Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 773 Senior Sister Junyao's Visit

Chapter 773 Senior Sister Junyao's Visit
"Senior Sister, what are you?" Zhang Kun asked suspiciously, feeling a little embarrassed looking at He Junyao in front of him.

He Junyao doubtfully said, "Ah, Junior Brother Zhang Kun doesn't know?"

"Senior sister, are you referring to the previous introductory task? No wonder the task recommended by my senior sister is too difficult. It is because of my lack of strength that I have caused trouble for my senior sister and the Palace Master." Zhang Kun said with a bit of apology. .

It's not that he doesn't know He Junyao and Qian Shui's vague hostility toward him, including the female disciples in Qionghua Palace who feel a sense of repulsion toward him, but this feeling is not aimed at Zhang Kun personally, it's just that Because Zhang Kun is a man, and he joined the Qionghua Palace, it was difficult for everyone to accept for a while.

When Zhang Kun followed Lin Xinchan to Qionghua Palace, he was already mentally prepared. In his eyes, He Junyao and Qian Shang were both good girls in essence, but they grew up in Qionghua Palace and were always indoctrinated. That's why she hates him so much because she thinks of repelling men.

After hearing Zhang Kun's words, He Junyao's pretty face turned red all of a sudden, and her eyes dodged a little.

"In short, this time, Senior Sister owes you a favor. If you have any troubles in Qionghua Palace in the future, just tell me!" He Junyao took a deep breath and said.

The original intention of He Junyao and Qian Xun was to cause some trouble for Zhang Kun, to make him fail in the entry task and not be able to stay in Qionghua Palace anymore, but they almost hurt Zhang Kun, so He Junyao felt a little guilty for this.

As if thinking of something, Zhang Kun quickly asked, "Senior Sister Junyao, do you know where I can find Xihe Stone and Wangshucao?"

"Eh?" He Junyao was startled and stood up in fright, looking at Zhang Kun in disbelief.

She said in surprise: "Junior Brother Zhang Kun, how did you know that the prize for this Qionghua Newborn Qionghua Festival is the Xihe Stone?"

"Could it be that Xinchan revealed it to you, hmph, I didn't expect Xinchan to be so cunning!"

Zhang Kun was stunned when he heard it, he couldn't hear the rest of the words clearly, only heard the three big characters Xi and Shi
"Senior Sister Junyao, is what you said true, that there is Xihe Stone in Qionghua Palace?"

He Junyao nodded numbly and said, "Yes, can there still be fakes?"

"Xihe stone is an extremely rare and special crystal ore. It is said that it is a precious ore that absorbs the essence of the sun and stars and gathers the abundant spiritual power of Zhou Tian."

"Xihe stone is hard to find. It is an excellent material for refining pills and magic weapons. It is also necessary for the cultivation of many yang attribute exercises. It can even be used to replenish the vitality of psionic energy, so it is hard to find!"

He Junyao said happily, it is obvious that this Xihe Stone is priceless.

Zhang Kun clapped his hands excitedly when he heard this. He looked for Xihe Stone to refine the Phaseless Elixir, but he didn't expect that Xihe Stone would have the effect of replenishing spiritual energy, which would be very useful for him!

"Wait a minute, Senior Sister Junyao, most of the disciples in Qionghua Palace practice Bing Xin Jue, and spiritual objects like Xihe Stone are the most yang things, so they have no effect on the practitioners of Bing Xin Jue?"

He Junyao chuckled and said: "This is what you don't know. The Bing Xin Jue is indeed the most yin cultivation method, but it is also because of this that after you have cultivated to a certain level, you need to have a spirit with a yang attribute such as Xiheshi. To reconcile the energy of the ice veins in the body, otherwise over-practicing the Ice Heart Art may cause a monk's meridians to freeze and his personality to become cold-blooded and ruthless!"

After He Junyao finished speaking, she stared at Zhang Kun closely and said seriously.

"Zhang Kun, you haven't told me yet, how do you know that there will be a ranking battle in Qionghua Palace soon?"

Zhang Kun said blankly: "Senior Sister Junyao, you misunderstood, I don't know what Qionghua Festival is."

"Ah, don't you know, it's over, it's over, it's over." He Junyao hurriedly covered her mouth, with a look of surprise on her face.

As one of the three hall masters of Qionghua Palace, she can naturally know the major events that will happen in the faction in advance, but she accidentally revealed the news of the upcoming Qionghua Festival to Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun looked innocently at He Junyao who suddenly changed his face, expressing his innocence.

He Junyao sighed and said, "Forget it, you just joined Qionghua Palace this year, and you didn't understand anything, so let me introduce you."

"It's actually very simple. Every once in a while, Qionghua Palace will send high-level disciples down the mountain to find potential female cultivators and bring them back to the palace. Qionghua Palace will also hold a recruitment ceremony in Weiyang to attract talents to join. Qionghua Palace."

"The number of new disciples joining Qionghua Palace is large, but their strengths are uneven. In order to better cultivate talented disciples with potential in the future, Qionghua Palace will hold a martial arts competition every once in a while. Rank the new disciples in the faction and select the geniuses among them."

He Junyao said: "Not only that, the disciples who performed outstandingly in the Qionghua Festival will also be rewarded generously. The Xihe Stone is one of the rewards. If Junior Brother Zhang Kun wants to obtain the Xihe Stone, he must try his best to catch up with the disciples who are in the Qionghua Festival. In the Qionghua Festival, we must break into the top ten!"

Zhang Kun pondered for a moment after hearing this. This kind of Qionghua sacrifice is especially common in various organizations and families. As one of the six palaces, Qionghua Palace naturally has this practice.

Joining Qionghua Palace is only the first step. Although it means that you can have more resources and opportunities to practice than ordinary casual cultivators, there is still a big gap between different disciples in Qionghua Palace. Outstanding people will naturally get more resources.

The law of the jungle has always been the eternal iron rule in the cultivation world!
"Okay, I will participate in the Qionghua Festival and get the Xihe Stone." Zhang Kun nodded and said.

"Junior Brother Zhang Kun, I want to remind you that with your current strength, it may be very difficult for you to get the Xihe Stone in your pocket!" He Junyao said with her head tilted.

Zhang Kun smiled faintly, nodded without saying anything, and said, "But I will work hard."

"You are very motivated, you are indeed the man Xinchan likes!" He Junyao patted Zhang Kun's shoulder affectionately and laughed.

Zhang Kun couldn't help but said in embarrassment: "Senior Sister Junyao, what are you talking about?"

"Hmph, I want to remind you that there are many very powerful newcomers in this Qionghua Festival. You are still in the Golden Core stage. Maybe you will shine in the next Qionghua Festival. In fact, there is no need to rush. It's been a while!" He Junyao said.

Zhang Kun rubbed his nose and said, "What about Wangshucao, Senior Sister Junyao, do you know where I can get Wangshucao?"

"That, it seems that it can be exchanged with contribution points. This kind of herb is extremely rare, but there is a small amount in the palace. It is said that it was left by Palace Master Li Qingluan!"

(End of this chapter)

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