Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 846

Chapter 846

At this moment, Dayan Realm, Garan Realm, and mountain temples.

In the middle of the night, the snow gradually stopped, and the bright moon gradually appeared in the clear sky. The moonlight entered the meditation room and cast a hazy silver glow on the ground.

Zhang Kun's avatar is sitting cross-legged in meditation and slowly running exercises, mobilizing vitality to recuperate the body. The life force of the life-defying body is extremely strong. Even if he is seriously injured, Zhang Kun's forced force to fight and kill the Qingwang Hailong Beast King makes the injury relapse. After all, it didn't let his body collapse directly.

However, Zhang Kun's injury was still very serious. In the absence of a powerful elixir, he could only recover slowly. It has to be said that the energy contained in this body is too huge, causing it to recover after being damaged. It also takes more time than normal to be in full bloom, but Zhang Kun is not in a hurry, and slowly runs the exercises to recover.

Fortunately, Zhang Kun's strength recovered slowly, and by now he had initially regained the strength of the Nascent Soul Realm.

At this moment, he seemed to hear rustling sounds around him. Even though the life-defying body did not have the terrifying spiritual power of Zhang Kun's body, it was still extremely sensitive, and he could still clearly grasp the movements of the Mahayana realm. .

"Kongjian host stays up all night, but something is wrong?"

Zhang Kun who was meditating suddenly opened his eyes, stared at the moonlight outside the window and said softly that he had already learned from the villagers that the name of the host was Master Kongjian.

The old monk's complexion changed slightly, and he walked out of the window generously, and said with a gentle smile: "I heard the snow outside the window stopped, so I came out to check, and nothing happened."

"I see." Zhang Kun nodded.

"Since benefactor Zhang is not asleep yet, how about drinking tea with the poor monk?" Kong Jian invited, smiling all over his face.

"Alright, it's been a long night, so I'll ask the host about Buddhism."

Seeing Zhang Kun agreeing, Kong Jian had a weird smile on his face, which disappeared in a flash.

In the backyard of the monastery, there is a dilapidated small pavilion. It is inaccessible to people on weekdays, and it is dilapidated. On this cold snowy night, it adds a bit of desolation. A battle, I am afraid no one will find out.

"Master Zhang, this tea is an unnamed wild tea that the monks in the temple usually pick on this mountain. Although it is not as good as those spiritual teas, it has a different taste." Kong Jian laughed, and poured out the small sand pot in his hand for Zhang Kun. Had a cup of tea.

Wisps of white smoke rose from the rough teacup, and the fragrance of the tea filled the air. Zhang Kun took a sip, and saw that the smile on his face was even brighter. He asked, "How is it? Does it still taste like Benefactor Zhang?"

"It's really good tea, but why did I smell like pickled vegetables?" Zhang Kun looked at Kongjian and smiled slightly.

Kong Jian's expression changed suddenly, the cup was knocked to the ground, and he stared at Zhang Kun, his originally kind face gradually became gloomy, how could there be any sense of mercy!
"Since you know that I poisoned my breakfast, why do you still eat it?" Kong Jian said coldly.

"Otherwise, how would I know your purpose?" Zhang Kun stood up, looked behind Kongjian, reflected the shadow outside the pavilion, the shadow under the moonlight was silent, nothing happened, it seemed to be just Zhang Kun's illusion.

Kong Jian's face was gloomy and uncertain, and he was struggling in his heart whether to get rid of the young man in front of him, but his confident appearance made him a little uneasy.

"Boy, you are very smart, and you actually discovered my hiding place. I'm afraid you have some treasure on you?" A hoarse and heavy voice suddenly came from the shadow.

The shadow rolled and surged like a thick fog, a black shadow appeared behind Kong Jian, and two scarlet eyes flickered.

The snow field shrouded in moonlight reflected a piece of luster, as bright as day, but this black shadow seemed to be hidden in the deepest part of the night, and only a layer of outline could be seen.

"Wild wolf?" Zhang Kun frowned. After searching with his divine sense, he finally saw his true face. His thick black hair fluttered in the wind, but it shone like a black luster of fine iron.

"How can those lowly demon wolves be compared with this deity, who is a noble spirit wolf clan."

Hei Lang said in a low voice, pride flashed in his blood-colored eyes, his bloodline is extremely noble among the wolf clan, he can be called the royal family among the wolf clan!

"Then it seems that you are responsible for attacking Xiaomu Village and absorbing the life force of the villagers?" Zhang Kun said lightly.

"That's right." Hei Lang shook his head, and said quite complacently, "How dare those low-level wolves disobey the orders of the deity. If the old monk didn't stop me, none of them would be able to survive."

"What!" Kong Jian's expression changed drastically, and he lost his voice: "Did you secretly absorb the vitality of those villagers while I was praying?"

"Hmph, Kong Jian, don't pretend to be merciful, you and I are on the same boat, how can you not see what I am doing with your strength, but you still allow me to stay here, and even issued a notice to let more Many villagers come here!" Hei Lang sneered, especially disdainful of Kong Jian's expression.

"You want to maintain your glorious image, so kill this guy together with the deity. If he dies, aren't you still the eminent monk Kong Jian?"

The sky was as sinking as water, with a bitter expression on his face, and fell into silence.

Zhang Kun didn't say a word, he looked at Kongjian lightly, as if waiting for him to make a choice.

"Amitabha, Master Zhang, you know too much."

Sora said quietly with his eyes closed.

Zhang Kun sneered and said: "It's a pity, since you have chosen to become an accomplice of the Yaozu, you should be prepared to die!"

"Stop talking nonsense, see nothing, kill that kid, he hides his strength, he is a Nascent Soul, but it doesn't matter!" Hei Lang sneered again and again, cold light appeared in his bloody eyes, and he was suddenly full of terrifying monster power. Then, the aura on his body became several times stronger, and he was clearly the peak strength of Nascent Soul!

Kong Jian nodded in a low voice and said, "I'm offended, Master Zhang!"

After saying that, streaks of golden light shone from his body, and when the Zen stick in his hand was turned horizontally, a phantom of Fudo Mingo appeared behind him!

Two energies attacked Zhang Kun in an instant, one black and one gold entangled, the scene was extremely strange, two originally incompatible forces joined hands, this scene was like a devil and a saint fighting together, as soon as the two made a move With a ruthless hand, the power of the Nascent Soul exploded, rolling up all the dead leaves scattered on the ground!

The air was cut open suddenly, and a piercing sonic boom sounded, and the silence was instantly broken. Under the moonlight, light and shadow staggered!

A section of green light lit up out of thin air, and the heavy sword light slashed down, as if it could cut off all previous karma, Dongyue swung down with a loud bang.

(End of this chapter)

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