Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 788

Chapter 788
Qian Shang picked up the young man's storage ring and threw it towards Zhang Kun.

"Now that we have money, I'm going to eat there."

Qian Xun didn't even look at the young man lying on the ground, and pointed to the boat moored in the distance and said.

"Okay, okay, but we really have to get down to business after eating, or I don't care if you are blamed by your senior sister." Zhang Kun took the storage ring and took a look. There are quite a lot of treasures inside. It seems that the young man is a playboy, Zhang Kun reluctantly agreed.

Qian Xun frowned and thought for a while, then nodded reluctantly.

Until the figures of the two disappeared on the street, everyone swallowed with difficulty. Looking at the young man who had been arrogant and domineering in Bianhu City for more than ten years, now lying on the ground like a dead dog, they faintly felt that something big would happen.

When Zhang Kun and Zhang Kun came to the front of Huafang, they felt the difference in this building. The building and boat are divided into three floors. It is itself transformed from a very high-grade magic weapon, and Zhang Kun couldn't help but marvel at the master of the painting boat.

"Both of you, please go to the Yinyue Boat." A woman in a skirt stepped out of the boat and bowed in front of the two of them.

The two followed the woman into the boat, and the woman asked as she walked, "Which floor do you two go to?"

"Is there anything else to pay attention to?" Zhang Kun asked.

Before the girl in Ruqun could answer, Qian Shang couldn't wait to interject: "I want to eat Hongze Lingyu!"

Zhang Kun smiled helplessly. As early as in Qionghua Palace, the sisters in Qionghua Palace once told Qian Xun by chance that Hongze Lingyu was the best delicacy in the world, and she never forgot about it.

The girl in Ruqun showed such a smile, these days are the time when Hongze fish is the most plump, which has attracted countless people, and Hongze Lingyu is the best among them, but it is hidden in the depths of Hongze Lake. All kinds of ferocious beasts are hidden, and the danger is extremely high. Even the strong Nascent Soul dare not say that they can retreat safely, so Hongze Lingyu cherishes it extremely.

At the beginning, Yinyuefang dispatched dozens of strong men, led by three Yuanying, to the depths of Hongze to hunt Hongze Lingyu. When they came back, they suffered heavy casualties, and even lost one Yuanying, so they brought back only a few Hongzelings. fish!
So those dozens of Hongze Lingyu had already been reserved by several big families in the city, and those casual cultivators couldn't even take a look at them.

"Guest, Hongze Lingyu is gone, but there is a good Hongze fish on the third floor, and the taste is not bad at all, why not the two?" Ruqun woman said with a smile. Out of Qian Shui's clothes and temperament are all extraordinary, and I dare not offend.

"But I heard that you have Hongze Lingyu here." Qian Li flattened his mouth, thinking of what he had thought about for so long day and night, but finally couldn't eat it, he muttered with great resentment.

The girl in Ruqun looked at Qianshui in some embarrassment, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Hehe, two more idiots want to eat Hongze Lingyu."

There was an ear-piercing sound from the side, and an imposing young man stepped in with two followers.

"Small clouds."

The woman in Ruqun's complexion changed slightly, but she still smiled, turned around and said respectfully.

The young man was dressed in fancy clothes, nodded arrogantly and said: "Forget about these two idiots, take me to the third floor, I have an appointment with Le Shao and the others today."


The woman in Ruqun was full of embarrassment. It was not appropriate to leave Zhang Kun and Zhang Kun like this, but this young master Yun was not something she could afford to offend.

This Yun Yi is the second youngest of the Yun family among the four major cultivation families in Bianhu City. Although he is basically not qualified to inherit the Yun family in front of his elder brother who is extremely dazzling in every aspect, he is also very doted on by his elder brother because of this.

In Bianhu City, offending Yun Yi is even more terrifying than offending his evil elder brother, because offending his elder brother, that man may not bother to argue with you, but once his younger brother is involved, it will cause that evil evil to die endlessly revenge.

"Two bumpkins who have never seen the world, you don't care what they do. Speaking of which, how can anyone come in Yinyuefang now? It really spoils my interest." Yun Yi said disgustedly.

The girl in Ruqun gave the two of them an apologetic look, smiled and said, "Young Master Yun, I will show you the way."

The two gradually went away, and Qian Xun, who was unhappy and weeping with a small face, glanced at Zhang Kun, but didn't leave, just stood there silently.

Zhang Kun had a headache, thought for a while, stepped forward and said softly: "I will help you eat the spirit fish, but you have to listen to me for the rest of the matter."

"Okay!" Qian Lu's eyes suddenly brightened, and he agreed.

"Wait a moment."

The two who were about to disappear around the corner turned their heads, Yun Yi still had a contemptuous smile on his face.

"This guest, there will be someone else to show you the way soon, please wait patiently." Ruqun woman said hurriedly, fearing that Zhang Kun would offend Yun Yi by saying something out of nowhere.

"I want to see the owner of this painting boat." Zhang Kun said bluntly.

Yun Yi was stunned, and laughed unscrupulously: "I didn't expect that today I would meet a top quality, and I would actually meet Fairy Yinyue. I really laughed to death."

"Guest, please don't be joking. The fairy has not appeared in the boat for decades." The woman in Ruqun also frowned, and said with some dissatisfaction. Who is eligible to meet?

Even if she has worked here for decades, she has only glimpsed that ethereal fairy figure from a distance, which is enough to make countless people envious.

The people around were all looking at fools, and Zhang Kun was also puzzled. He didn't expect that the so-called owner of Yinyuefang was so mysterious.

"That's my presumptuousness, then let me meet the person in charge here." Zhang Kun said lightly.

The woman in Ruqun's face turned completely cold, and said with a frosty face: "Every guest is welcome in Yinyue Pavilion, but if you are here to make trouble, I have no choice but to invite you out."

The girl in Ruqun waved her hand, and two middle-aged men with a strong aura came over, looking at Zhang Kun and Zhang Kun with unfriendly expressions.

Zhang Kun looked as usual, flipped his left hand, and a long strip of irregular crystal appeared in his hand, and the soft blue light illuminated everyone's expressions.

"Yuan Jingsui?" the girl in Ruqun covered her mouth and exclaimed.

The status and vision of monks who are eligible to consume in Yinyuefang are not comparable to those of casual cultivators outside, and they all recognize the true face of this blue transparent crystal.

But it is precisely this that makes them even more unbelievable. In the Dayan world, Yuanjing is the most important transaction currency. It is divided into upper, middle and lower grades, produced in the Yuanjing mine.

(End of this chapter)

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