Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 755

Chapter 755
After the afterimage slashed into Zhang Kun's shoulder with a knife, it bounced up and disappeared as quickly as a phantom. The two long dragons of cold air controlled by Zhang Kun entangled with another cold light-like knife light, and it Locked tightly in place, unable to move a bit!
There didn't seem to be any expression on the predator's face. His knife was so fast that he didn't even know where his knife went.

The next moment, the pale blade appeared again in his hand, but the blade was stained with a trace of hoarfrost.

"No, Lord Hunting King's power has been taken by the predators!" Bai Junxuan exclaimed, seeing the pale blade turn into the color of ice, he knew that the knife had seized Zhang Kun's power !

Seeing this scene, Yiman felt a little shaken in his heart. Even though he believed in Zhang Kun's strength, his heart was still shaken when he saw this scene. Zhang Kun was already injured in just one move, and the opponent's strength was still weak. got an increase.

How to fight after this, it seems that Zhang Kun is not the opponent of the Predator at all.

"How on earth did he defeat the Immortal? I think his strength is not as good as mine!" Bai Junxuan's face changed, and he was very frustrated. He looked at the hunters around him and said quietly: "Everyone, how about the hunting king?" The enemy looters are coming, let's go quickly!"

The hunters in White Mist City nodded one after another. Originally, they thought that Zhang Kun was very powerful and could kill the third-ranked Immortal, and his strength would definitely be able to kill the Predator.

However, this battle has not yet started, just a tentative stab from both sides, Zhang Kun has already been injured, blood is flowing, it is difficult to stop, and now half of his clothes have been dyed bright red.

"Let's go? We can't go anymore, we are in the realm of the predators!" Yi Man clenched her fists and said with difficulty.

Dead black!Dead silence!
Everything around here seems to have fallen into the boundless darkness, the air is frozen, just like Yiman said, the entire desert, within a few miles, everyone is shrouded in the realm of predators middle!


The peerless knife of the Predator was lit up with lights of different colors one after another, dozens of rays of light lit up one after another, exuding an aura that everyone was very familiar with.

That was their power, the ability they originally had, at this moment, was plundered by the predator all at once.

"What, it's terrible, this man!"

Everyone in the audience looked incredible. This simply overturned their three views and cognitions. What kind of morality is enough for him to have such a heaven-defying ability?
At this time, the corner of Zhang Kun's mouth slightly curved into a subtle arc.

"The Tao of Chaos." He said indifferently.

Everyone was puzzled after hearing this, some of them didn't understand what is Dao at all, even if Bai Junxuan and Yiman knew this, they didn't know what Chaos System was at all!
However, the predator, who had always been expressionless and empty, suddenly changed his face, as if he had been seen through, his eyes suddenly widened, like a raging beast!

As if he was a liar who was exposed by someone, the predator suddenly became angry from embarrassment. He roared, drew out the strange knife in his hand, and slashed at Zhang Kun!
Countless lights and shadows and countless different colors instantly appeared in this knife, making people dizzy and palpitating at the same time!

Can one knife contain so many different powers?

It is difficult for anyone to control so many powers. Powers that are too chaotic will definitely affect each other, collide with each other, and cannot be combined at all!

The only thing that can do this is the chaos that contains everything. It is said that the world was born in chaos, and everything was born from nothing.

Chaos is a collection of all things, and all things will eventually find their destination in chaos. Zhang Kun is keenly aware of this, and tells the truth about the power of predators.

"Boom boom boom!"

Different saber energy descended like a violent storm, like a shower on a summer afternoon, covering everything, and the entire desert turned into a Shura field!
No creature can survive such a dense and violent attack!

Despair is written on everyone's face, the despair and powerlessness that go deep into the soul. The hunters of White Mist City are very aware of their own strength and ability. Once this power is used by the predators in turn, they will never Any chance of survival!
However, at this moment, just when everyone thought that he would be buried in a wasteland that no one cared about, Zhang Kun let out a low drink, and flicked his fingers to light up a few rays of light!

Hush!In an instant, the energy of heaven and earth rushed in rapidly, and the vast aura spread immediately!
Rays of light and shadow erupted from his body like beans, and a majestic and powerful figure descended!

Naga King Snake Festival, God Slayer, Storm Bird.
Those powerful monsters that were once subdued by Zhang Kun were summoned by Zhang Kun at this moment!
Waves of monstrous monster energy erupted instantly, forming a terrifying storm, sweeping away, invincible!
Zhang Kun moved his lips slowly and said, "Kill!"

"As ordered!"

The monsters spoke in unison, and their voices were like thunder, resounding throughout the wasteland!

The Predator's complexion suddenly changed. His Chaos System ability cannot be used indefinitely, at least for a period of time, he cannot use it multiple times!
As soon as he fought against Zhang Kun, he immediately knew Zhang Kun's strength. He thought he had forced out Zhang Kun's most proud hole card, and even showed his Frost Dao, Zhang Kun's strength was almost exhausted!
At this time, the predator directly used his ability to plunder and absorb all the power of everyone present, but something he never expected happened. Zhang Kun summoned a powerful monster from nowhere , he summoned his thousands of troops almost instantly!

Moreover, at this moment, the Naga King Snake Festival and God Killing Insects have evolved to the extreme level of Jindan. They are in the Mirror Realm, bathed in an environment full of aura all day long, and they have ten times the acceleration of the Mirror Realm. They Following Zhang Kun for three or four years, in fact, it has been 30 or 40 years. In addition to their extraordinary breeds, strong bloodlines, and the monster cultivation skills given in the mirror field, it is impossible to advance quickly. It's all difficult!
"Impossible, how is this possible?"

The predator burst into anger, and he was raped by someone!
He thought he was cautious enough, but unfortunately he still didn't count that Zhang Kun had such a backhand!

(End of this chapter)

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