Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 835 An Impossible Enemy

Chapter 835 An Impossible Enemy
Now Ah Chu's body is occupied by an inexplicable existence. Zhang Kun judges that this thing must be related to the Dark Mountain, and it may even be the source of the monsters in the Dark Mountain. He recovered, but doing so required extremely strong mental power!
But now that Zhang Kun's mental strength is not as good as Ah Chu's, how can he defeat that inexplicable existence?

When Zhang Kun tried to probe into Ah Chu's body, he felt an obvious resistance, which directly bounced his mental power away, as if hitting a stone with a pebble, Zhang Kun held his head in pain , struggling to control his body to fly backwards, fortunately he had practiced the magic skill of Shadow Die Twice, so he could survive under Ah Chu's black lightsaber, otherwise that kind of dark power would have been long ago It will penetrate Zhang Kun!

Afterimages of Zhang Kun were left in the air. He moved like a ghost, shuttling among countless afterimages. Although the dark sword light had the ability to track, it was misled by Zhang Kun again and again, and hit the afterimages, causing violent explosions. The explosion uprooted the surrounding trees and smashed the rocks into slag.

Now that Zhang Kun's Shadow Passing Twice Body Technique has been cultivated to the state of Xiaocheng, before his vitality is exhausted, he can create nine different clones, making it difficult for the enemy to distinguish his real position, even if he is in the state of fit The strong, if they can't see through Zhang Kun's real body, they won't be able to do it at all!
Heihua Chu continued to swing his sword angrily in the air, and the light of the sword would cover the dark forest. She was so annoyed that she couldn't even touch the corner of Zhang Kun's clothes with her crushing combat power, which made her almost go berserk and twitched violently. A large number of dark elements around it gathered on the sword, and suddenly dropped the dark sword downward!

"Boom boom boom!"

The space seemed to be unable to bear the terrifying power of this blow and sank suddenly, and harsh sonic booms sounded one after another, as if the end of the world was coming!
Zhang Kun's speed soared to the extreme, his figure flickered, and he transformed into nine shadows one after another, and retreated rapidly like a meteor phantom. He felt the powerful power of this blow, even if he was hit, he would definitely be severely injured!
Just like the giant Que Taishan toppled over and destroyed everything, the dark sword gathered terrifying energy in the midair, attracting all the endless dark elements around it, the vast aura immediately spread, and the jet-black sword body lit up. A frightening ultimate black light, probably able to devour all the brilliance of the sun and stars!
This sword fell with a powerful and unparalleled kinetic energy, and the space was directly distorted. The powerful kinetic energy tore the air, and there were bursts of screaming sounds. This loud noise could be heard in the entire range of the Dark Mountain Range. The sudden fall was like a divine punishment, tearing everything around it to pieces!

All of a sudden, the energy of heaven and earth rushed rapidly, and in just an instant, a huge mushroom cloud rose in midair. The exploding cloud ring exploded, the space shook violently, the ground cracked into the shape of a spider web, and countless trees All the rocks turned into dust in an instant, and a huge lake in the depths of the dark mountains was directly evaporated due to the explosion, exposing a dry river bed, and the ground was full of burning flames, just like hell So-so sight!

Zhang Kun flew away from the center of the explosion at an extremely fast speed. Even so, the terrifying explosion still affected him. Zhang Kun quickly cast Qianshan Dusk Snow. A large number of ice crystals filled in front of him, turning into a snow curtain to resist Surrounded by the aftermath of the explosion, the snow and ice in the sky were wiped out of smiles by the terrifying explosion. Zhang Kun took this opportunity to shuttle his shadow again, and managed to escape the impact of the explosion.

He took a Nine Heavens Pill, and recovered a lot of vitality that was consumed by casting Shadow Die twice in a row.

The Phaseless Elixir has been exhausted, and even the materials for making it are not left. Without the Phaseless Elixir, Zhang Kun would not have the explosive power to face off against the fit powerhouse, so he can only defend passively.

"Damn it, I can't defeat the blackened Ah Chu head-on!"

Zhang Kun let out a low cry, his falcon-like eyes swept across the audience, and suddenly his eyes stopped on the pleated flowing color dark flower cloud, brocade and moon dress that Ah Chu took off. The heart energy crystal is emitting a misty halo, which keeps the pleated flowing color dark flower cloud brocade moon skirt intact under the bombardment of the dark sword.

Heihua Chu laughed wantonly in mid-air. It was a scream almost like a monster. He was extremely confident that the force of this blow was enough to destroy everything, including Zhang Kun!

He has long been very tired of Zhang Kun flying around in the air. He is obviously stronger than him by several times, but he can't attack him!

Therefore, he chose to directly burst out the most powerful force to destroy everything within a few miles below. In this case, even if Zhang Kun was flexible and able to escape, he would definitely be annihilated by the power of the dark sword!

After releasing the dark sword, blackened Ah Chu Qingli's face involuntarily turned white. Her power is not endless. After releasing this move, even an existence like her will fall into a short-term depression. in weakness.

Taking advantage of this moment, Zhang Kun's speed soared several times again, and his figure outlined phantoms in the air, like fireworks and meteors, and quickly shuttled among the nine shadows with dazzling steps.

And his direction was not to run away, but to rush to the blackened Ah Chu's position. To be precise, she was standing below the sky, above the ground, with Ah Chu's pleated, flowing color, dark flower, cloud, brocade and moon skirt. !
The pleated flowing color dark flower cloud brocade moon skirt is covered with crystals, Zhang Kun's real goal is this!

The blackened Achu's pretty face in mid-air suddenly changed, and he looked down in surprise.

She didn't expect that Zhang Kun was still alive, and what she didn't expect was that he dared to come back!

"court death!"

Heihua Achu sneered, and with a wave of his hand, the dark sword condensed from boundless dark elements slashed down again, just like the anger of a terrifying demon king in hell!

Although the power and speed were a little worse than the terrifying explosion just now, they were still devastating. Under the powerful pressure, Zhang Kun suddenly felt like he was facing a big enemy. This time he was standing at the very center of the explosion, and when the sword roared down, he would have no bones left!
But even so, Zhang Kun still didn't hesitate, and continued to rush towards the pleated flowing color dark flower cloud brocade moon dress!

 I just got off the plane, I owe a chapter, let's send it out together tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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