Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 757

Chapter 757

At the same time, above the sky, the great battle began immediately, waves of destructive waves swept away, and a series of heart-pounding sonic booms sounded, and everyone present was terrified!
I saw that the speed of the god-killing insect was so fast that it surpassed the limitation of space, and its figure turned into a flash of light, and then escaped into the endless space. When it appeared, the sea of ​​clouds in the sky was torn into pieces by him. It split into two halves, separated a long vacuum, and a long, sharp blade coldly bombarded towards the predator, slashing everything on the path extremely domineeringly, hitting the predator directly like a knife from the sky!
The hunters in the White Mist City on the ground felt extremely palpitating. They could only feel a terrifying aura permeating the entire high sky, as if the ancient alien species had awakened here, revealing its most powerful power!
Yiman, Bai Junxuan and the others looked serious to the extreme, they all understood that this is an ancient battle, as if it reproduced the situation hundreds of years ago when several old hunting kings besieged a very strong rebel!

However, with their strength, they don't have any qualifications to intervene in the terrifying battle in midair. They can only stay where they are, helpless. As long as their bodies get a little closer to that area, they will be torn to pieces by the tyrannical terrifying power!

"Master Hunting King, can you win?"

Yi Mandai frowned slightly, bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, her face was full of worry.


The Predator also made a move, and the blow he retaliated against the Godkiller was also extremely radiant. His hands turned into sharp claws, and he suddenly grabbed into the void, and the two sharp edges were like shooting stars across the sky. , tearing apart the endless space, the sea of ​​clouds in mid-air boiled and surged, and the two sharp edges collided crazily, making a series of explosive sounds, deafening!
At the same time, the giant storm bird raised its head, and thunder calamity surged in its huge eyes. The extremely terrifying thunder light continued to shine, condensing in its huge mouth, and finally formed a huge thunder ball as bright as a star. !

The giant storm bird fluttered its wings and waved its angry wings. Immediately, nine purple thunder snakes with a length of ten thousand feet rushed out from under its wings, roaring furiously and rushing towards the predators. The momentum is extraordinary, as if God's punishment came to the world, this series of divine thunders is not weaker than some catastrophes in the slightest!

Standing in the wilderness, everyone who looked up at the battle held their breath. This is simply beyond their imagination!

The giant storm bird is an ancient alien species with a trace of the blood of an ancient beast. It is born with the supernatural ability to control thunder and lightning. Summoning thunder and lightning, the entire sky was covered by endless thunder, and the continuous thunder roared, like a catastrophe!
However, the Predator was not to be outdone in the slightest at this moment, his dark and dull pupils lit up at this moment, and even began to shine with aura, like a majestic Thor, two thunder rays that broke through the dark clouds shot straight from his eyes Out, the thick purple-black thunder light shot heavily at the giant storm bird in the distance!
In an instant, the two seas of thunder collided together, and the purple lightning glow kept jumping between the thick thunderclouds, crazily colliding with each other and surging!

At this moment, high above the sky is already a sea of ​​surging energy, and tides of vitality surge from all directions, turning into visions of infinite power, lightning roars endlessly on the terrifying battlefield, and storms beat the air, turning into A series of tornadoes, sword lights and sword qi are constantly fighting, breaking through all the things that dare to resist them, and everyone seems to see a series of world-destroying torrents tilting there!

Lights of different colors and attributes without multiples shone, triggering a series of violent explosions. The entire battlefield seemed to be overturned. Everyone took a deep breath, opened their mouths wide, and couldn't say a word Come!

The Predator was furious, surging a boiling and wild vitality. The power of the Nascent Soul was beyond anything, enough to shatter the space of this world. At this moment, he seemed to be pouring out the energy in his body recklessly. His offensive seemed to never stop. He didn't even stop, his attack speed was too fast, leaving no chance for Zhang Kun's monsters to breathe!
In any case, his realm surpassed those monsters, and the same move was used by him, and the strength would not only increase by ten times?There is the most essential difference between Jindan and Yuanying, the two are not the same at all!

Under the Nascent Soul, everyone is an ant, this sentence is not for nothing!

The monsters frantically attacked the predator, and the joint attack of the five monsters at the peak of the Jindan state made the scene extremely chaotic, and it was almost impossible to avoid it. However, the predator possessed the characteristics of all the monsters. He didn't have the slightest timidity at all, instead he was able to confront the monsters with ease, and the attack method he used was precisely the best method of the monsters themselves!
"That's enough, I don't have time to play games with you guys, let's all die!"

The looter let out a loud cry, and suddenly the terrifying power from the rapid plundering of the energy of the world and the earth rose to the extreme, and all the surging energy of his body was condensed in one point, and that point compressed countless heavy energy, and then he pressed down with both hands!

"Boom boom boom!"

Violent explosions filled the entire battlefield, and the sky seemed to be crushed at this moment, revealing one piece after another of pitch-black void!

I saw a series of cold lights intertwined with thunder and lightning and huge waves, turning into a huge ax shadow and slashing down, even with a huge force of swallowing!

This blow actually contained the powerful unique moves of each of the five monsters, and it fell straight into the galaxy!

"Not good!" The faces of the five monsters suddenly changed wildly, but the speed of the predators was too fast for them to react. With that moment of hesitation, it was impossible for the monsters to escape this attack. out of range!
The shadow of the ax slashed down, just like the galaxy turned upside down, and the sky and the earth changed color. The entire wasteland couldn't bear the terrifying power of this blow. The ground was split into several pieces, and the sky was full of clouds and smoke. It descended on several monsters!

Immediately, the giant storm bird's feathers were messy and scattered, a sharp claw of the god-killing insect was cut off, and the head crown of the Naga king snake was cut open, and all five monsters were seriously injured!


The predator laughed wildly at this moment, his eyes were filled with red blood, and he arrogantly looked down on the entire wasteland!
(End of this chapter)

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