Lord Hui..."

The last remnants of the demon spirit woman still remained in the air. Lin Xinchan's ice arrow pierced her body directly. The girl's last madness was nothing but moths to the flame.

But on Lin Xinchan's face, there was no joy of defeating a powerful enemy, but a bit of loneliness. She lowered her head and sighed, and looked at Zhang Kun. She didn't know what she was thinking in her heart. The complex look of the name.

The illusion space created by the demon girl's resentment was soon shattered. Zhang Kun felt that his body was a little heavy, as if he had fallen from the sky. Unconsciousness, when he woke up faintly, he found himself lying on a bed, covered with pink gauze curtains, soft bedding, and surrounded by a touch of incense. Zhang Kun knew that this must be in the A woman's bed.

There were three stunning beauties standing beside the bed, each of them had a look of worry on their faces, but this small look was fleeting.

Lin Xinchan still said indifferently: "Are you awake?"

Zhang Kun took a deep breath, exhaled the turbid air in his chest, sensed the vitality flow in his body, and after confirming that his body was fine, he nodded and said: "En."

He Junyao and Qian Shang also let out a big sigh of relief. If Zhang Kun remained unconscious, they might feel guilty for the rest of their lives.

"What was that just now? Have I completed the entry task?" Zhang Kun asked doubtfully as he struggled to stand up.

Lin Xinchan shook her head slowly and said, "That's a Qionghua female disciple who died 50 years ago, and her resentment led to everything that happened later."

"This task is far beyond the difficulty of two stars. It is because Junyao and Xiaoqian did not tell the truth about the real difficulty of this task, but I did not expect that you can persist for so long." The color of relief.

Generally speaking, the soul of a Jindan cultivator should collapse instantly under the attack of the demon girl, but Zhang Kun is different, he lasted for half an hour!
Lin Xinchan didn't directly enter Zhang Kun's soul world. Just now, she, He Junyao, and Qian Shi joined forces to cast a spell, and it took half an hour to use the secret of attracting dreams. This half hour was entirely dependent on Zhang Kun's own will If he gave up, even if Lin Xinchan finally entered Zhang Kun's soul space and killed the demon girl, Zhang Kun's soul would have died long ago!

"Then consider it as your pass, and at the same time reward you with [-] contribution points." Lin Xinchan nodded and said, "These [-] points will be deducted from Qian Shang and He Junyao's hands."

He Junyao and Qian Xun looked at each other, stuck out their tongues, and looked so innocent that people couldn't bear to punish them anymore.

Zhang Kun also nodded to the two of them, and then jumped up from the bed all of a sudden, exercising his swollen muscles and bones.

"Senior sisters, since I have nothing to do, I will take my leave first." Zhang Kun said, waved his hand, and walked to Qingluan Pavilion.

After Zhang Kun left, Lin Xinchan looked helplessly at He Junyao and Qian Shang again.

"Senior Sister, don't look at me like this. We just want him to have a little more trials. We didn't expect it to become like this." Qian Shang lowered his head. Retreat and recuperate to recover.

Lin Xinchan shook her head slowly and said, "Forget it, don't cause trouble again in the future."

"Hmph, Senior Sister is biased." Qian Xun turned his head away and muttered in a low voice.

Zhang Kun hurried back, not because he was not used to staying in Qianlu's Xiyu Court, but after he woke up this time, he felt that the strength of his soul had skyrocketed!

It seems that in the process of burning his soul by the demon girl, his primordial spirit broke through again!
"We must quickly consolidate the realm!"

Without further ado, Zhang Kun closed the doors and windows tightly when he returned to Qingluan Pavilion, set up a formation, and a white light flashed, and he entered the mirror field again.

The Dao Temple of the Mirror Domain is still extremely empty, with a dotted array of Daoist intentions appearing in the sky, and countless mysterious and obscure symbols looming.

"Practice, the ultimate cultivation is still the soul!" Zhang Kun murmured to himself, he knew this very well.

The soul is the most important thing for a cultivator. If we say that before the Golden Core Realm, the main object of cultivation is vitality. From Qi training to foundation building, until the formation of Golden Core, it is a process of continuously condensing the vitality. When the vitality is enough to condense the golden core, the power of the golden core will gradually evolve and condense in the dantian of the sea of ​​​​qi, and the massive vitality is enough to nourish the primordial spirit!

The so-called Nascent Soul Realm is precisely to cultivate a Nascent Soul that is half the same as your own body, but one size smaller!

Why do people in the realm of comprehension always say that the Nascent Soul is an ant?
Because only after the Nascent Soul is cultivated, can there be enough means to save life. If the Golden Core Realm is beheaded by someone, the spirit and soul will be wiped out, and death is dead.

But the strong Nascent Soul is different. The monks in the Nascent Soul Realm die but their souls are immortal. When the Nascent Soul comes out of the body, they can find the body again and be resurrected!
Moreover, the Nascent Soul itself also has a certain combat power. Some powerful Nascent Soul cultivators can take the initiative to release the Nascent Soul from the body and become a clone of themselves, inheriting part or even all of the combat power of the main body!
The magic of the Nascent Soul is more than that. After owning the Nascent Soul, the power of the Soul Soul has skyrocketed several times, and the power of sensing the world has been further improved. Therefore, the world that the Nascent Soul cultivator sees and the people in the Golden Core realm What you see is completely different. The sense of Dao, meaning and heaven will skyrocket several times because of the existence of Yuanying. use.

However, as soon as human beings are born, they are disturbed by acquired turbidity. The whole grains they eat contain turbidity, and the air they breathe contains turbidity. If you want to cultivate the Dao, you must get rid of these disturbances. The method that practitioners come up with is to create a name. It is the phantom body of Yuanying, which is refined from the pure vitality of the world and the soul of the practitioner, and is born to be more friendly to the Dao than human beings with mortal bodies.

Therefore, Nascent Soul's comprehension of Taoism is absolutely unimaginable for people in the Jindan realm. Only in the Nascent Soul realm can it be possible to comprehend the Supreme Dao!

This is why Lin Xinchan was so shocked by Zhang Kun's realization of the Dao of Ice in the body of the Golden Core. The difficulty of realizing the Tao of the Golden Core is hundreds of times that of the Nascent Soul!
(End of this chapter)

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