Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 845 Mission Completion

Chapter 845 Mission Completion
The threat of the Dark Mountain Range has been fully understood. Not only the blood of the demon god has been completely swallowed and mastered by Zhang Kun, but even the entire Dark Mountain Range has been wiped out by him without leaving any traces, except for a huge deep pit to remind people Except for a great battle that has been experienced here, everything has calmed down.

Not only at the peak of Nascent Soul, Zhang Kun found that after absorbing the magic energy of the dark mountains, he had the ability to liberate the magic energy stored in the dark golden crystals in his eyes, which allowed him to have the ability to match the magic energy in a very short period of time. The strength of the fusion stage can destroy a mountain range with just a few gestures.

Of course, this ability is limited. The total amount of magic energy is large, but it is not completely inexhaustible. Once it is exhausted, it cannot be regenerated, so it can only find ways to find other magic energy to replenish.

At the same time, Zhang Kun also possessed the ability to resist almost all evil and murderous auras. As long as the aura lower than the level of the demon envoy invaded Zhang Kun's body, it would be absorbed by it, and it would have no effect on Zhang Kun at all.

Ah Chu and Jitian City Lord are still in great shock at this moment. Even though they are only one step away from the so-called Holy Spirit level power, this is the first time they have seen the horror of this level of power.

The dark mountain range that has brought eternal troubles to Jitian City, is it gone?

Achu gasped again and again, looking at Zhang Kun with a particularly weird expression, and the Jitian City Lord over there was even more incredible, which completely subverted his three views and cognition!
Zhang Kun looked at them indifferently, waiting for them to recover, and the three returned to Jitian City together.

Without the threat of the Dark Mountains, there is no need for the Jitian City Wall to continue to exist. The Jitian City Lord announced the news of the complete destruction of the Dark Mountains to the people. The violent explosion, I thought that some powerful monster had come to the world again.

They were still immersed in despair and grief before, thinking that the three of Zhang Kun had been buried in the dark mountains, but after a while, they returned to Jitian City and told the world that the dark mountains had been swept away!

"My God, I can't even imagine it!"

Countless people were so excited, weeping with joy, they rushed to the streets to start carnival.

Many old people are crying at this moment. I don't know how many generations of people's wishes are finally fulfilled at this moment. The Dark Mountains have disappeared, and the people of Jitian City no longer have to rely on the walls of Jitian City to survive.

After Jitian City Lord announced that Zhang Kun was the great savior of Jitian City, the people took the initiative to petition to give Zhang Kun the Jitian Pure Land to express their gratitude. After all, at this time, there is no need for the Jitian City Wall to continue to exist. Tiancheng only needs walls made of ordinary materials to keep them safe.

Moreover, many people in Jitian City have begun to prepare for a trip to see the outside world. After the Dark Mountains were leveled directly by Zhang Kun, the passage to the outside world has been opened, and they can completely walk out of the closed Jitian City.

A few days later, after Jitian City Lord and Ah Chu recovered their strength, and Zhang Kun also consolidated the realm of the Yuanying peak, it was time for Zhang Kun to obtain the Jitian Pure Land and leave this world.

The Lord of Jitian City waved his hand, and the rumbling sound resounded throughout the city. The people had already moved away from the city wall of Jitian City. The khaki-yellow brilliance shone, and the majestic city wall suddenly rose from the ground, flew into the sky, and then began to reunite towards the center. The city wall, which was originally as stiff as steel, became soft like water at this moment, extremely heavenly and pure land It kept shrinking in the air and finally turned into a glass-colored crystal cube the size of a square inch.

At this moment, Jitian Pure Land is like the most precious gemstone in the world, shining brightly, shining brightly, illuminating the entire Jitian City, emitting rainbow lights.

Zhang Kun can feel the majestic energy emanating from the Pure Land of Extreme Heaven, which is not weaker than the Chixia Flame Breath, and also has infinite possibilities.


Many people were amazed, they did not expect that the majestic and terrifying Jitian City Wall would have such a gorgeous shape at this moment, and many people in Jitian City began to regret giving such a beautiful thing to Zhang Kun.

The Jitian City Lord smiled slightly, and with a big wave of his hand, the Jitian Pure Land flew across the sky, and Zhang Kun reached out to catch the Jitian Pure Land.

"Extreme Heaven Pure Land has been obtained, the task is completed, and we will return to the mirror domain soon, the countdown begins."

The task assigned by Jingyu to Zhang Kun has been declared completed at this moment. Zhang Kun suddenly felt that there was a surge of space power around him, and the surge of energy was soaring at this time. An incomprehensible power, the ultimate power beyond the laws of time and space, even if it is separated by several star fields and countless dimensions, the power of the mirror field can shuttle through.

"Zhang Kun." Ah Chu looked at Zhang Kun in a panic, and stretched out his hand to grab his body, but was gently bounced away by the power of the mirror field.

Zhang Kun said with a faint smile, "I'm leaving."

"Ah? Will you come back?"

Ah Chu was slightly startled, clenched his fists and bit his red lips lightly, his eye circles were slightly red, and said delicately.

Zhang Kun nodded, then shook his head and said, "See you by fate!"

After finishing speaking, the power of the mirror field around him suddenly soared, his figure became blurred, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. An extremely powerful force of space transformation surged in. In the original world, only a flash of white light could be seen.

When Zhang Kun opened his eyes again, he had already returned to the Mirror Realm.

"Finally completed this task!"

Zhang Kun let out a long breath, and sighed as he looked at the gorgeous and bright Pure Land in his hands. This mission was really thrilling. There has been a breakthrough in the world, and even the realm of vitality has reached the peak of Yuanying. You must know that it has been less than half a year since Zhang Kun went down the mountain, and he has almost gone through the entire stage of Yuanying. The realm of Mahayana!

Of course, that's just the realm of his main body, and the strength of the avatar has not improved at all. After the life ceremony, the main body and the avatar are already considered independent individuals.

"But that's not the most important thing."

The corner of Zhang Kun's mouth curled up into a smile, looked at the sky covered with mysterious symbols in the mirror field, and said loudly: "Mirror field, open the planet of the crystal marrow vein for me!"

"The unlocking is complete, and the transfer is about to begin."

(End of this chapter)

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