Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 743

Chapter 743

Deep cracks appeared on the ground, as if the scene of annihilation reappeared!
And the pure Jun Shenhong is even more oblique to crush everything, with an unrivaled radiance of divine power, that burst of fierce energy pierces the air, traverses the sky, and makes a chi chi piercing sound, as if it can be cut open Heaven and earth are ordinary!
"Boom boom boom!"

Two rays of light of different colors collided together, and the volley collision immediately turned into an extremely terrifying impact explosion. This pure Jun sword light was extremely domineering, supremely powerful, and everything was unstoppable between the sharp sword energy, and the air suddenly burst into flames. Vigorously shaking, the range of the violent explosion was hundreds of miles wide, and everything in the entire range, except Zhang Kun and the white-haired old man, was completely wiped out!


The white-haired old man frowned suddenly, and looked at Zhang Kun with deep and suspicious eyes. He couldn't believe that a little guy who was less than 20 years old could explode such terrifying strength. You must know that he has already entered the realm of Nascent Soul It has been many years, but even a single arrow can't kill a junior!
Zhang Kun's eyes are extremely indifferent, as if looking down on the ants on the ground from the nine heavens. Zhang Kun is holding the Chunjun sword like a supreme being in the world. The Chunjun sword once belonged to an extreme king. Thousands of sword qi, spanning thousands of miles, suppress everything!
The white-haired old man's complexion became a little dignified. He slowly stepped back in the void, and the emerald green longbow in his hand gradually shone with strings of azure blue light.

"To be honest, I'm very surprised. Your strength is indeed good, but it's a pity that you and I are at odds!" the white-haired old man sighed lazily. At this moment, the longbow in his hand seemed to be resurrected. Flawless emeralds, large and small, are all shining brightly at this moment!

"As a hunter, it's your misfortune that the first enemy you encounter is me!" said the white-haired old man.

Raising the longbow in his hand, he laughed wildly and said, "This is a divine bow made of the branches of the ancient tree of life as the main material. It is a god-grade Taoist weapon. I have shot and killed Jiaolong with this bow!"

The white-haired old man said very proudly, while Zhang Kun maintained a faint smile. In his eyes, the mere divine artifacts are as useless as rubbish!
"Your bow is too weak." Zhang Kun said with a sneer, disdainful, and didn't care at all about this so-called divine artifact.

But having said that, the magic weapon can only play its greatest role in the hands of people in the Nascent Soul realm. The monks on the Unnamed Continent generally use magic weapons at higher levels, but they cannot exert the full power of the magic weapon.

"Zhuzi is arrogant!" the white-haired old man said angrily almost instantly, his eyes widened, and he shouted angrily, "I want you to apologize to my bow!"

"Ignorance." Zhang Kun chuckled lightly, dismissively!
"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" In an instant, the white haired old man stood upright in full bloom.


The white-haired old man shouted angrily, and the tail of the arrow bloomed like a flying bird, like a flying bird, the bow of the autumn moon is round, and the arrow is like flying!
The power of this arrow seemed to be several times stronger than before, and the longbow in the hands of the white-haired old man seemed to wake up, releasing its most powerful power.

On the other hand, Zhang Kun narrowed his eyes slightly. He condensed his vitality, and the vitality of his whole body poured into the Chun Jun sword like a tide. Immediately, countless explosions erupted in midair!
The body of Chun Jun's sword was humming and trembling, and there was a golden silk thread on the body of the sword, like an energy bar. With the injection of Zhang Kun's vitality, the sword slot was filled with pure golden energy, and every time the sword came out, the entire battlefield Suddenly, ten thousand gullies appeared, all of which were pure Jun's sword marks!
The shackles of heaven and earth here are obviously not as good as in Dayan Realm, when the pure Jun sword comes out, the sky and earth are chilled, and the void is faintly shattered!

"how is this possible?"

The white-haired old man's face suddenly changed wildly. He looked at Chun Junjian in disbelief, his eyes narrowed slightly, and it was difficult to hide the shock on his face!

"What level of weapon is this?" The white-haired old man was already stunned, and saw that the arrow shot out in midair was like a fragile firefly, and it dissipated invisible before the pure and powerful righteous sword energy!
The pure Jun sword energy crushed the emerald green fluorescent light and then moved forward again, cutting everything, destroying the dead, and coming straight to the white-haired old man. Dao Fengying, a faint cyan light appeared around him, and he dodged the pure Jun sword energy with a dangerous dodge!
The Chunjun Sword is a fairy weapon, Zhang Kun can't fully display its power, he has done his best to stimulate the sword energy, and he can no longer control the direction of the sword energy perfectly, so this is why the white-haired old man hides past.

"Fortunately, you can't use its full power!" The white-haired old man said happily. At this moment, his back was full of sweat, but after all, he is also an old monk who has lived for hundreds of years, and his combat experience is extremely seasoned. It took an instant, he had already adjusted, he clenched the longbow in his hand, his eyes must have been, there were streaks of emerald green brilliance in his eyes!

Holding the Chunjun sword, Zhang Kun said lightly: "The sword in my hand will not kill the unknown, and report your name!"

The white-haired old man snorted coldly. He had to admit that Zhang Kun was a formidable opponent. His only chance to defeat Zhang Kun was that the bond between Zhang Kun and Chun Junjian was not deep enough. Maybe he could find a chance to strike Kill Zhang Kun's body!
"Old man, people call him the Immortal!" The white-haired old man slowly spat out his name, and blue rays of light rose from his body, like the son of the storm, domineering!

"No murderer?" Zhang Kun said his name with a smile, and said lightly: "My name is Zhang Kun, you have to remember, I am the one who killed you!"

"Hahaha, kill me?" The white-haired old man Bushizhe laughed wildly, his pupils shrank, and he said in a deep voice: "Then let you see my real power for Bushizhe!"

Before Zhang Kun could react, the white-haired old man pulled the bowstring at a speed he could not understand. The emerald radiance on the longbow turned into an arrow. Arrow, go through the air!

Zhang Kun frowned immediately, and directly cast Shadow Gone Twice. His figure was erratic, like a ghost, and he was hundreds of feet away in a flash. Unfortunately, his speed was still a bit slower. When it came to his shape-shifting and shadow-changing, he even took Zhang Kun's body directly!

"Hmph, this is my non-killing arrow, it cannot be dodged!"

(End of this chapter)

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