Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 826

Chapter 826

The huge ugly head fell to the ground, and the dark king-level monster crashed to the ground!

The body of Zhang Kun who has practiced the Ice Heart Jue is the most suitable physique for using Qianshan Muxue. The attributes of the ice veins and Ming Canxue are also very compatible. The surrounding air is suddenly cold like winter, and the dark king-level monster is dying. He didn't realize what happened before, and he still had a somewhat ferocious expression on his face, but Zhang Kun directly froze him to death in the next moment, and his expression froze immediately!
"Who the hell are you?"

At this moment, Zhang Kun heard a sound transmission, and he looked behind him, only to see the veiled girl in white robe looking at him from afar in surprise.

Standing in a small attic like a clock tower, she looked like a young girl, but the power she controlled shocked even Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun said with a faint smile: "Me, just treat me as a good person passing by to help!"


The girl snorted softly and said, "Jitian City doesn't need your help yet!"

After finishing speaking, fire elements like fire dragons swelled up around her again, igniting the hot air, and the bursting flames burned the void, making the air extremely hot. Zhang Kun suddenly felt that he was formed by thousands of mountains and snow The icy space began to melt slowly.

As if unwilling to admit defeat, the girl waved her bare hands one after another, turning them into streamers of light, blazing flames, and a fiery wave of fire suddenly set off, and the fire dragon that pierced the sky flew away, stirring the dense fire elements around it to once again attack a dark king. Super monsters rush away!

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a loud explosion immediately, the flames soaring into the sky lit up, countless waves of fire exploded, and the bursting flames dyed half of the sky. Several fire dragons strangled the body of the dark king-level monster. , the scorching flame brought up a series of flame feathers that seemed to be able to melt everything, and even directly burned through the incomparably hard body of the dark king monster, directly turning that huge body into a puddle of blood!
Zhang Kun grinned, this girl really got into a fight with him!
Naturally, Zhang Kun couldn't just admit defeat. A dark golden light flashed in his eyes, and the second secret technique of Shadow Passing was activated instantly. The girl was looking at Zhang Kun provocatively, as if showing off, but in an instant, the girl found Zhang Kun Has disappeared in place.

Before she could react, ice floes once again appeared above Zhou Tian, ​​and the sky was full of dark clouds, and boundless freezing rain fell at this moment. At this moment, it was evolved to the extreme by Zhang Kun, and the icy ice fell like a shower, and everything was condensed into frost in the freezing rain!
A huge dark king-level monster was bombarding the city wall with its giant claws, but he didn't notice that a string of tall ice flowers had condensed under his feet. It directly froze the dark king-level monster, and then saw a clear sword light that was like a stream of light in the sky, directly smashing the dark king-level monster into pieces!

The name Canxue turned into an afterimage, and the blade of Ice Soul was so sharp that it could cut through everything. Gently slashing across the surface of the dark king monster, there was a bottomless crack on his huge frozen body. It gradually spread from the body, and finally turned into white powder and disappeared completely, leaving nothing.

After killing a dark king-level monster with one move, Zhang Kun didn't stop at all. He took a deep breath and adjusted the vitality in his body. Holding the name Canxue, Zhang Kun pointed and swung his sword from a distance. As the sword intent surged, an astonishing burst of sword energy shot out, as if the sky had been sliced ​​apart by a meteor, and an ice star fell far away, shattering everything around. All turned into ice white!

The dark king-level monster uttered strange screams, and faced Zhang Kun's sword light in a daze. He could feel an unprecedented threat coming from him. At the same time, he was also extremely puzzled. Even his outer skin was about to melt, and the next moment the temperature here dropped directly to the bottom of the valley, turning into an eternal coldness!

No matter how the dark king-level monster screamed, Zhang Kun's blade showed no mercy, and cut him down resolutely, tearing him into several pieces immediately!

Zhang Kun silently counted the number of monsters he killed in his heart, and smiled slightly at the girl in Jitian City.


The girl's beautiful eyes widened angrily, and she even raised her hand and shot a fireball towards Zhang Kun!
"Hey, don't take such a joke!"

Feeling the heat behind Zhang Kun's body trembling, he rushed to the side like a ghost, avoiding the bursting hot fireball.


Seeing Zhang Kun's embarrassed expression, the girl rarely smiled, and a bit of naughtiness appeared in her beautiful eyes.


Zhang Kun didn't bother to argue with her. There were six dark king-level monsters that invaded Jitian City this time, and Zhang Kun killed three of them, while the girl burned two of them with flames. The last one left!
"Here we come!" Zhang Kun snorted, as if reminding the girl, he killed three dark king-level monsters in a row, but Zhang Kun didn't seem to be tired at all. It is like the sea, and it is like a mercury slurry, which is several times that of ordinary monks. Although Zhang Kun is only in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul at the moment, his vitality is not lost to the strong in the early stage of Mahayana!
"Hmph!" The girl gave Zhang Kun a bitter look, bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, and took a deep breath.

Her pretty face was full of sacred and solemn expression, she closed her eyes lightly, her cherry lips moved, and the elements around her suddenly entered a very mysterious state, her little hands were light in the void With a swipe of the ground, a glow burst from her fingertips!
At this moment, the boundless fire element she activated jumped up agilely, and finally the color turned into a rare purple!
Zi Yan soared into the sky, and the temperature was dozens of times higher than before. The people in the entire Jitian City couldn't help raising their heads to see the weird scene that happened in the attic!
"go with!"

The girl gave a soft shout, and the purple glow condensed into a sky-penetrating light prism, pointing directly at the last dark king monster!

"It's the legendary Ziyan One Finger!" The people below cheered and shouted excitedly: "My lord has used this move!"

Looking at the flames that had suddenly increased in power, Zhang Kun chuckled and said, "Where can you be the only one to show off?"

(End of this chapter)

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