Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 836 Spiritual Power Breakthrough!

Chapter 836 Spiritual Power Breakthrough!
Have to say, it was an adventure!
The sound of the wind was like electricity, passing through the air at an extremely fast speed, and the sound of screams came one after another. Zhang Kun did not choose to stop at all. Within a second before the dark sword of blackening Ah Chu fell, he came to the Next to the pleated flowing color dark flower cloud brocade moon skirt, Zhang Kun waved his hand and collected all the Anima crystals dotted on the skirt into his hands!
"Damn, how do you use this kind of thing!"

The moment Zhang Kun held the heart energy crystal, he could feel a powerful and unparalleled spiritual power filling these seemingly small and crystal crystals, but the problem was that he was not from Jitiancheng, Not sure how to use this stuff!

"It doesn't matter, just devour it!"

The situation was extremely urgent, and he could always feel the extremely sharp dark sword with boundless black energy hanging high above his head, about to slash down, tear everything apart, and take his life away!
Zhang Kun suddenly raised a drop of blood in his heart, and sprayed it into those heart energy crystals with a burst of vitality!

In an instant, those heart energy crystals burned without fire, turning into hot flames, but the temperature of the flames is not physical, but directly acts on the spirit, with a powerful With a mental shock wave enough to destroy the soul, the power of the anima crystal rushed directly to Zhang Kun's mind!
In Zhang Kun's sea of ​​consciousness, there was originally a calm sea, and the dense spiritual force like atomization slowly rotated around a small vortex in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness, but as the power of the heart energy crystal rushed towards the sea of ​​consciousness, this The tranquil and peaceful scene was instantly destroyed, replaced by a storm!
Zhang Kun's original sea of ​​consciousness was like a small calm pool, but the power contained in hundreds of heart energy crystals suddenly merged into his sea of ​​consciousness, as if a huge tide broke through The blocking of the embankment is usually directly poured into Zhang Kun's mind!
His sea of ​​consciousness boiled at this moment, the storm raged wildly, and giant tides surged up, disturbing his sea of ​​consciousness to the point of restlessness.

Zhang Kun clutched his head. At this moment, he felt that his soul was about to be torn apart. Even if the soul was divided into two parts because of the condensed clone in the Kingdom of Shadows, it was not as good as this burst of soul swelling. Come more pain!

"Hmm!" Zhang Kun felt overwhelmed and dizzy, and there was an unspeakable tiredness in his eyes, but he still persisted.

He knew that it was his mental power breaking through forcibly. He had to calm down and absorb the powerful spiritual energy contained in the heart energy crystal, otherwise his soul would not be able to sustain it, and at least his soul would be permanently traumatized. , the big one is that the soul is shattered, the body dies and the way disappears, and the soul and soul are all extinguished!
At the same time, the dark sword in Achu's hand was still slashing down rapidly, bringing out a monstrous black light, displaying the world's ferocious power to the fullest, this sword cut down, even the Mahayana monks would die instantly!

The energy of destruction seemed to be able to annihilate everything. At this moment, Zhang Kun braced himself, controlled his vitality with the last bit of consciousness, and activated the Earth Emperor Armor he was wearing!

Immediately, the pale yellow earth radiance on the Emperor's Armor shone brightly, bursting out streams of thick brilliance, radiating far and wide, illuminating the sky, and countless dao gods and auras descending from the armor, protecting Zhang Kun in it !
The phantom of the earth appeared in an instant, and incomprehensible mysterious guardian patterns appeared on Zhang Kun's body surface. The dark sword pierced through the air, its power soared, and it instantly slashed firmly on the emperor's armor !

The loud noise came again, and above the ground, wild energy erupted in an instant, and the phantom of the ground was instantly shattered, turning into slivers and falling slowly, and the massive vitality surged endlessly, and the whole ground turned into hell-like In this situation, it is simply a doomsday scene!

The expression on Heihua Achuqiao's face was startled, a tiny crack like a spider's web appeared on the Emperor's armor, but it didn't crack after all!

"What, you actually hold a holy artifact, how is this possible?"

The blackened Ah Chu's body swayed and his face changed slightly.

And Zhang Kun, under the protection of the Emperor's armor, is still struggling to endure the pain caused by the surge of mental power and forced breakthrough.

At this moment, he felt that his soul was about to explode, and too much mental power was flooding his sea of ​​consciousness. At this moment, he had to break through with his mental power, and the space in the sea of ​​consciousness would expand several times, enough to hold The power of the powerful crystal of heart energy, or the soul will be directly exploded by that powerful force, and it will dissipate directly to death!

There was a tinge of red at the corner of Zhang Kun's mouth, and he spit out mouthfuls of blood. His body asked him to stop, and the blood soaked his clothes.Life seemed to be leaving him.

At this moment, the scene of the end of the world is in his sea of ​​consciousness, thunder and lightning, wind and rain, surging spiritual power is impacting the outer wall of the sea of ​​consciousness time and time again, wanting to break through here!
What he needs to do now is to tame all the mental power erupting from these heart energy crystals, and put them under the control of Zhang Kun Yuanshen. As long as Zhang Kun succeeds, then undoubtedly, his mental power will be even stronger. Floor to floor, reaching the peak level of Mahayana, and even directly stepping onto the level of integration!

But once he fails, that wild and unparalleled wild mental power will explode his soul!
"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, Zhang Kun could no longer hear the loud noise, but he knew that the Emperor's Armor was still struggling to protect himself under the repeated blows of the Dark Sword.

Although it is a spiritual weapon, without Zhang Kun's control, it is inevitable that it will not be able to exert its strongest strength, but the demonized Ah Chu will never let go of this opportunity!


Zhang Kun roared in pain, his skin began to turn red, his eyes glowed with blood-red rays, like an angry beast, rolling back and forth on the ground, and in his sea of ​​consciousness, an insignificant The change of observation is happening quietly. The powerful spiritual power of the heart energy crystals is beginning to be tamed and transformed under the strong control of Zhang Kun's Yuanshen. The power of crystals!
I don't know how long it has passed, but Zhang Kun suddenly felt that the world suddenly quieted down, and all the sounds around him disappeared. His soul calmed down, and turned into a little golden man with the same appearance as Zhang Kun, sitting in the sea of ​​consciousness , calm!

At this moment, Zhang Kun knew very well that his mental strength had increased several times. It was only in a gaseous state before, but now it has a tidal texture. Zhang Kun can clearly feel that his insight into the surrounding things has improved by a whole level now. Great cut!

 Make up for yesterday's debt!
(End of this chapter)

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