Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 789

Chapter 789

Although Dayan Realm is large and there are more than ten million sects, there are only three Yuanjing mines that can produce high-grade Yuanjing, and they are firmly in the hands of Sanzong.

Therefore, it is rare to see a top-grade Yuanjing on weekdays, and it is regarded as the strategic reserve of the major families and sects, because the purity of the vitality in the top-grade Yuanjing has reached the point where the human body can directly absorb it!

The Primordial Crystal Essence is the accompanying creature of the Primordial Crystal Mine. Although no matter which grade of Primordial Crystal Mine is produced, it is possible to have an accompanying Primordial Crystal Essence, but this probability is even smaller than finding a new high-grade Primordial Crystal Mine. The vitality contained in the Yuanjing Essence is comparable to a thousand high-grade Yuanjing.

But even so, no one would use the Yuan Jing Essence to replace it with a high-grade Yuan Jing. It is rumored that the Yuan Jing Essence has various miraculous effects, but it is not known whether it is true or not, because no one has ever seen it.

But now Zhang Kun took out such a fetish so easily, could it be that this guy is the illegitimate son of one of the three sect masters?

Their eyes on Zhang Kun have changed from contempt and unremitting to greed. No one can remain calm in front of this kind of fetish. To give them a chance.If it wasn't for Yinyuefang that made them afraid, they might have already made a move, but at this moment, some people have already shown a ruthless expression, as long as Zhang Kun leaves Yinyuefang, they will strike.

"Guest, guest." The woman in Ruqun blushed, trying to stay calm, but her tone was trembling.

"Come with me, I'll take you to see our supervisor."

The girl in Ruqun was dizzy all over, the soft blue light was so dazzling in her eyes, and even looked at Zhang Kun with a little strange emotion in her eyes.

Yun Yi was left aside in the cold, watching Zhang Kun's figure disappearing around the corner with cold eyes, and a sinister smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

On the third floor of Yinyue Boat, the space is much smaller, only a few people are dining, and the people who are qualified to sit here are all noble people.

"Mr. Zhang, is it that you want to exchange the Yuanjing Essence for Hongze Lingyu?"

A tall slender woman turned around to close the door, a bit of surprise remained on her pretty face.

She looked curiously at the two who were sitting calmly drinking tea.No matter how you look at it, they look like ordinary master and servant, but the little girl is dressed with extraordinary temperament, and she looks like she is from a big sect family.

But among these two people, it seems that this young man is the main one, which is really a strange combination.

"You're the one who can manage things here?"

Zhang Kun narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his head and cast a glance at the tall slender woman, playing with the Yuan Jingsui in his hand, and said arrogantly.

"My concubine is He Xiaoling, temporarily taking charge of Yinyue Boat for the fairy." The tall slender woman said with a sweet smile.

"Okay, I don't care what your name is, I'm going to trade this for a Hongze Lingyu now, can you make the decision?"

Zhang Kun waved his hand impatiently, and threw the Yuan Jingsui on the coffee table, making a crisp sound.

He Xiaoling stared at Yuan Jingsui, her eyelids twitched, secretly wondering which family's dude could do such a shocking prodigal act.

"My dear guest, all the Hongze Lingyu in the boat have been reserved by the families in Bianhu City..."

He Xiaoling explained patiently.

However, she secretly raised her guard in her heart. In He Linger's view, Zhang Kun definitely had other purposes, because even the most wealthy sect would not be crazy enough to use Yuanjing Essence as currency. Hongze Lingyu is also a treasure, but compared with Yuan Jingsui, Hongze Lingyu is no different from the ordinary fish in the nearby Hongze Lake.

"What? Too little." Zhang Kun frowned and pondered for a while.

A faint blue light flashed in the waiting room, and there was a light ding dong, and another irregular blue crystal fell on the table.

The room suddenly fell into silence, only the two Yuan Jing Essence exuded a soft light.

At this time, the door just opened, and the Ruqun woman went back and forth, still holding a tray in her hand.

With a bang, the tray fell to the ground, and the tea on it was scattered all over the floor.

The Ruqun woman panicked and bent down to pick it up, but was stopped by He Xiaoling.

"It's okay, you go out first, no one is allowed to come in without my order."

Ruqun woman was granted amnesty, before she left, she took a look at Zhang Kun, who had a strange expression under the light, and her expression was extremely complicated.

"Mr. Zhang, Yinyuefang has agreed to your request."

He Xiaoling's expression fluctuated, and finally, as if she had made up her mind, she gritted her teeth and said.

Even if she knows that this is a pit now, she will jump down without hesitation. If no one can refuse the temptation of one Yuanjing Essence, then two Yuanjing Essences, even if people are sent to death, will definitely have A lot of people go.

"However, I still hope that Manager He can agree to a small request." Zhang Kun said casually.

He Xiaoling's heart trembled, knowing that the main event was coming, she looked at Zhang Kun seriously.

"I hope Yinyuefang will announce to the outside world that I bought the Hongze Lingyu with three yuan crystal essences." Zhang Kun said.

He Xiaoling was suddenly stunned, her mouth was open and her eyes were bewildered.

She didn't expect that Zhang Kun would make such an unreasonable request, which was no different from giving Yinyuefang two Yuan Jing Essence White.

But why did Zhang Kun make such a request?He Xiaoling was puzzled.

She even began to feel that Zhang Kun was really just some dandy young man who made such an astonishing move in order to please the girl next to him.

Although she still has many doubts in her heart, she really doesn't feel that Yinyuefang will suffer any loss if she agrees to this request. One word is enough to make those desperadoes flinch.

"Why, Yinyuefang isn't even willing to agree to such a small matter?" Zhang Kun laughed.

"I don't know Mr. Zhang, can you tell me the purpose of doing this?" He Xiaoling wanted to get some words out of Zhang Kun.

"No." Zhang Kun flatly refused, took back the scattered Yuanjing Essence on the table, stood up and made a gesture to leave, and sighed: "Since Yinyuefang is unwilling to make this deal, then I can only go to the city to talk to those families. Let's talk."

"Wait." He Xiaoling stood in front of Zhang Kun in a flash.

Zhang Kun's eyes flickered, he didn't know how He Xiaoling appeared, as if he had escaped directly into the world, and was one with the world, even standing in front of him now, his spiritual consciousness was blank.

Her strength is definitely above Nascent Soul.

"Why, do you mean that this is how you Yinyuefang do business?" Zhang Kun looked at He Xiaoling directly without any fear, and said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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