Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 776 Horrible Freshmen

Chapter 776 Horrible Freshmen

Zhang Kun smiled apologetically at the silver-haired old woman, found a futon and sat down.

The silver-haired old woman calmly glanced at everyone present, and then began to explain the cultivation method of Bing Xin Jue.

Not all disciples in Qionghua Palace only practice Bingxin Jue, Xiang Qianlu majors in Leifa, Yeye majors in swordsmanship, but Bingxin Jue is still the basic skill, almost every disciple who starts However, not everyone can comprehend the Bing Xin Jue.

According to the different physiques of different people, if the practice of Bingxin Jue from the silver-haired old woman fails, there will be other exercises in Qionghua Palace for the disciples to practice.

In addition to this silver-haired old woman, there are also several special courses specially set up by the teaching elders, which can be chosen by the disciples.Of course, this does not mean that anyone can do it for nothing, you must at least get the permission of the instructor!
The energy of the lecturer is also limited. Only if your talent or performance is amazing enough will they be able to recognize you, allow you to attend the class, and even be accepted as a registered student. Carefully cultivated, the level of the masters is different, and more importantly, the importance the masters attach to you!

Some masters in name only give a little benefit when they are apprentices, and you will never see him in the future, the old man will get very little promotion. Only by being accepted as a personal heir can it be possible to accompany the master every day, Get the true biography of the master.

Zhang Kunzai took a big look at the silver-haired old woman carefully, but he didn't see her state at all. I'm afraid it was completely beyond his imagination. So many Qionghua female disciples below were looking at her curiously with the same eyes. She, but the calm expression of the silver-haired old woman, was not affected at all, but began to talk freely.

"The Bingxin Jue is a supreme mental method created by my Patriarch of Qionghua Palace. If you practice it to the highest level, you can become a fairy and become an immortal. Li Qingluan, the former palace lord, is a very good example." The silver-haired old woman said.

Qionghua's female disciples listened attentively. From time to time, some people followed the exercise route of Bing Xin Jue to drive their vitality, trying to condense the ice veins.

In the elegant room, Zhang Kun could still feel the vague attention cast on him, but he was no stranger to it.At this time, he suddenly smelled a faint fragrance, and saw a girl in a black palace dress sitting down next to Zhang Kun. Zhang Kun turned his head and saw that the person who came was Zhao Aichu, that Zhang Kun was looking for the spiritual pulse I accidentally ran into the senior sister she was taking a bath with.

"Junior brother Zhang Kun, do you still remember me?" Zhao Aichu said in a soft and warm voice, parting her vermilion lips.

Zhang Kun nodded and said, "Senior Sister Aichu, are you feeling better?"

Zhao Aichu's eyebrows were like Daishan, her eyes were like stars, and her pretty face blushed for some reason.

"Do you think I'm so fragile?" Zhao Aichu laughed.

Zhang Kun couldn't help but whispered, "Senior Sister Aichu, it's class time now, what's the matter?"

"Yes, I'm here to remind you that the new Qionghua Festival is about to begin," Zhao Aichu said softly, "You are the only man in the palace, and the teachers and sisters in the palace will definitely reject you." Yes, I hope you are mentally prepared."

"This, I understand." Zhang Kun waved his hand indifferently, as if he didn't take it too seriously.

Zhao Aichu couldn't help frowning slightly, and she kindly reminded Zhang Kun that she didn't expect that Zhang Kun didn't take her words to heart at all.

"Anyway, there are a few people you have to be careful about." Zhao Aichu said softly, raised her beautiful chin, and looked into the distance.

Zhang Kun followed her gaze and found that there were a few new disciples who were particularly eye-catching.

"Her name is Liu Xichi, and she is one of the most talented new disciples in this class, ranking tenth in the entry talent test." Zhao Aichu said.

I saw a slender and graceful woman sitting on the futon, with her eyes closed, her slender eyelashes looked extraordinarily agile and attractive, and a silver ice aura radiated from her body, obviously she had cultivated the Bingxin Art to a good level. realm.

What is even more shocking is the demure and peaceful temperament on her body, like a young lady who is not familiar with the world, her long hair reaches her waist, and her delicate face seems to hide deep sadness.

Zhang Kun nodded. With his current Yuanshen strength, Liu Xichi's strength cannot be detected. Obviously, Liu Xichi's realm is above the Yuanying stage!
"Look over there again, that girl with grass-green hair." Zhao Aichu reminded aloud, Zhang Kun shifted his gaze, only to see a young girl blinking her big eyes innocently at a position very close to the silver-haired old woman's lotus platform Looking at the silver-haired old woman, her beautiful eyes were full of longing and yearning.

She has light straw-colored straight long hair, a light smile on the corner of her mouth, and a pair of pear dimples, making her extraordinarily cute and charming.

"Fan Hanyan, her situation is a little special. She has a natural endowment. Although she is only at the peak of Jindan, the amount of vitality in her body is three times that of ordinary people."

Zhang Kun couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words. He didn't expect to meet such a special gifted person here. The amount of vitality in each realm is three times that of ordinary people. This not only means that she has almost endless consumption of vitality, but also her combat power Very strong, ordinary Nascent Soul masters are obviously not her opponents.

The Dao weapon that is not enough for the Jindan strongman to fully control is also enough to use in Fan Hanyan's hands. Quantitative changes will inevitably bring about qualitative changes. Her vitality may not be inferior to that of Nascent Soul.

"It should be a certain kind of special physique, and I don't know what is special about my life-defying physique." Zhang Kun thought to himself, but Zhao Aichu who was beside him spoke again.

"Although these two are strong, there are quite a few new disciples who are comparable to them, but the one who really has the qualifications to win the championship is that one!" Zhao Aichu's tone became serious, and his beautiful eyes glowed strangely.

"Who?" Zhang Kun couldn't help becoming curious. After coming to Dayan Realm, he has never seen a genius who can be compared with himself.

Zhao Aichu took a deep breath and said, "Qingtong."

"She entered Qionghua Palace half a year earlier than you. At that time, she was also brought back by Palace Master Xinchan, and then she began to find people to challenge everywhere. Most of the potential new disciples were not her opponents. It can be called No.1 among the new disciples, and finally she found our disciples of this class." Zhao Aichu said.

Zhang Kun couldn't help being a little interested, and asked curiously, "What's the result?"

"In the end, until Senior Sister Tangli personally took action, she won all ten battles! All the senior sisters of my generation were defeated by her!"

 Tomorrow is the New Year's Day holiday in 2019. Xiao Zai here wishes all the judges a happy new year!

(End of this chapter)

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