Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 827

Chapter 827
After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, and Ming Canxue flew into the air immediately, two veins of ice intertwined on Ming Canxue, and the ice blade glowed with frost-colored divine energy, bursts of waves came from the void Xianyin, a huge light curtain was pulled up in the mid-air of Jitian City, as if a picture scroll was unfolding continuously, beautiful and beautiful, lighting up gorgeous auroras one after another!
That is the scenery of the Arctic ice field. Zhang Kun evolved this scene with the great magic power of the nine-turn golden wheel Yuanying, which shocked the world!
"Oh my god, what happened, what is this?"

The people of Jitian City have seen many incredible things today, and they have almost forgotten that they are currently being attacked by the enemy.

Five of the six dark king-level powerful enemies were beheaded by Zhang Kun and the saint, and the two seemed to be in a competition. It is a taboo technique, and you will never see a saint use it on weekdays. Once you use it, it means that she has done it for real!

"go with!"

With a light wave of Zhang Kun's hand, the entire sky was directly pressed down, and the powerful vitality burst out suddenly, and the whole space was frozen with tiny cracks, and the chill spread, and everyone felt that they were in the middle of ice and fire. Fiery purple flames and continuous glaciers exist at the same time, blasting towards the dark king monster together!
The beautiful eyes of the Saintess of Jitian City were full of astonishment, and her bright red lips were slightly parted, as if she had seen something incredible. She stared blankly at the phantom of the Arctic ice field floating in the shadow of Zhang Kun's sword, feeling a little surprised in her heart .

Jianyi and Ziyan surged like thunder, forming a violent ocean of spiritual power.The two forces rolled over each other for a while, and they were evenly matched, but the dark king-level monster was about to suffer, and the two almost equal forces directly pressed on his head. King-level monsters can't withstand a powerful attack of this level at all!

The hard scales all over his body seemed to be completely non-existent at this moment. Under the pressure of the two attributes of ice and fire, they directly turned into nothingness. Not only that, Ziyan has an extremely powerful penetrating ability. The monster's skin burnt to the bone in an instant, crackling and crackling, and in less than half a breath, the whole monster's body was completely on fire, causing him to suffer pain and unable to control himself!
At the same time, Zhang Kun's attack also came quietly amidst the purple flames, the phantom of the Arctic ice field suddenly suppressed, and the entire sky was covered by huge and majestic glaciers, only a bang was heard, It was as if the entire ice sheet was being pressed down at this moment, the terrifying force was unbearable even for the earth!
Ice crystal particles scattered throughout the sky, snowflakes dance!
Zi Yan soared into the sky, glowing all over the sky, reflecting the whole sky red, the scattered flames were surging, and combined with the snow, formed an unbelievable and magical picture, although contradictory but also somewhat harmonious.

The explosion caused by the two's unique moves knocked down all the surrounding trees, uprooted them all, and melted them into the sea of ​​spiritual power. Not only that, even the huge solid city wall of Jitian City faintly shook, as if to bear Can't help but the power of this explosion is average.

Cloud rings suddenly rose in the center of the battlefield, and the earth trembled with it. Gao Tian seemed to be about to collapse, and the ground was shattered into slag, disintegrating inch by inch.
That poor dark king-level monster was torn into pieces in an instant, and was directly blasted back into particle form under the double blow of ice and fire. If he had known that Zhang Kun would come to this world, he would definitely regret choosing to live in this world. It's time to launch an attack on Jitian City.

Just at this time, the time for the projection of the phantom sword came. Ming Canxue made a cold light that dissipated without a trace. It seemed that he had never appeared in this world. The icy blue color in Zhang Kun's eyes was also at this moment Dissipate into nothingness.

The aura on his body calmed down, and slowly fell into the extremely sky city.

The people below have fallen into a daze, looking at Zhang Kun in disbelief.

"It seems that this person has never been seen before, isn't he from Jitian City?"

"But this stranger's strength is so strong that he can be compared with the saintess. It seems that he has killed one more monster than the saintess."

"It's terrible, but I feel that the breath on his body seems a little weird, different from ours."

I don't know how many passers-by below are whispering, looking at Zhang Kun with curiosity and speculation in their eyes, Zhang Kun has power that they can't understand.

At the same time, the citizens of Jitian City cheered. Except for a few soldiers who rushed too fast and were affected by the monster's huge tentacles, Jitian City did not suffer any losses. The least casualty ever!

The eyes of the people below looking at Zhang Kun are a bit complicated, with curiosity, admiration, fear, strangeness, and all kinds of emotions. I am afraid that the most strange thing for them is the breath of vitality on Zhang Kun, which makes the people of Jitian City feel a little nervous. disturbed.

Conversely, Zhang Kun was also extremely confused about the power used by the people in Jitian City. He glanced down casually, and found that there was not a single person in the entire city who had cultivated vitality, that is, not even a Qi trainer.

"Not even a Qi practitioner, but she can manipulate the elements between the heaven and the earth and use a unique skill comparable to my strength. That girl is very interesting."

Zhang Kun thought to himself.

At this time, a soldier in armor and a helmet came forward, bowed deeply to Zhang Kun and said, "Thank you, my lord, for your rescue. The Lord of Jitian City, please come with me."

Zhang Kun nodded, just as he also wanted to find out what was going on in this world, and this place was called Jitian City, so the city owner should know what the so-called Jitian Pure Land is all about, right?
Along the way, everyone cast curious glances at Zhang Kun. Many people couldn't help but want to come up to ask and talk to him, but they saw the emblem of Jitian City engraved on the armor of the soldier in front of Zhang Kun. Afterwards, they all remained silent.

As the soldier came to a palace-like building, Zhang Kun met the lord of Jitian City.

To Zhang Kun's surprise, the city lord was an extremely young man, not a few years older than himself, wearing a large black embroidered crown suit, with a handsome appearance.

In addition to Jitian City Lord, there are some heavily armed soldiers in the palace.

"Thanks to this chivalrous man for his help. My Jitian City was saved from casualties. Haven't you asked the chivalrous man's name?"

 Just got home, update update!
(End of this chapter)

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