Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 754 Predators

Chapter 754 Predators

In the desolate and gloomy sky, the clouds all over the sky are yellowish, and there is a dark tone from far to near. A round of golden yellow sun is covered by countless yellow clouds, which cannot emit brilliant brilliance. It just sets a more bleak tone for the whole picture.

Under the desolate sky, there is a desolate and silent withered grassland. The barren ground is almost like a desert. A road paved with gravel winds and turns, leading to the sky very long. Zhang Kun took Yiman and Baiwucheng The hunters walked slowly on this road.

And at the end of the road, a figure appeared faintly. The sun set, and a ray of light shone on that man's body. Under the setting sun, he was the only one alone. It was desolate and silent, without any vitality, as if all the businesses around it had been plundered by something.

The same was true for that man, even the light shining on him turned into a desolate and empty gray-white!

He held a knife in his hand, a gray-white long knife. The gray light of the knife seemed to blend into the surrounding environment. The pale gray color seemed to express the color in his heart. A darkness seemed to surge out from his eyes.

He has the same pair of gray and empty eyes, to this person, it seems that everything is empty, nothing, he has nothing, blending into this desolate and lonely environment, it seems that he is not tolerated by this environment of a person.

It is difficult to say that this man has life, because it is difficult to know his existence, and his existence may not be real, because he has nothing but the meaning of plunder.

Predator, one of the traitors of the Kingdom of Shadows, people usually think that a plunderer has a lot of things, because he plunders other people's things, but in fact, only empty people will plunder other people's private property.

He tightly closed his eyes, everything around him seemed invisible and elusive, a strange Taoism surged from his body, enveloping him, making him a little illusory.

Zhang Kun frowned slightly, seeing the figure in the distance, his pupils shrank, but he didn't stop walking, but everyone behind him trembled uncontrollably and became afraid.

Yi Man hesitated and said: "Master Hunter King, that is the Predator."

Bai Junxuan also followed. When he saw the predator, he couldn't help but clenched the long sword in his hand, looking a little nervous. After all, the opponent was a rebel, and there were only nine people in the entire Kingdom of Shadows. Ordinary hunters like them can deal with it.

Even though there are still several miles away, the hunters in Baiwu City are fully armed and timid before fighting. Bai Junxuan is not bad like this, but this time is different from the time he hunted the rebels. This time there were many old hunting kings sitting in town, they didn't need to charge forward, and the only thing they could rely on at this moment was Zhang Kun's strength.

Even though they already believed that Zhang Kun had defeated the Unkiller, no one had seen him do it himself, not to mention that his strength had been suppressed to the peak of Qi training, whether he could be the opponent of the Predator, no one could decide You know, there is a question mark in their hearts, but if Zhang Kun shows any signs of being invincible, they are likely to run away directly!

But Zhang Kun was still extremely indifferent, ignored them, and continued to walk towards the predator.

In the past few days, Zhang Kun led the hunters in Baiwu City to search for traces of the predators, and finally found out where the predators were after paying the price of the lives of several hunters!
At this moment, in this wilderness, he would be practicing knife skills, a habit that the marauders had recently acquired.


A faint light suddenly roared from the sky, illuminating the wilderness. For the first time, Zhang Kun clearly saw the face of the predator, which was the face of an extremely ordinary man.

At the same time, the knife in his hand also lit up. The scabbard was as black as ink, and the blade was as pale as paper, as if representing emptiness. The knife stabbed in the air, as if it had disappeared into the space, half of it Staying in the same place, it looks extremely strange, this is a state that is almost incomprehensible to everyone, how can a thing exist and not exist at the same time?
There seemed to be no one in his eyes, the emptiness made one feel cold, the coldness to the extreme was death, pure death, pure emptiness, this person had no meaning of existence, and had been living by taking away the existence of others.

In an instant, between lightning and flint, there are two cold lights intertwined and flying like a startling rainbow, whistling!

One is a knife, like an afterimage, and the other is the same knife, like a cold light!
The lonely dead tree has been split, and the flying dust and yellow sand are flying all over the sky, covering everyone's eyes and burying Zhang Kun's figure in it, but Zhang Kun didn't even look back, he didn't even have eyes In the blink of an eye, his face was like an iceberg that never changed, and his eyes were like a bottomless tan.

To be able to do this, what is needed is amazing composure and absolute confidence in one's own strength. Even when the two saber lights approached Zhang Kun's body directly, he did not retreat at all.


Two cold currents shot out suddenly, spreading from Zhang Kun's body in an instant. The cold light was so cold that the air seemed to be frozen.
As soon as he came up, Zhang Kun used the Taoist will. The surging vitality in his body condensed the ice veins, and controlled all the ice elements around him to transform into two cold currents, freezing everything!
"It's not good. Lord Hunting King used his hole card at the beginning of the fight. Wouldn't this allow the predator to gain his power?" Bai Junxuan's face suddenly changed wildly, and he said in surprise.

Yi Mandai frowned slightly, bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, and stared blankly at Zhang Kun who was controlling the cold current dragon strangling the knife light in the distance.

"Perhaps Lord Hunter has his own arrangements?"


The speed of the afterimage's saber light was too fast, directly surpassing Zhang Kun's limit, slashing at Zhang Kun's body, and cutting his shoulder as cold as a cold wind!
Zhang Kun frowned slightly, looked down, and saw a bone-deep wound appearing on his shoulder. The cut wound was eight inches long, and the power of that sword was extremely dangerous. It is difficult to dodge, and the situation is so dangerous that those who have not experienced it cannot understand it.

The Marauder is empty, nearly dead, but his knife is alive, and his swordplay is his life!
"Drip drip!"

Blood dripped from Zhang Kun's shoulders, but a smile crossed the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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