Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 854 Hands on!

Chapter 854 Hands on!

Xiao Shitou was speechless and scratched his head, seemingly troubled.

Jialanjing Bodhi Courtyard, this is the sacred place of Dharma that people who practice Buddhism in the entire Dayan Realm yearn for. Even the little stones yearn to one day go to the Bodhi Courtyard to practice Buddhism. It is the most dense place of Buddhism, and the monks there are naturally profound in Buddha nature, compassionate and benevolent, and take it as their duty to teach and transform all things.

But now this person is saying that the eminent monks of the Bodhi Court have hired murderers to kill people?
"So even the eminent monks in your bodhi courtyard can do such nasty things, what big truth do you want to tell me, a little monk? Why don't you just return to vulgarity." The masked man laughed.

"Then if I return to vulgarity, will the benefactor be willing to let these people go?" Xiao Shitou clasped his hands together and asked sincerely.

The masked man's face darkened instantly, looking at the young monk with sincere eyes, he suddenly felt that it was a mistake to talk to this stubborn young monk, and said impatiently: "Although I haven't killed a monk yet, But if you talk nonsense again, I will stay with you!"

"Little master, we appreciate your kindness, we should leave quickly, so as not to accidentally hurt you." The girl couldn't help but said, she saw that the little stone didn't have much cultivation, and couldn't bear to drag the innocent any longer.

"Benefactor." Xiao Shitou was still standing there, and was about to speak, but was pushed away by the masked man, staggered and sat on the ground.

"Little monk, if you really want to die, then I will take you under the knife."

The masked man threatened, his temper as a monk has also come up, and he is extremely disgusted with this stalking young monk, even if he is very afraid of the young man leading the horse, he can't care about it now.

And he has already seen some clues. Although he can't see through the young man's original cultivation base, he can tell that the young man has suffered internal injuries. I am also confident that I can keep him.

As soon as he thought of this, he already planned to keep these two people together, so as not to leak the news and leave hidden dangers.

"Little Shitou, sometimes the truth doesn't make sense to some people, so there's no need to talk about it at that time." Zhang Kun tied the reins to a big tree and walked over slowly.

"I don't know your Excellency, but who is it?" the masked man sarcastically asked.

"We're still busy on our way, so let's stop talking nonsense." Zhang Kun looked at the getting dark sky, frowned and said, "Kill me, you can just kill people, and no one will know what you did."

The masked man was at a loss for words for a while, and suddenly felt that he had made the same mistake again. Neither of these two was a normal person, and this young man was even more weird, thinking about him with a serious face.

"Then let me see if your strength is as powerful as your mouth."

The masked man obviously had a lot of resentment, and with his vitality surging, he showed the strength of the Nascent Soul as soon as he made a move.

A scarlet flame spear protruded from the void, drops of dark red magma dripped from the tip of the spear, and fell on the snow, causing a large fog in the woodland during an instant transpiration period, and the surrounding ground was corroded into a red fluid, and the land spewed out The flames were burning, while the trees on the side were still burning with frost on their branches.

"It seems that the boss is serious." The bald man looked at this hell-like scene, shrank his neck, and said with a look of fear.

This magma is obtained by the masked man refining a strange kind of fire. The temperature of the magma is extremely terrifying. Those magical weapons can't survive in the magma for a moment before they are melted into molten iron. He has seen the masked man use it before. This magma instantly turned several miles around into a desperation where not a single blade of grass could grow.

And the temperature of the battle spear condensed from this magma even made the air begin to distort.

The spear broke through the air in an instant, leaving only a crimson streamer in everyone's eyes, like the fire of scourge cast by the ancient Vulcan, and Zhang Kun is the one who bears that divine power!

Zhang Kun was also slightly surprised. He didn't expect that a wild cultivator he met everywhere had the strength of the peak of the Nascent Soul. His black mask should be some kind of treasure, which can isolate the detection of the divine sense. Take a dark loss.

The sharp edge of the spear was approaching the tip of Zhang Kun's nose. The fiery breath on the spear body made the surrounding audience feel the temperature of the scene faintly rising. The speed of the masked man was too fast. In the eyes of several Jindan monks, his figure Can't see it at all!
Under the infusion of the masked man's vitality, his spear seemed to be burning and landed in front of Zhang Kun, but Zhang Kun only waved his hand, and his side was covered with a thick layer of energy!

The qi gang formed a solid shield, released with Zhang Kun's majestic vitality, and a vacuum zone suddenly appeared around his body, and all the things that Zhang Kun did not allow were directly repelled!
With Zhang Kun's vitality ten times that of ordinary people, his body shield can block more attacks. The golden cover of the fire spear seems to be melted, but the shield made of Zhang Kun's vitality seems to be sticky. It was as thick as a paste, and even if the masked man slashed, it would be covered by the golden liquid, and it couldn't go deeper than an inch.

Most of the aura on the flame spear was also blocked. Not paying attention to the fierce aura before, the masked man was secretly surprised and attacked a few more times, making bursts of angry explosions. Zhang Kun was not affected at all.

The masked man's speed is indeed higher than Zhang Kun's. The masked man's spearmanship is exquisite. It is impossible for Zhang Kun to dodge every blow. However, defense will always consume less energy than attacking. After several fights, the masked man had to stop. , stepped back dozens of steps, and looked at Zhang Kun without saying a word.

On the other hand, Zhang Kun stood at the other end smiling, with a relaxed expression, as if he didn't take this battle seriously.

It's just a monk at the peak of Nascent Soul, and he has lost countless lives under his command. He can try to kill even the body state in his prime, not to mention the Nascent Soul monk who is in the same realm as himself.

Zhang Kun is completely invincible in the Nascent Soul Realm!

"Did this man use some powerful magic weapon? Big brother's attack has not been fully effective every time." The Jindan cultivator at the Bodhi Courtyard felt that something was wrong, and Zhang Kun was not shaken at all by the number of fights between the two. .

According to common sense, there is a big difference in the breath between the two. The strength of the masked man should be several times that of Zhang Kun. However, his active attack has not yet broken Zhang Kun's defense.

Zhang Kun chuckled. He hadn't even finished his warm-up yet. At this moment, he suddenly released the protection of the body shield, opened the door for the masked man to attack, and slowed down in front of the two forces. Slowly stretched a lazy waist!
(End of this chapter)

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