Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 833 Chapter 1

Chapter 833
The further you go to the depths of the dark mountains, the more you can feel that the surrounding environment has changed obviously. Those colorful leaves gradually become monotonous, and they are still that monotonous black, and there is a sense of darkness in the black. A palpitating and terrifying light seems to be able to devour everything. When ordinary people walk on this forest road, they will feel gusts of sinister wind, and various hallucinations of horror will appear. What's worse, all the strong elemental power in the air was replaced by dark elements at this moment.

Zhang Kun glanced at Ah Chu, who was carefully following behind him while pulling at the corner of his clothes, and saw that her originally rosy and lovely face had turned pale as paper at this moment. Obviously, the surrounding environment was against her. had a considerable impact.

"Ah Chu, if you're not feeling well, you'd better go back early, I'll be enough for the rest!" Zhang Kun looked at her worriedly and said.

After all, the people of Jitian City are relatively weak in physique, and they don't have the energy to nourish their bodies like Qi practitioners.

"No, I've come here, how can I go back." Ah Chu shook her head and said firmly, she urged Zhang Kun, "Hurry up and go."

Zhang Kun had no choice but to continue to move forward. He walked in front and raised his hand. A warm halo emanated from his palm, and a round of golden light shone on the faces of the two of them.

Zhang Kun used the vitality shield to resist the invasion of the surrounding dark elements.

"Under this situation, can you still use spiritual techniques?" Zhang Kun asked curiously. The surrounding environment almost did not contain any elements of the fire system, and replaced them with boundless dark elements.

Ah Chu nodded and said, "Yes, I'll bring some crystals that can transform elemental attributes. No matter what the surrounding environment is, it will not affect my display of strength."

Zhang Kun nodded reassuringly after hearing this. If Ah Chu couldn't release the fire-type spiritual method in this environment, it would be a big disadvantage, and her combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced.

"We've been walking for so long, why haven't we seen any monsters, and we can't even see any living beings in the entire mountain range."

Zhang Kun complained and said that the surrounding environment was extremely quiet, not even the chirping of cicadas and insects. This place seemed to be a dead end for living things.

The surrounding area is full of thick darkness, even the sun's brilliance cannot penetrate here, the ground is covered with withered scorched leaves, and the whistling cold wind gusts make one's heart palpitate.

"Don't talk anymore, the more you talk, the more afraid I am."

Ah Chu pulled Zhang Kun's arm pleadingly, and lowered his head.

Zhang Kun smiled helplessly. The saintly lady of Jitian City has been staying in Jitian City and seldom come out to do anything, let alone come to such a gloomy and terrifying place.

"Forget it, I'm a little tired after walking this day." Zhang Kun said, "According to our foot speed, we should have penetrated into the hinterland of the Dark Mountains by now."

Zhang Kun frowned slightly. The monsters in Jitian City and the Dark Mountains have fought for hundreds of generations, but no one has ever reached such a deep place. As a result, Zhang Kun can get very little information, and he can only rely on himself.

"Ah, so what if we haven't encountered any enemies?"

Ah Chu asked worriedly, things got a little weird, which made her feel a little uneasy.

She would not be afraid if a few dark king-level monsters really appeared, but what she hated was the feeling that everything was unknown, which made her very unhappy.

Zhang Kun pondered for a moment, thought for a while and then said: "Then we have to ignore 21 and blow up the entire mountain range?"


Ah Chu was stunned when she heard it. She wondered if her ears had heard it wrong. The solution Zhang Kun actually said was to blow up the entire Dark Mountain. The end of it could not be seen from a distance, as if it stretched to the sky, Zhang Kun actually exploded as soon as he said it, Ah Chu looked at Zhang Kun with complicated eyes.

"You guy, you're not a violent man, are you?"

Zhang Kun smiled and said, "That's a no-brainer. I said I'd help you clear the Dark Mountains. It's most efficient to blow up here directly."

Ah Chu raised his forehead, helplessly looking at Zhang Kun's arrogant and confident appearance, and felt that this person was even more annoying.

"Okay, let's rest here for a while."

Zhang Kun found an open space embraced by the woods, stopped, swept the fallen leaves on the ground, and took out some food from the storage ring.

He himself no longer needs to eat any food to maintain his life, but Ah Chu majored in spirit, and his physical strength is no different from that of ordinary people. He still needs to eat on time.

Ah Chu found a tree stump and made it. With a wave of his plain hand, a small crystal floated into the air and burned up, turning into a light source, lighting up the empty and cold forest.

Zhang Kun also ate some food with Ah Chu. Naturally, these foods were not made of ordinary grains, but refined by Zhang Kun according to some ancient recipes, which essentially belonged to the category of elixir.

"Okay, sleep when you're tired, I'll watch the night."

Zhang Kun raised his glass after drinking a glass of Changyang Niang, stood up, and looked into the distance.


Ah Chu responded, and fell sideways on the ground, warmed by the burning flame in the crystal, and was about to fall asleep with his pillow on the ground.

"Zhang Kun, am I very burdensome? I'm still tired, thirsty, and sleepy. You won't."

Zhang Kun turned his back to Ah Chu, and soon heard a girl's confused and lovely voice coming from behind him.

"No, you are very powerful. Few people in Nascent Soul Realm can stand shoulder to shoulder with me, but you did it." Zhang Kun said with a faint smile.

"Really, I just thought, if only I could help my brother." Ah Chu said with a smile, with a bit of longing in his eyes: "It would be great if we can really clear the Dark Mountains this time." , the people of Jitian City will be peaceful forever, right?"

Zhang Kun knew that the purpose of her sneaking out to follow him was to help Jitian City Lord. If the Dark Mountains were removed, she and Jitian City Lord could be removed from the positions of saintess and city owner and return to ordinary life up.

"Well, don't worry, I will help you fulfill this wish. It's getting late and you should go to rest early." Zhang Kun said lightly.

"En." Ah Chu responded softly, closed her big beautiful eyes, and was about to fall asleep.

At this moment, an imperceptible black energy rushed into her body!
(End of this chapter)

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