Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 756 Bring your power to me

Chapter 756 Bring your power to me

The Predator's face twisted, he bit his finger fiercely, and a burst of blood immediately filled his body.

The predator is desperate, and when a person puts everything into his own hands, including his own life, he will become extremely dangerous!

What's more, he is one of the ten rebels in the Kingdom of Shadows, an extremely powerful man with the power to plunder. Once he goes all out, the power he can display is even more terrifying!
Just now, the predator directly released the ability he had snatched from the hunters of White Mist City, and at this moment Zhang Kun directly summoned several monsters under him, the giant storm bird gave a long cry, and The loud sound wave flashed across the sky with the sound of crackling and thundering. In front of the power full of tyranny, all the attacks released by the predators were like crisp paper, and they were wiped out one after another!
Not only that, the figure of God Slayer flashed, like an aurora, shining into the pitch-black sky. The sharp and deadly claws intertwined and slashed out, and suddenly the deadly lights of the knives shone, colliding and plundering. attack!

"Boom boom boom!"

Gao Tian seemed to be torn apart at this moment, a series of breaches appeared, and the torn space turned into a series of pitch-black black holes, the power of killing gods erupted suddenly, and the terrifying offensive It triggered repeated roaring explosions, and the entire wasteland seemed to be overturned!
The predator's attack was surging like a tide last moment, but it was completely stopped at this moment, turning the tide, as if none of this happened!
At this moment, everyone was stunned, and everyone in the audience couldn't help but gasped. They looked at Zhang Kun in disbelief. He actually held so many powerful monster creatures in his hands, each of which was in the extreme state of Jindan. Layers, this is simply astounding!
In the kingdom of shadows, although there are Nascent Soul powerhouses, Jindan extreme realm powerhouses can also be regarded as overlords, and even a few Jindan powerhouses have killed rebels with special means in their hands!
Therefore, five golden elixir monsters suddenly appeared in front of them. The shock and impact made them unacceptable for a while!

Zhang Kun's complexion still did not ease. In order to lure the predators to underestimate the enemy, he deliberately took a knife in front of him, and then seized the opportunity to summon his own monsters, which seemed to directly reverse the entire situation of the battle. When he came over, he already felt a little uneasy in his heart!

At this moment, the predator bit his finger, and a stream of blood was directly consumed by him. He was like a soldier bathed in blood, as if he had just walked out of hell and turned into a purgatory Shura!

"Your strength, bring it to me!"

The predator was about to burst into tears, and a wave of anger surged up like a huge wave. He stretched out his alienated right hand, which looked like a devil's claw, and grabbed it fiercely into the void. In an instant, the energy of the sky and the earth rushed to form a cloud. There was a huge vortex like a raging wave. Everyone felt their hearts were locked in this grip and crushed. They all screamed!
Not only the hunters of White Mist City, but even the monsters summoned by Zhang Kun froze, as if they were caught by someone, and then the phantoms of spirits visible to the naked eye were directly captured. After grabbing it out, it was swallowed by an irresistible force, rushing towards the predator!

The predator opened his hands, raised his head to the sky and screamed loudly, waves of full power poured into his body, constantly enriching his body, and all the different powers became his possessions!

At this moment, everyone in the audience stared wide-eyed, looking in complete disbelief at the predator who seemed to have experienced ascension in mid-air.

He burned his own blood, at the cost of his own life, and drained his life essence to use this power!
No one could have imagined that at this juncture, he still has the ability to seize the power of others!


Bai Junxuan roared endlessly, and stared at the sky in a daze!

Tears welled up on Yiman's face, full of despair, this time the predators got the power of several monsters, this is not the skill of these hunters and three-legged cats, but the power of several golden elixirs. The abilities of the strong, the predators blessed with these powers, are almost unstoppable!
"Damn it, Master Hunting King miscalculated. He shouldn't have summoned these monsters. He made wedding dresses for the predators, only increasing the power of the predators!"

"Yeah, what should we do now, the predator is enraged, he will never let us go this time!"

The hunters in Baiwu City were all frightened and lay on the ground, losing their desire to fight, and they were all crying. Some of them even began to curse Zhang Kun. If it wasn't for his wrong decision, they would not have been forced into this situation .

In mid-air, several monsters under Zhang Kun were also a little worried, and quickly sent a voice transmission to Zhang Kun.

"Master Zhang Kun, what should we do now?"

Facing the predator who stole their strength, even the five monsters of the Jindan Extreme Realm couldn't do this at all. Although the strength of this predator is not as strong as that of the non-killer, it is still real Nascent Soul Powerhouse!
Originally, the five monsters of the Jindan Extreme Realm plus Zhang Kun were enough to defeat the Nascent Soul strongman, but now that the predator's strength has doubled, even they may not be able to defeat him!
Zhang Kun took a deep breath and gave an order: "You delay him for a while, and I will solve it!"


Those monsters were loyal to Zhang Kun, and after Zhang Kun ordered them, they had no intention of backing down!
The battle started in an instant, and the predator smiled arrogantly, and said to Zhang Kun: "Now that things have happened, what else can you do to defeat me?"

"I've never felt so powerful!"

As he said that, a faint light flashed across his hand, which turned into the sharp claws of the god-killing insect, and the long knife in his hand also flung out, carrying storms and thunders, which were the divine power of the giant storm bird, There was a burst of crackling, and the entire wasteland fell to the brink of destruction!
"Don't think that you can defeat us with our strength, suffer death!"

The Naga King Snake Festival roared, holding the trident in his hand, rolling up boundless waves and bombarding the predators, at the same time, the other monsters also moved instantly, slashing out their best hand hit!
And at this time, Zhang Kun awakened a force residing in his body. In the depths of his Five Elements Spirit Foundation, there was a bright red flame buried, that is Chixia Flame Breath!


The flames suddenly burned from the depths of his body. Zhang Kun swallowed pills one after another, and the endless energy turned into fuel, which was swallowed by the flames of Chixia!

The flame of Chixia Yanxi burns hotter and hotter, but it still takes some time to reach its strongest form!
 This is the official update for today.

(End of this chapter)

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