Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 834 Who Are You?

Chapter 834 Who Are You?

That black air has followed Zhang Kun since they stepped into the dark mountain range, because the black air is very good at hiding, and the dark elemental atmosphere in the surrounding environment is so strong that even Zhang Kun didn't notice it. exist.

Taking advantage of the moment when Ah Chu closed his eyes wearily, the cloud of black energy took advantage of it. Ah Chu's delicate eyebrows frowned slightly, and a look of discomfort appeared on his delicate little face, and then he returned to normal.

Zhang Kun is thinking about what to do next. If he really blows through the entire dark mountain range as he said, the amount of vitality that needs to be used is too large. Even if he has the Nine-turn Golden Wheel Nascent Soul, he will need a lot of spiritual pills Only the support of this majestic mountain can be leveled.

"My strength is still too low. If I reach the state of integration, I will have the ability to shake mountains and rivers with every gesture, and I can also move mountains and fill seas!"

While Zhang Kun was thinking, he heard a rustling sound.

"Zhang Kun, do you know that for so many years, I have only stayed by my brother's side. I thought I would only be by his side for the rest of my life, but when I saw you, I felt that I had changed. gone."

Ah Chu's voice came from behind Zhang Kun.

He turned his head with some doubts, but saw Ah Chu got up and was looking at him fascinatedly, with an intoxicating amorous charm rippling in those beautiful eyes looking forward to the light.

Zhang Kun froze for a moment, and looked at her with some doubts.

"Ever since I saw you, I fell in love with you, that's why I sneaked out, can't you notice?" Ah Chu said emotionally, walking towards Zhang Kunting step by step, I don't know when , she took off her shoes, a pair of delicate bare feet gently stepped on the ground, and her slender jade legs were extremely alluring.

"Ah Chu, we are here" Zhang Kun coughed lightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, he felt a little strange.

"We are here to do happy things, Master Zhang Kun, quickly make Ah Chu your thing?"

Ah Chu's shallow smile can attract thousands of men. She is a holy woman admired by thousands of people in Jitian City. At this moment, her beautiful face is both holy and charming, which makes people's blood spurt.

As she walked towards Zhang Kun, she stretched out her hand to brush off the veil-like skirt on her body, revealing that beautiful body little by little in front of Zhang Kun, as if she had no defenses in front of Zhang Kun. Handing over the young girl's jade-like body to him, at this moment she is like a demon lotus growing out of the mud, with a coquettish beauty in its purity.

Zhang Kun frowned slightly, glanced at her lightly and said in a deep voice.

"You're not Ah Chu, who are you?"

Hearing Zhang Kun's words, Achudai frowned slightly, bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, and there was a hint of disappointment in her beautiful eyes.

"Zhang Kun, are you rejecting me?"

Zhang Kun focused his gaze, and a wave of spiritual thoughts communicated with the mirror domain, and the door of space opened suddenly, and Ming Canxue projected down through countless spaces almost in an instant.

"It's so ruthless. Could it be that Ah Chu is not good-looking enough? Brother Zhang Kun, you don't like me?"

Suddenly, a pair of dimples appeared on Achu's pretty face, which was as white and tender as jade. Finally, in an instant, the corners of her mouth grinned, becoming extremely ferocious. At the same time, her aura suddenly changed, becoming dozens of times stronger!
Zhang Kun's face also changed, and his heart was awe-inspiring. Fortunately, he reacted, otherwise things would be unimaginable!
"who are you?"

With a low shout, Zhang Kun jumped up in the air, and Ming Canxue turned into an afterimage and flew up after Zhang Kun. Ice crystals gradually appeared in the air, and the temperature cooled down.

What also turned cold quickly was the expression on Ah Chu's face. When she spoke at this moment, it was a rough man's voice.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you are going to die!"

I saw strands of black air entwining Achu's body, and Achu's originally holy and pretty face became extremely coquettish at this moment. Achusu waved his hand lightly, and countless dark elements around him gathered in an instant, spinning at high speed, like a hurricane Usually, the entire woodland is destroyed!

The monstrous black air swirls around Ah Chu, she seems to be in the center of the storm, everything around her is swept away in less than a moment, Ah Chu is chanting words, as if holding some ancient and mysterious taboo The ceremony was normal, and her originally agile eyes became extremely empty at this moment. Zhang Kun watched all this vigilantly in mid-air, thinking about how to countermeasure.

Ah Chu's body was obviously occupied by something, so Zhang Kun couldn't use all his strength to crush him head-on, as it would definitely hurt Ah Chu's body.


There was a roar, and the hurricane stopped abruptly, replaced by a black long sword held in Ah Chu's hand, it was a terrifying weapon formed by the condensation of immeasurable black air!
Without saying a word, Ah Chu directly swung his sword towards Zhang Kun. The sword glow was as high as a thousand feet, swallowing all the light. The light source that Ah Chu lit with the crystal was instantly extinguished. It was the purest darkness. Strength, without any other attributes, when the sword falls, even the space trembles faintly!
Zhang Kun paused for a moment. He had seen this solid black light before on the Lord of the Black Moon. The so-called purest darkness is not the breath of the dead, not the resentment of life, nor the power of blasphemy and filth. A powerful force that is the complete opposite of light!

Zhang Kun gritted his teeth fiercely, controlled Ming Canxue to slash upwards, and the two huge sword glows clashed together, causing a violent explosion. Zhang Kun suddenly retreated hundreds of meters in the air, and he felt that his whole body was a little breathless. disorder.

Even if it is a random sword, with the rank of Can Xue, it is enough to have the combat power of the Mahayana level. However, Zhang Kun was ruthlessly retreated. The black sword light chased him and continued to slash. Zhang Kun repeatedly swung Sword, it took a total of nine swords to kill the black light!
"Is it the strength of the combined state?"

Zhang Kun couldn't help thinking about it. He didn't know what controlled Ah Chu's body, allowing her to achieve the powerful power of the combined state.

"You can't defeat me, surrender early!"

There was a contemptuous smile on Ah Chu's face, and he swung his sword recklessly, and another jet of black light came across the sky and the earth, and the billowing black waves flowed recklessly, annihilating everything they touched.

"You have to use your mental strength to force that thing out of Ah Chu's body!" Zhang Kun's figure swayed, dodging the clusters of black energy like a ghost, and a sword field had already opened up around him, and the water-like sword light fell and cut the black light. break!
He quickly made a judgment during the fierce battle. It was the spirit that was invaded by Ah Chu, and only by stimulating her with a stronger spirit could she recover.

(End of this chapter)

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