Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 742 Rebel

Chapter 742 Rebel

In the darkness around, a blue glow was particularly eye-catching. Just now Zhang Kun stepped on the skull, which prevented the blue mark from shining.

It turned out that the ray of light came from a small gem. Zhang Kun picked it up carefully. In the deep darkness, that shining gem was extraordinarily crystal clear and beautiful. .

"what is this?"

Zhang Kun played with this gem casually and couldn't help asking.

"The Gem of Shadow, the token given by the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows to the rebel hunters." Jing Yu continued: "The person wearing the gem can know the existence and location of the rebel through the gem, but at the same time the rebel will also use the secret method Know the hunter's information!"

Zhang Kun couldn't help but gasped when he heard this. This is obviously a hunting game. After wearing the gem, it means that both parties know each other's existence, and start a hunt and escape in this kingdom of shadows game.

And Zhang Kun's task is very simple, he wants to become the final winner who hunts ten rebels, to get a generous reward from the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows, and at the same time, Mirror Domain will also give him a high level enough to break through the peak of Dao Jindan. The elixir of elixir!

"Recognize the owner of this gem with a drop of blood, and you can discover the existence of the rebel!" Jing Yu said.

Zhang Kun nodded, pierced his fingertips with the sharp fragments of the mirror field on his chest, and immediately a stream of blood dripped down on the surface of the blue gem.


As if a drop of water was dripping from the hot metal surface, there was a squeak, and Zhang Kun's blood was directly absorbed by the gemstone.

He could feel that he had established a spiritual connection with the gem, and Zhang Kun quickly injected a burst of vitality into the gem.


In an instant, a map appeared in his mind. It was extremely wide, twice the size of the unnamed continent. It was vast and spanned deserts and oceans. On this continent, ten bright red lands appeared. The small dots were dazzling, as if they were provocative, and Zhang Kun could even hear the faint laughter in the air.

"Hunter of the Queen, come to us, we will make you suffer!"

The laughing sound came from a mixture of ten different voices. There were young people, old men, and women. The ten voices were combined together and turned into a magic voice.

"We will definitely subvert this world, and everything will be annihilated!"

Zhang Kun frowned immediately. As a passer-by in this world, he was unwilling to intervene too much in what happened on this continent, but it was clear that these ten rebels had evil intentions. The task of taking the mirror field made him encounter such a thing, and he would stand up!

Because he remembered his hometown, the Wuming Continent was once invaded by the Lord of the Black Moon, and countless lives were devastated. Since then, Zhang Kun is unwilling to repeat this tragedy again.

"Wait a minute, why is this red spot on me?"

Zhang Kun shrank his pupils suddenly, the map presented in the gem was flat, and he only saw a huge red dot directly marked on his body.


Before Zhang Kun could react, a huge sonic boom sounded directly, and the mound of soil around him suddenly shattered and exploded. The deep soil layer seemed to be made out of paper, and it had no resistance at all. It was directly blasted into pieces by a majestic yuan energy!
"What's the situation!?" Zhang Kun couldn't help scolding angrily. Just after he got the gem, a traitor came to him. Could it be that this rhythm will continue?Doesn't he have any rest time?

Jing Yu said indifferently: "It's just a coincidence that the rebel just killed a hunter, and he hasn't gone far. You came in. After inheriting the hunter gem, the rebel killed a carbine!"

Zhang Kun twitched the corners of his lips, and cursed secretly in his heart: "Can't you find a better time to let me in?"

A burly figure appeared directly in front of his eyes. His long white hair was mixed with a dark aura. His old face was full of solemn expressions. He was holding a longbow in his hand, and his whole body was green and dark. , circulating a vast aura, seeing this pair of longbows, Zhang Kun felt as if he was staring at the tree of life!
"Damn, just fight when you come up?" Zhang Kun couldn't help cursing, a sword chant sounded passionately, and a pure golden long sword appeared behind him, it was Chunjun!

Compared with Chengying, Chunjun has more powerful attack power and is more suitable for frontal combat, but it is not as fast and flexible as Chengying. In addition, Chengying has the characteristics of shadowless, which is more suitable for surprise attacks, while Yu Intestine is unique, suitable for desperate situations, it is a dangerous move.

This time Zhang Kun felt that the opponent's aura was not strong enough for him to resist, so he first called out the Chunjun sword.

"It's been a long time since I fought with real swords and guns!" The corners of Zhang Kun's mouth curled up slightly, appearing full of confidence.

Ever since he survived the catastrophe and came to Qionghua Palace, he hadn't really fought with anyone, and the sword fight with Lord Yeye was just a point-and-shoot.

"Huh?" The white-haired old man snorted coldly, and said indifferently: "I thought he was resurrected from the dead, so it was just a little doll who happened to pick up the gem!"

The white-haired old man seemed to be casual, glanced at Zhang Kun and said with a sneer, "You can get lost."

In his opinion, Zhang Kun is not qualified to be a hunter at all. He is not even 20 years old. How high his realm can be, he is considered a great genius to become a Qi trainer, and he is no match for the white-haired old man and the others.

They are rebels who are trying to subvert the whole world. They think that their status is extremely noble, and they don't even bother to deal with a little baby, let alone kill him by lowering their status.

Zhang Kun smiled lightly and said, "Old man, aren't you afraid of me?"

"My patience is limited. If you don't leave, I will change my mind and I will take your life." The white-haired old man snorted coldly, twitching the bowstring with his right hand.

"Then come on!" Zhang Kun didn't talk too much nonsense, and with a finger of his right hand, the Chunjun sword suddenly turned into a rainbow, roaring towards the white-haired old man!

"Seeking death!" The white-haired old man shook his head and moved his fingers casually, only to see that there were no arrows on his bowstring, but there was an emerald-colored aura shooting towards the pure Jun Shenhong!

Behind the white-haired old man loomed a few phantoms, as if several peerless archers drew their bowstrings at the same time, the emerald green light was unexpectedly filled with unbelievable life energy, there were several The emerald light arrow shot directly at Zhang Kun, broke through the surrounding deep soil layer, and directly exploded the catacomb.

(End of this chapter)

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