Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 775 The Second Lecture

Chapter 775 The First Lecture

"I can't say for sure, but at least it is much higher than the general panacea!" He Junyao thought for a while and said.

First of all, the medicinal effect of Jiuxiao Pishen Pill can be called heaven-defying, and it can temporarily raise the strength of a Jindan expert to the Nascent Soul Realm level. What's even more powerful is that this kind of improvement has almost no side effects!

A single elixir can temporarily make a strong Jindan comparable to a strong Yuanying. Don't, in the eyes of the Nascent Soul powerhouse, the Golden Core Realm is just an ant. If there is any pill that can directly make up for this gap like a moat, this kind of pill can really be called a magic pill!

Secondly, Li Qingluan's position in the Qionghua Palace is transcendent. As Lin Xinchan and He Junyao's benefactor, the elixir refined by Li Qingluan has extraordinary commemorative significance for them!
"Master." He Junyao looked at the elixir in Zhang Kun's hand, and called softly, her eyes as clear as autumn water glaze gradually dimmed, and the beautiful eyes were full of memories.

"Well, that." He Junyao suddenly lowered her head in embarrassment, brushed the broken hair around her ears, pursed her lips and lowered her eyebrows, without saying a word.

Zhang Kun suddenly panicked, and asked, "Senior Sister Junyao, what's wrong with you?"

"Zhang Kun, can you buy me some Jiuxiao Pishen Pills? This is very important to me." He Junyao's eyes turned slightly red, and she said delicately.

Looking at He Junyao's red and slightly swollen beautiful eyes, Zhang Kun couldn't help but soften his heart.

"Senior Sister Junyao, if you need it, I can give you some. After all, the Jiuxiao Pishen Pill is not so difficult to refine."

He Junyao took a deep breath and bit her cherry lips lightly.

"Zhang Kun, thank you."

Zhang Kun said sincerely: "It's nothing, I used to have a few good masters, and now I'm separated from them, I can understand your feelings."

He Junyao sucked her delicate Qiong nose, rubbed her eye sockets, and stopped the tearful eyes that were about to cry.

"I won't let you suffer, but I don't have a lot of contribution value now, but I want to buy Jiuxiao Pishen Pill from you with a contribution value of [-] each, is it okay? I will share it with Xinchan and Xiao Thousands."

Zhang Kun was about to speak, but He Junyao quickly interrupted him and said, "Don't get me wrong, this price is not because I gave you some water on purpose, it's just that this kind of elixir really has such a value."

"Senior Sister Junyao, thank you."

Zhang Kun got up and bowed deeply to He Junyao, and with a wave of his hand, several jade bottles appeared again.

"There are ten Nine Heavens Pills inside. Although the Nine Heavens Pills are of no practical use to Senior Sister Junyao, I hope they can bring you some comfort."

"Woooooo!" He Junyao's tears that had just stopped seemed to flow out again.

Zhang Kun gently hugged He Junyao into his arms, but was pushed away by He Junyao forcefully, she covered her face and rushed out of Qingluan Pavilion in tears.

"The contribution value will be transferred to you in a while."

He Junyao's words were still flying in the air, but she had already left Qingluan Pavilion.

Zhang Kun touched his chin, and it seemed that there was still a scent unique to He Junyao on his fingertips. He lowered his head and shook his head helplessly. There are [-] more contribution points.

"Senior Sister Junyao, she is a good person." Zhang Kun sat down and smiled lightly.

Now Zhang Kun already has half of the contribution value in his hands, but the remaining [-] has not yet been settled.

"By the way, the Qionghua Festival is such an important event, so don't you give away contribution points?" Zhang Kun thought of this immediately. According to what He Junyao said, the rewards for the Qionghua Festival should be quite generous.

However, in He Junyao's view, Zhang Kun did not have the strength to win the first place, and even entering the top ten is a fantasy, so she omitted many details when talking about the Qionghua Festival.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

At this time, the Qionghua Token in Zhang Kun's hand vibrated again.

The image of a silver-haired old woman appeared in front of Zhang Kun directly and forcibly replacing the light curtain of contribution value exchange items.

"All new disciples, come to Huiya Garden to report as soon as possible. I will explain the main points of Bing Xin Jue cultivation to you."

After saying that, the image of the silver-haired old woman disappeared without a trace.

Zhang Kun couldn't help being taken aback, this Qionghua Palace turned out to be the same as the ethnology he studied when he was young, with the classroom and the teacher who taught him.

"Forget it, I'll go take a look at the situation." Zhang Kun thought.

For Zhang Kun who owns the mirror field, the most important thing he lacks is a master.

As long as he is willing, he can go to Lin Xinchan to discuss the cultivation method of Bing Xin Jue at any time. Although Lin Xinchan is different from the previous masters and does not stay in the Jingyu Dao Palace, there is still some kind of contractual relationship between her and Zhang Kun. As long as Lin Xinchan Lin Xinchan couldn't refuse any request about cultivation.

As for the silver-haired old woman's class, it is probably a very basic class for new disciples, which is dispensable to Zhang Kun, but after all, in Qionghua Palace, Zhang Kun still has to respect his elders .

Came to Huiya Garden in a hurry, and saw that it was an elegant and quiet courtyard building with several elegant rooms, which were filled with futons for meditation, lit with leisurely incense, and a pleasant smell pervades the room.

"I'm not sure about the rest of Qionghua Palace, but in terms of taste, it must be at the top of the three sects, six palaces and twelve schools." Zhang Kun thought to himself, when he entered the elegant room, he seemed to have stepped into a small world. Kun saw that the elegant room was built extremely wide, as big as a courtyard.

While Zhang Kun was amazed, he suddenly felt countless eyes focusing on him, which made him shudder.

"Man, why are there men in Qionghua Palace?"

"You don't know yet, the Palace Master brought back a man a few days ago and accepted him as a disciple on behalf of Palace Master Qingluan, making him officially join Qionghua Palace!"

In the elegant room, all the female cultivators chattered and discussed, some looked at Zhang Kun with curiosity, some with disgust, and some even a little fascinated.

Zhang Kun's body is a life-defying body with an extraordinary appearance, like a god-man. Although Zhang Kun modified his appearance a little in order to be less eye-catching, and get close to his original self, the radiance is like a fairy. Jun's demeanor and temperament still caused a burst of exclamation from the women.

"Cough cough!"

At this time, there were a few light coughs in the elegant room, and Zhang Kun discovered that there was a huge lotus platform in the center of the elegant room, and a silver-haired old woman was sitting on it.

"Disciple Zhang Kun, you are already late, hurry up and take your seat."

(End of this chapter)

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