Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 774

Chapter 774

"Boom!" Zhang Kun felt as if his head was going to explode. Originally, he just wanted to ask casually, but he didn't expect that Wang Shucao was really in Qionghua Palace, and it was stayed by Palace Master Li Qingluan.

In connection with all the things that happened before, Zhang Kun couldn't help thinking that the identity of this Li Qingluan might not be that simple, and he might even have something to do with Jingyu. Advance in general.

"How much contribution value does Wangshucao need?" Zhang Kun said as he took out the Qionghua Token, injected a bit of vitality, and a light curtain suddenly appeared, buzzing with various magic weapons, elixir formations, etc. The treasure appeared on the Guanghua screen.

With a thought in Zhang Kun's mind, the light curtain trembled instantly, and within a short while, there was only a silver-blue grass left on the light curtain, spinning slowly, swaying and beautiful like a real thing.

"This is Wangshucao," Zhang Kun couldn't help exclaiming when he saw such a beautiful spiritual creature, and then he was taken aback, his face changed slightly.

"It actually needs [-] contribution points!"

14 contribution points, Tier [-] formation, Tiger Devouring Formation, powerful enough to match the all-out blow of a monk at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage, and only need [-] contribution points!
One of the materials used to refine the phaseless elixir that breaks through to the Nascent Soul Realm needs [-] contribution points!
Zhang Kun couldn't help but gasped, one hundred thousand contribution points, but he only had five thousand contribution points in his hand, how long will he save it!

"One hundred thousand contribution value is indeed a lot, Junior Brother Zhang Kun, what do you need these two materials for?" He Junyao asked suspiciously.

Zhang Kun scratched his head and said, "I want to refine medicine pills."

"Is Junior Brother Zhang Kun an alchemist?" He Junyao asked in surprise.

Zhang Kun nodded, He Junyao flicked Zhang Kun's forehead, and said with a light smile: "It's much easier for alchemists to earn contribution points, as long as you practice a few more pills and contribute to the sect, you will get a lot of money." High contribution value."

"The contribution value consumed by exchanging contribution points from Zongmen for items is generally several times higher than when you donate the same item to Zongmen. It takes thousands of contribution points to buy a panacea from Zongmen, but The same elixir can only be contributed to the sect in a few hundred." He Junyao said.

This is also very normal. When the disciples in the sect need to exchange items, they naturally need that item, but generally speaking, no matter what sect they are, the items donated to the sect will be collected, but not the sect is very interested in these tasks. high demand value.

A spirit pill, even at the refining speed of Zhang Kun, needs to be refined for nearly a day, and he also learned before that the three soul-protecting relics can only be exchanged for [-] contribution points. It's a third-tier panacea, and now Zhang Kun is a seventh-tier alchemist, and he is about to reach the eighth-tier alchemist, who can refine seventh-tier pills.

If it is calculated on the basis that even a seventh-level elixir can be exchanged for hundreds of contribution points, it will take Zhang Kun at least several years to exchange for Wangshucao!

Zhang Kun suddenly fell into deep thought. He Junyao thought he was retreating, and quickly comforted him: "Junior Brother Zhang Kun doesn't need to be so depressed. You just joined Qionghua Palace, so everything will naturally take its time."

"Of course, you can also trade with the senior sisters of the same school. If they are willing to buy your elixir at a high price, you might be able to make a fortune!" He Junyao said.

She changed her mind and said: "But I heard Senior Sister Xinchan said that you are not yet 20 years old. Even if you become an alchemist, you should only be at the level of a first-rank alchemist. I'm afraid you really won't be able to exchange much contribution value."

He Junyao said with some regret.

Zhang Kun shook his head, turned his hand and took out a mutton jade bottle, gently uncorked the bottle, and took out a few pills of black-blue color from it. The surface of the black pills was filled with unbelievable divine energy, which was breathtaking. I was shocked.

"Ah? This is it!"

He Junyao was stunned immediately, and looked at the pill in Zhang Kun's hand in disbelief.

The delicate body trembled slightly, as if seeing something incredible.

Zhang Kun didn't know, and asked suspiciously: "Senior Sister Junyao, what's wrong, is there something wrong with this elixir?"

He Junyao grabbed Zhang Kun's hand and said in shock, "Zhang Kun, are you the one who made these pills?"

Zhang Kun nodded dully and said, "Yes, of course I made it."

"This is Jiuxiao Pishen Pill, a pill invented and developed by Qingluan Palace Master. Since she ascended to the fairy world, even our Qionghua Palace has disappeared. How do you have this kind of pill?" He Junyao asked .

Zhang Kun pointed to the surrounding environment and said: "This is the Qingluan Pavilion, and there are traces of the life of the Qingluan Palace Master everywhere. Look here and here."

Zhang Kun pointed to the wall and carpet in the room, and several faint auras suddenly appeared, transforming into extremely mysterious runes and divine patterns.

"The formula of Jiuxiao Pishen Pill is hidden in this Qingluan Pavilion, and I refined it after I brought it. Is this strange?" Zhang Kun scratched the back of his head, looking puzzled.

"Strange! Very strange!" He Junyao yelled, pushing her plump chest in front of Zhang Kun with an angry look on her face.

"The places you pointed to are completely blank, okay? What a mess, you are lying to me!" He Junyao said angrily.

Zhang Kun froze for a moment, looked blankly at those symbolic lines, and rubbed his eyes again. It was obvious that those mysterious runes and divine lines were real, and he looked at He Junyao again and took a deep breath.

"Can't you really see it? Could it be that only I can see it?" Zhang Kun said.

He Junyao looked like she had seen a ghost, but after she saw the serious expression on Zhang Kun's face, she frowned slightly, bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, and after pondering for a moment, said: "Let's not talk about this, even if you never Qingluan Pavilion obtained the formula of Jiuxiao Pishen Pill, but it is a seventh-order panacea, and it is extremely difficult to refine, how could you refine it!"

Zhang Kun said with a faint smile: "If Senior Sister Junyao doesn't believe it, why do you think I can still take out this extinct elixir? And if you don't believe it, I can refine it here for you to see."

He Junyao waved her hand and said, "Forget it, I believe you're all right, but this is too surprising, the seventh-order panacea, you can refine it when you're less than 20 years old. Isn't he really a genius?"

"Leaving this aside, I just want to know how much contribution value can be exchanged for Jiuxiao Pishen Pill?" Zhang Kun asked.

Jiuxiao Pishen Pill is different from other elixirs in that it is the work of Palace Master Qingluan, and its meaning to Qionghua Palace is completely different!

(End of this chapter)

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